Roy -- Antlerfest!!


Long Time Member
How kool was that!
Had a great time! Even though I had worked from 4am till noon on OT.

Great to visit with Larry-Rusty-Lisa,Clint and others.

Man you got alot of patience with those teenage daughters/friends of hers!!! Clint!!

Anyone know how to get a hold of that fella with the Antler Couch?? That was way nice.

I was beat and needed to unwind.... long night no sleep!

Thanks for all the time and effort to pull this off Larry and ALL.

I have to agree with you!!! I really had a good time. I wish I would have known u were there. We could have hooked up and talked Three Cornners!! Great job everyone!!
Yeh, unless ya already knew someone it was difficult to pick anyone out from M&M site.

With all the kids, good family atmoshpere for sure, I should have brought a couple llamas and had a little packing with llamas seminar and had kids get pictures ect.

No doubt it will be in a bigger area next year. This Antlerfest has really taken off in our area.

I'm really antsy for getting Rusty's new book; Utah Biggest Bucks and Bulls and all the species are in this one he told me. That will be a great to have.
It was great to meet and talk to you Ruttnbuck. I'm pretty sure I talked to a few other MM members as well and probably didn't even know it! I hope everyone had a good time. Like Larry said in the general forum, we are experiencing some pretty serious growing pains but we'll just keep after it and try to get better with each event. We actually planned to have nametags with our MM handles on them but that was one of the things that didn't quite end up happening! :) I just wrote it down on my list of things to do before this Saturday. I just had an idea. Anyone from MM that is interested can go over and visit Clint (bucksNducks) at the AntlerFest Boothe and he will hook you up with a sticker and a marker so you can wear your MM names. That way we will all be able to recognize each other a little easier. Sound good? :)

I sure hope everyone comes out for another round down here in Sp Fk this weekend (6/18). Don't forget to pick up a free raffle ticket while your at the AntlerFest Booth so we can give you guys some of the prizes. We have some cool stuff to give away. Gift certificates, hats, shirts, gloves, knifes, DVD's and all kinds of cool stuff. Don't forget to bring the kids. There's lots of fun stuff for them to do too.

It's going to be great! From what I've been told we may even have some big MM celebrities there! :) DeerKing, Moosie and a few others if it all works out. I know it's a long ways for some of them to travel but hopefully they can swing it.

I Hope you can all make it.

Take care,

I'd love to come down but I'll be over in Colo. having a look-see around on my 3rd season buck tag.
Have fun and be safe down there.
Thanks for stopping by. It was good to see you. The Llama rides would of been great for the kids. Lets do it next year. You have a safe trip this weekend. Are you giving the Llamas a workout?

LAST EDITED ON Jun-14-05 AT 11:56AM (MST)[p]I would say it was great I really like the fact that alot of those antlers where less the 2 years old so there is some monsters out there

I also liked the couch other then that one elk antler looked like it would hit you in the head

Yelum I had to leave my wife kinda got mad at one of the people there as so did I you should call me so we can talk see you soon

Willard Utah
The Antler couch people were Antler Attractions out of Salt Lake. Their web site is not up yet but will be the same name at .com

Hopefully we got the problem resolved. Hope everybody comes out to the Spanish Fork Fest on Sat.


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