TapOut Owner Dies

R.I.P. Mask. He did a lot for the sport.

A little more on it.

NEWPORT BEACH -- A Costa Mesa man has been arrested in connection with a violent Ferrari crash that killed one person and left another injured in Newport Beach.

A Porsche and a red Ferrari were traveling at a high rate of speed along southbound Jamboree Road near Camelback Street just before 1 a.m. Wednesday when the two luxury cars collided, police said.

The Ferrari lost control, hit a curb and crashed into a light pole, which toppled onto the car, crushing the front portion, said Newport Beach Police Lt. Steven Shulman.

The impact of the crash split the vehicle in two and sent debris flying onto the roadside.

Shulman said a Newport Beach Police Department officer was traveling in the opposite direction and witnessed the collision which caused the two vehicles to spin out of control.

The Porsche came to a stop at the scene for a few seconds and then sped away, Newport Beach Lt. Craig Fox said.

Jeffrey Kirby, 51, was taken into custody after officers spotted his Porsche on Bison Avenue just west of Jamboree Road moments later. He and a female passenger were reportedly walking away from the car at the time.

Kirby was being held on $1 million bail while facing gross vehicular manslaughter charges.

Newport Beach resident Lynn Marie Nabozny, 32, was arrested for public intoxication, Fox said. She was released and will not be formally charged, he added.

A man in the Ferrari was declared dead at the scene. His identity is not yet known.

A woman was ejected and was hospitalized in stable condition.

It was initially reported that the deceased man was driving the Ferrari, however, police at the scene said they had not yet made that determination.

Hours after the crash, the front portion of the luxury Italian sports car could be seen resting against a hillside several feet away with its lights still functioning.

The car appeared to be a Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano, an all-aluminum V12 with a top speed of 205 miles per hour and a price tag of about $300,000.

It's not yet known how fast both drivers were traveling, however, police said it was well above the 50 mph posted speed limit.

Police would not say whether the two vehicles were racing each other at the time of the crash.

All southbound lanes of Jamboree Road were expected to be shut down in the area until at least noon, according to authorities.


If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
it is tragic, but you know damn well they were racing. a PORSCHE and a FERRARI!! come on. you do something like that, you better be prepared to die....or go to prison for a long long time!
I questioned my bro-in-law whos a detective for the Sheriffs Dept. about the other guy racing and why they arrested him. My bro said that he will be charged for gross vehicular manslaughter becuase he was racing the Ferrari at the time of the crash. I think that is BS personally. They were BOTH racing.

I dont understand why the other car drove away? For that, I think he should pay. If he would of stopped and tried to help I could see him getting off with just a ticket and a slap on the wrist.
Ya, I could see his offense being leaving the scene of an accident. But, I'm sure this guy is looking at some serious time. It really is unfortunate.

Sounds like the self cleaning oven is thining stupid out of the herd to me. If anyone can't understand why you don't walk away from something like this with a slap on the wrist, then apparently you are oblivious to the gross disregard for public at large pricks like that have. They make race tracks for a reason, keep it there not on a public roadway. Could of been anyone or their spouse, or their kid minding their own going to or from the supermarket who got creamed and died with this maniac. Most folks don't really expect that a some joker in a sports car is approaching an intersection at mach 5. All to often it is the innocent joe who ends up in the morgue. No I'm not heartless, people who drive like this are heartless, and I've been on the crappy side of the knock at that door too many times. End rant.

Isn't this where we are supposed to sue the auto manufacturers for building a $300,000 car that will do 205 mph, but can't survive a light pole at half that speed?
1911, and don't forget about the female passenger who was in the car. She got thrown out and is in bad shape.

When I was young and dumb (now I'm old and dumb) I used to do stupid things with my '65 GTO, but I always dropped my girlfriend off before I went out looking for a race.

Yes - they were BOTH racing so BOTH of them share in the responsibility - plain and simple. BOTH of them had a disregard for life - BOTH of them were exceeding the speed limit but sadly only ONE of them is dead and his passenger badly injured. The statutes for road racing have been set for a while and are very specific. BOTH parties are responsible. There shouldn't even be a trial IMO.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>Isn't this where we are supposed
>to sue the auto manufacturers
>for building a $300,000 car
>that will do 205 mph,
>but can't survive a light
>pole at half that speed?

You know that is bound to happen Nickman! Right on the money!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
What amazes me is someone with no common sense driving a $300,000 car. How can this happen? Luckily no other innocent bystanders were harmed. If I lose my common sense will I become wealthy?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-12-09 AT 08:48AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-12-09 AT 08:47?AM (MST)

"Dude you just fu##ed up your Ferrari"

Quote from "The Rock" Movie
its a wel known fact that 80% of Ferrari owners crash 'em and some fatally.....RIP dude......
It's unfortunate; and wish it didn't happen.

But being a car guy, I learned a long time ago not to race on the streets....especially in a 599 GTB (GTBs are rare; but Modenas are a dime a dozen).

This "Mask" guy was livin like the target sector of his brand....... young, dumb, ego-flashing, immature, adrenaline junkie idiots......and i'm only 26 years old.

Again, it's unfortunate; but at least it wasn't an Enzo.
Well known fact Manny? LOL Where did you hear that one?

Bummer for the guy's family & loved ones for sure.


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