Elk Shed Antler Contest - Nice Prizes!


Founder Since 1999
[font size=+1 color=darkred]Let's See Those Shed Antlers![/font]

Anyone else been out looking for antlers? Finding anything good? Let's see those photos!!! "As They Lay" pics are always the funnest to see, but we'd all love to see any photos of big antlers you're finding this year.

I've got a few prizes for those sharing some of the coolest shots! Let's see your best 2019 elk antler photos here in this thread (or email them to me and I'll post them for you ... [email protected]). Around the first of June, I'll pick the best 5 photos and those folks will all receive a 2oz. can of Pyro Putty Waterproof Fire Starter, then I'll randomly draw two winners from those 5 and those folks will each receive a $50.00 Bad Ass Outdoor Gear Gift Card.

I also have threads going in the Mule Deer Forum and Shed Antler Forum where you can share more pics for more chances to win something. It's good fun guys, share your finds.

And please, when you all are looking to upgrade gear, shop Bad Ass Outdoor Gear and give them a chance to earn your business. They offer competitive pricing and great customer service.

Also, checkout this Pyro Putty Waterproof Fire Starter. It's something that most of us probably always need to have in our packs. Some neat stuff, available in 2oz. and .5oz cans.



Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
Here is a set I picked up the other day.



Here's a great set of antlers that Justin Romero was able to find this year.


Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
What a sweet set for Dan Nielsen. Always fun to grab both sides of a trophy.



Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
I found my first elk shed of the Nevada Season (opened May 1), and it's a DANDY! ;-)
Here are some from my NV opening weekend:

First of the year!

Cool Kicker on this guy!

The take home between me and 3 buddies:

Not a shed, but a deadhead I found in southern Utah.


Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
Daniel Juan writes, "A nice 175" 8-pt elk shed my GF, Ashley, picked up on a recent trip."

Landon Robison writes, "Here are some sheds that my son Fisher and I found. We went to our spot, found quite a few elk, 15 all packing still. So we watched them from a mile away. When one acted funny, we watched closely and watched him shed both sides. We couldn't run fast enough to get to these sheds. By far the coolest experience we have ever had."




This big bull popped this one off while shredding this cedar. It weighed in at just a tad over 12 lbs and my best horn of the year. Great job to everyone that has found some of that brown gold!



Great day out in the hills with a nice reward.

Life ain't about waiting for the Strom to pass.Its about learning to hunt in the rain!
Opening day in Wyoming I spotted the left side to the fresh set about a mile away on a steep sidehill covered with cedars. Spent a couple hours trying to find it with no luck so I went back that weekend with my dad to get it. Searched for hours for the pair with no luck, so we moved on. End of day heading back to the horses I nearly stepped on the pair in tall grass. The set ended up being only about 100 yards behind where I was originally sitting when I spotted the first side, and around a mile away from the first side.

Jeff Gilbert writes, "Here is a pretty cool elk deadhead I came across while out hiking with my boys. They thought it was pretty neat!"

[font size=+1]Winners have been picked![/font]

I've picked the 5 winners for the 2oz. cans of Pyro Putty. They are:

Darrin Sims
Victor Martinez

And the two names randomly drawn to each get a $50.00 Bad Ass Outdoor Gear gift card are:


I'll send emails or PMs to winners. Thanks to those of you who participated and shared photos.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!

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