Public Land Mulies by David Long


Founder Since 1999
LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-06 AT 12:07PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-06 AT 12:06?PM (MST)

Ok, here's my review of David Long's book, Public Land Mulies.

Overall, I think the book is quite educational for novice mule deer hunters. Dave emphasized the fact that glassing is THE most important aspect, which is definitely true. The book talked a lot about hunting gear that he uses, how to get in shape, and other things that are great for folks just getting into hunting big mule deer.

For the most part, the book focuses on hunting in Wyoming and I believe he nailed Wyoming high country hunting with the book. I personally would have liked to see more information about hunting in other western states.

The statistics provided in the book are also nice, but again, is most useful for those who are not already mule deer hunting freaks.

I would recommend the book to anyone who is just getting started hunting Monster Muleys, especially if they are looking to hunt the high country in Wyoming.

What did you guys think? Did you learn something after reading the book? How does it help you in the areas you hunt?

PS -- I haven't watched the DVD yet. How's that?

Brian Latturner
The first time through I was a little disappointed, I was hoping for more pics of the bucks Dave has gotten as well as more hunting technique type stuff. When I read it a second time though I really tried to apply what he was saying to my areas I hunt and think that it will make a big difference in my hunts this fall. There were lots of really good nuggets in there. He really knows the high country and how to hunt it, overall not quite what I expected it to be, but if it helps my tag the buck I want this fall it will be worth every penny, many times over.
It's good to see someone have the same thoughts about it. The first half, I was a little dissapointed. After reading the whole thing I guess it wasn't exactly what I expected. It had its good points and I did learn a few things. I felt like a lot of tips were just common sense. Overall its probably still worth the money. Heck you get a decent DVD, 6 month subscription to Eastmans Hunting Journal with the book.
It's a nice addition to the hunting library but, it's NO "How to find Giant Bucks" by Darner.
It is informative for those that may have not spent much time in the high country. Well written by a sportsman that is dedicated beyound most!
Wish their were more pictures of quality bucks.
Just got the book and as soon as I try to read it, I fall asleep! Hope it gets better!
I just completed the book by David Long "Public Land Mulies." I'll start off saying that anytime I can read a book on hunting mule deer I consider it a good thing.... I did enjoy the book although it will be much more enlightening to those just starting out.

I did like the fact that David emphasized that in order to be successful you have to have a true passion for and a committment to hunting harder and smarter than other hunters. There are no short cuts. I did pick up a few tips and David reviewed many commonly known techniques for hunting, locating, spotting and shooting mule deer. I guess I was hoping for a little more in the way of techniques and "how to" types of strategies but all in all I thought it was worth the price of the book and I enjoyed the DVD that came with it.
I too read the book! Great read! David Long has great insight and does not come across as a know it all.

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