Unit 76 Sept 22



Started raining/snow this am at daybreak. Had
to walk over the pass in light snow. First snow
since Aug 31. These pics are from last afternoon.
Went over to basin 5 at 3pm and they were going
crazy with bugles. Most I have heard in many
years. Maybe 5000 in 4 hours until 7pm when
headed back to camp. Maybe 60 bulls were bugling
in the basin. Left my camera equipment under a
bush from the am photos and couldnt get to it
because of elk feeding right there. Finally
they moved and shot this fight. They are
fighting alot now. I knew these bulls would
fight from the first pic when they do that
sideways look. Will post more tomorrow.












Wow?.Incredible action pictures, makes a man wish he was there. Keep living the dream and sharing with the rest of us. Thanks for making the blood pump and days go by faster..
Wow, amazing pictures. I dont' know how you are able to get into the elk so thick every day, but I appreciate you photographs. This set of pictures blew me away, what you have captured could not be imagined if you were to tell the stoy. Great photos.
Holy S*&t. That is amazing! I can't believe that tank is air borne. I wish I could have seen that in person. Thanks again for all of the great pictures!
Great fight scene, That alot of power right there.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Had to take a second look there! That was awesome!! Wish I could have witnessed it myself. How exciting for you!!
If these are your last pictures, you went out with a bang, some of the best action shots. Awesome pics and thanks for keeping everyone on here entertained and dreaming of hunting 76. Hopefully I'll see you on the mountain in a few years when I draw.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-23-10 AT 12:28PM (MST)[p]Awesome pics! Its a shame they are the last we will ever see!! To bad some people ruined one of the best elk threads ever on MM!! I hope you had all the details before posting a story about someone.
I will certainly miss these posts. This was one of the finest journaling of elk country that I have found on the web.
All I can say is, incredible footage and just about unbelievable until you actually see these fights firsthand. Last weekend was amazing up in NW CO, but I was cringing when tines would get broken. Big bulls showing up the next day with half a tine missing.

Thanks Rocketman.

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Rocky Mountain Ranches

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Frazier Outfitting

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CJ Outfitters

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Allout Guiding & Outfitting

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