Thoughts on moving to Lander Area?


Long Time Member
Over 15 years ago my wife and I took our honeymoon through WY. A great camping trip/adventure.

We have always considered moving to WY and with the crap happening in CO now, the urge to move is pretty strong. My wife just completed here Nurse Practitioners licensing and degree.

Long story, she has been asked to interview for a position in Lander. I am a teacher and can teach science, automotive technology and math. I also have a CDL and experience srpaying weeds etc.

So what is like? Good community? Living near the res an issue? Hunting is awesome everywhere in WY. So no issue there...
She could most likely get a job anywhere in Wyoming where there is a clinic or hospital. That said, Lander is not my cup of tea. Beautiful area though.
Wouldn?t do lander either... Cody/Powell would be a good place if she could get in with west park hospital. Really good schools also.

Lander is not bad place. Central Wyoming College currently has a teaching job open for an Automotive Instructor. You might check that out.
>She could most likely get a
>job anywhere in Wyoming where
>there is a clinic or
>hospital. That said, Lander is
>not my cup of tea.
>Beautiful area though.

So 2 of you said not where you would want to be... Can you explain why? If I could I would love to live in Baggs. Sadly not much job opportunity there, I have spent a ton of time in Lander. I like Casper, but it is too big for what I want. But we could make it happen.

My wife is scheduled to interview next week.

I have not been there in years... All I know is at least it is not Jackson Hole!!!

So what about Lander do you not like?
Wyoming welcomes you with open arms. I live in Star Valley and my wife is a RN. We love it here. I also like Lander, however I have never lived there. Lander you are very close to the Winds. Great hunting and fishing opportunities. Jackson Hole has a good hospital but it is too expensive to live there.
Lander get's my vote. Cody and Powell are close second. Honestly just about anywhere in WY would be great. It's going to depend where you can make $. If it was me I'd be in Meeteetse on the Wood River lol. Welcome :)
Only visited Lander a couple times, but I thought it was pretty nice. About the right size....Some mountains to block the wind. Pretty area. I didn't really see any negatives, but like I said, just visiting.
Been there a few times and it has a lot going for it with respect to the size of the town vs. outdoor opportunities where you can find a job. I don't know much about the schools, might be worth checking that out.

It would be high on my list of towns in Wy. Good lope and elk hunting nearby.

Good luck Elks96!
I've traveled through many times and always thought it would be a great place to live. You can't really see the whole town on the main highway, but if you take the Main Street it really is a cool looking town. The mountains right there are pretty awesome looking.
I'm guessing you've been to Baggs????


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
>I'm guessing you've been to Baggs????

>GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans
>-- when they're dead...

Yeah. I love the Baggs area. Lived in Craig for a long time, and love the town and the country.

We are going next Friday for the interview?
Well, the one thing Lander does have is the lowest average wind velocity in Wyoming, so it is the least windy town in the most windy state!

Been there several times and for the most part seems like a decent place.

I've spent alot of times in Baggs....I love it.....My family??....not so much...


GOODWIN: Dems really do love Republicans -- when they're dead...
I've been to Wyoming a few times but never to lander so I'm no help. I just had to say I wish I were moving with you. Colorado and Oregon have a lot in common now days and none of it's good.
Best wish's on your move.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-02-19 AT 06:39PM (MST)[p]>>She could most likely get a
>>job anywhere in Wyoming where
>>there is a clinic or
>>hospital. That said, Lander is
>>not my cup of tea.
>>Beautiful area though.
>So 2 of you said not
>where you would want to
>be... Can you explain why?
>If I could I would
>love to live in Baggs.
>Sadly not much job opportunity
>there, I have spent a
>ton of time in Lander.
>I like Casper, but it
>is too big for what
>I want. But we could
>make it happen.
>My wife is scheduled to interview
>next week.
>I have not been there in
>years... All I know is
>at least it is not
>Jackson Hole!!!
>So what about Lander do you
>not like?

Lander isn't a bad place as far as accessing the winds and hunting and fishing opportunities, but basically anything on the western half of the state has that. I've always liked the Dubois area which is close by. There?s some interesting stuff that happens out on the res though. Lander would be my choice over riverton though if I were to live in Fremont County.

So perretts in riverton has good food to eat.

Also in hudson its a town between riverton and lander. They have a 5 star steakhouse called svilars. Smallest tbone steak is 2 pounds. Once a year we drive down to eat at svilars. Even our presidents go there...

Other than that i always drive around lander. Usaully have no need to go in. But its a nice town for the few times i have been
There are areas with less wind, but Lander isn't bad. The Wind Rivers are awesome. I lived there one year in high school. I think the town is much better now. It has grown quite a bit.

As stated, Cody and Powell have hospitals. Sheridan and Buffalo are great towns, and Star Valley is a great place to live too. All of these would provide opportunities for an RN. There are a lot of other places too, though many don't have hospitals.
>Anything is better than living in
>a state full of liberals
>!! Better grab a spot
>in Lander before they ruin
>Wyoming too .

Watch out for the fuggin speed trap into that shi* hole!! Got nabbed the other night lookin for a hotel.

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
>Watch out for the fuggin speed
>trap into that shi* hole!!
> Got nabbed the
>other night lookin for a
>Sit tall in the saddle, hold
>your head up high, keep
>your eyes fixed to where
>the trail meets the sky...
It was amazing to me that the speeds changed so fast. Like 65 to 35 without warning... I got lucky and caught myself before the pop caught me...
WELL did she get the job or not.
Winter move will suck. A nice spring day not as much.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]

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