Buy Your Ammo


Long Time Member
We are rapidly approaching the July 1st deadline to purchase ammunition before Gavin Newsoms's new restrictions are enacted requiring background checks for all ammo purchases, along with other highly restrictive measures.

In two and a half weeks, getting ammunition in California is going to get a little more complicated due to a 2016 law.

"A change in the law requires any individual buying ammunition to go through an instant background check," said Chris Puehse, who owns Foothill Ammo in Shingle Springs.

Proposition 63 was passed back in 2016 by 63% of California voters authorizing the state to do instant background checks on customers buying bullets.

The background check will cost $1 every time a purchase is made. Exactly how the process will work remains a mystery -- even to gun store owners.

"I've received one email from them so far, and that email was simply how to set up an account with the DOJ so they can collect their dollar on every transaction of business I do. Other than that, I don't know how this is going to roll out," Puehse said.

"Nobody can come up with any solid answers of what we got to do," said Don Reed, with DGS Ammo & Airguns in Sacramento.

Reed said the system would check to see if each buyer is a felon and if they are a registered gun owner of the model gun they are buying ammo for. If they are not, they can't buy the ammo.

"If you have a gun and your wife has a gun and she's registered with that gun, you can't buy her ammo for her," Reed said.

According to the owners, sales have gone up due to the changes and confusion. Puehse said he's sold in 10 days what normally takes him an entire month.

"Everyone that sells ammunition in the state has done really well selling ammunition. People are running in and really stockpiling," said Puehse. "I think that law is stimulating that buying frenzy, as we call it."

Both store owners agree that, although business is up prior to the new law taking effect, a slump in sales is expected immediately following July 1.
Before you know it they will be finger printing you to purchase arrows. What have things come to. ???
Gavin Newsom and the entire political leadership of California makes me want to vomit, however they didn't elect themselves to office.

California's liberal culture is the real problem.

I'd leave today if I could.
I've lived here in California basically my whole life.
I'm leaving as soon as I retire and can not wait.
"Reed said the system would check to see if each buyer is a felon and if they are a registered gun owner of the model gun they are buying ammo for. If they are not, they can't buy the ammo."

Interesting. I'll test that.
>"Reed said the system would check
>to see if each buyer
>is a felon and if
>they are a registered gun
>owner of the model gun
>they are buying ammo for.
>If they are not, they
>can't buy the ammo."
>Interesting. I'll test that.

This is the most complicated part of the law at first there were several reports saying that if you didn't have the caliber firearm registered that you were trying to buy ammo for you could pay the $15 or $20 fee for the DOJ background check which can take up to 7 days and when you passed that you could purchase ammo for that caliber now everyone is saying you will have to register that firearm under your name to purchase that ammo which is complete bull****! This is the biggest crock of sh** that's ever passed I hate where this state is headed
>Colorado is full oilcan.?
DW I would love the Colorado I started hunting in the 80?s but not so sure about now.
I just spent 4 days looking around Idaho it's in my top 3 as of now.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-20-19 AT 10:23PM (MST)[p]>>Colorado is full oilcan.?
>DW I would love the Colorado
>I started hunting in the
>80?s but not so sure
>about now.
>I just spent 4 days looking
>around Idaho it's in my
>top 3 as of now.

Agree oilcan, that'd be my choice too. We've been infiltrated by your cast offs and we ain't far behind ya!

>Get out while you can, and
>take your Kali pensions with

And leave the f'd up ideology behind you!

>>Get out while you can, and
>>take your Kali pensions with
>And leave the f'd up ideology
>behind you!

Most, if not all serious hunters that I know in California are staunch conservative Republicans.
Our hatred for the left tops anything most nonresidents have due to the constant attacks from liberals.
Most of my friends have left California and made their new states even redder.
I've conceded that I'm doomed to die in this shithole due to a family that refuses to leave.
HH the State will implode before to long , I could only imagine when the big earthquake hits , the Democrats and liberals will be useless.
Thanks Manny..

>It is my understanding that one
>will now need to have
>a "Real ID" as well
>in order to buy ammo.
So my current Drivers License
is invalid to buy ammo ? Or is my passport good enough?
I hate this crap as much as anyone.

But you might as well get the real ID now. Can?t buy a gun without it, that's the reason I got mine.

Won?t be able to get on an airplane without it in another year, even a domestic flight.

Birth certificate, SSN# and a bill with you address on it. Then the DMV waiting crap.
That's the first I've heard of the Real ID thing. I did a search. Wow. I'm sure all the illegals will get one so I guess I better too.
So I got to thinking how will this affect our ability to buy ammo out of state ?
Say we want to buy some ammo while on a hunt will they let us . I haven't seen anything mentioned about this.
Now you know why I reload for 12 different calibers. So far they have not interfered with buying reloading components on line. when they do, I have enough lead to cast bullets for my lifetime and I will not mentioned how much powder and primers I have stockpiled. I even have my own pistol range at the back of my Northern CA. foothill property where I do most of my shooting.
I expect to see higher sales of ammo in sporting goods stores across the state line with Nevada. Will help their economy.

i just bought the last box of federal 165 30.06 from bass pro shop in manteca. they acted like they would have trouble ordering more.
> F%CK
>IT ! I will go
>out of state and buy

Oh they got a way to make that difficult too. Remember that lead ammo ban that everyone was so behind for ?saving condors? you think other states will
Have a large selection on non lead ammo? Because I'd be surprised if they do I could see stores close to the California/Nevada border having some but probably not much.. I hope people start seeing BS laws like the lead ammo ban weren't about anything other than a round about way of gun control and making things more difficult to obtain ammo
I'm a hour from Reno.

I reload for all of my big game hunting so that isn't an issue except a non-lead bullet for Kali hunting.

All of my guns have a Barnes load worked up for them, previously for elk.

Steel for chukar is stupid!!!

A few lead pellets in some lava flows ain?t gunna hurt anything.

My pistol ammo will still contain lead. If I use a pistol, violating a lead ban will be the least of my worries.

I will continue to buy ammo I don't reload in Nevada.
I believe the lead ban is for hunting rounds only, not target shooting of any caliber. 4-5 lead free boxes of any hunting round you use should last many years, unless its varmint gun rounds.
>>>Get out while you can, and
>>>take your Kali pensions with
>>And leave the f'd up ideology
>>behind you!
>Most, if not all serious hunters
>that I know in California
>are staunch conservative Republicans.
>Our hatred for the left tops
>anything most nonresidents have due
>to the constant attacks from
>Most of my friends have left
>California and made their new
>states even redder.
>I've conceded that I'm doomed to
>die in this shithole due
>to a family that refuses
>to leave.

I too am this situation..I understand the concerns of the residents of states like Idaho and Wyoming as well as other conservative states..I wouldn't want anything to do with a Commiefornian trying to move to their state. There are some of us here in the Golden (sh*t brown) State that have had it and just cant move due to family/work/situation. It is so unfortunate because this state has everything needed for a great place. Take the Dumocrats out and it could be really nice!
The regs say you can't buy ammo out of state. How can that be regulated? Are they going to search every car, or stereotype and search trucks and such. It's a crap law that can't be enforced.

>The regs say you can't buy
>ammo out of state. How
>can that be regulated? Are
>they going to search every
>car, or stereotype and search
>trucks and such. It's a
>crap law that can't be

If they start asking to see your ID and see your from California it can.
>>The regs say you can't buy
>>ammo out of state. How
>>can that be regulated? Are
>>they going to search every
>>car, or stereotype and search
>>trucks and such. It's a
>>crap law that can't be
>If they start asking to see
>your ID and see your
>from California it can.

So.....california can make other states id all their customers??

FYI. Don?t mention you are from CA if buying in another state. I was in Idaho turkey hunting in April and was at a Cabelas. Was looking at their non-lead options, and complaining about CA. Person helping said not to mention I was looking to buy there and travel to CA, since doing so was illegal, and ammo cannot be sold if it will knowingly be used for something illegal.

And no....was not asked at agriculture checkpoint if I had ammo.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-03-19 AT 10:09AM (MST)[p]I moved out of that sh!t hole back in 93. Best move I ever made. Why anyone would stay is beyond my understanding. The The problem is the Californians that move out bring their liberal ideas with em. They're pushing their agenda everywhere. Here in Utah my 12 year old grandson couldn't buy BB's or pellets the other day at Walmart "because of all the school shootings". WTF. What school shooter has ever used a BB or pellet gun. When we got home I gave him a 45.

The problems encountered since the new ammunition background check system was put into effect on July 1 have far surpassed what we predicted, and we predicted a train wreck. The approval process takes over a half hour per customer, instead of the promised two minutes. DOJ is imposing unnecessary and costly requirements on vendors. Countless customers are being turned down by DOJ for lack of ID even if they have a California driver?s license. Law abiding people cannot get ammunition they need for sport or self-defense. Businesses may have to close as a result of this extreme regulatory burden.

?Newsom?s Prop 63 law is a business killing nightmare and a red-tape charade that is useless as a crime prevention measure,? said CRPA President Chuck Michel. ?This law puts a ridiculously excessive burden on Second Amendment rights and was designed to make it practically impossible for gun stores to make a profit or for people to use a gun for sport or self-defense. It's part of Newsom?s effort to eliminate the ?gun culture? ? which he hates.? said Michel. ?We are going to ask the Court to put a stop to it immediately.?

CRPA, with NRA?s support, challenged the ammunition background check law in court months ago. The lead plaintiff in the case is gold medal-winning Olympic shooter Kim Rhode. The CRPA legal team already got a favorable ruling in the Rhode case ? which is being heard by the same judge who ruled in the Duncan 10+ magazine lawsuit. We had to wait for the ammo law to take effect to seek an injunction, but now that the law has gone into effect and the infringements have been documented, CRPA plans to seek an injunction in the Rhode case next week.

If you've had problems buying ammunition, and particularly if you are an ammunition sales vendor having problems, please email us at so we can add your experience to the mountain of evidence documenting how this law has failed. To review all of the materials that NRA and CRPA have put together about what these laws require and the lawsuit challenging them, visit

Gun rights supporters should not support other 2A groups promising to file their own legal challenges to the new ammo laws. Although these may just be list building promotions for use in their future fundraising appeals, any new redundant lawsuit that might be filed would be duplicative, would complicate the legal process, greatly risks having a different (likely hostile) judge second-guess the good ruling we already got in the Rhode case, and jeopardizes the potential success of CRPA?s existing lawsuit.
>The problems encountered since the new
>ammunition background check system was
>put into effect on July
>1 have far surpassed what
>we predicted, and we predicted
>a train wreck. The approval
>process takes over a half
>hour per customer, instead of
>the promised two minutes. DOJ
>is imposing unnecessary and costly
>requirements on vendors. Countless customers
>are being turned down by
>DOJ for lack of ID
>even if they have a
>California driver?s license. Law abiding
>people cannot get ammunition they
>need for sport or self-defense.
>Businesses may have to close
>as a result of this
>extreme regulatory burden.
>?Newsom?s Prop 63 law is a
>business killing nightmare and a
>red-tape charade that is useless
>as a crime prevention measure,?
>said CRPA President Chuck Michel.
>?This law puts a ridiculously
>excessive burden on Second Amendment
>rights and was designed to
>make it practically impossible for
>gun stores to make a
>profit or for people to
>use a gun for sport
>or self-defense. It's part of
>Newsom?s effort to eliminate the
>?gun culture? ? which he
>hates.? said Michel. ?We are
>going to ask the Court
>to put a stop to
>it immediately.?
>CRPA, with NRA?s support, challenged the
>ammunition background check law in
>court months ago. The lead
>plaintiff in the case is
>gold medal-winning Olympic shooter Kim
>Rhode. The CRPA legal team
>already got a favorable ruling
>in the Rhode case ?
>which is being heard by
>the same judge who ruled
>in the Duncan 10+ magazine
>lawsuit. We had to wait
>for the ammo law to
>take effect to seek an
>injunction, but now that the
>law has gone into effect
>and the infringements have been
>documented, CRPA plans to seek
>an injunction in the Rhode
>case next week.
>If you've had problems buying ammunition,
>and particularly if you are
>an ammunition sales vendor having
>problems, please email us at
> so we can add
>your experience to the mountain
>of evidence documenting how this
>law has failed. To review
>all of the materials that
>NRA and CRPA have put
>together about what these laws
>require and the lawsuit challenging
>them, visit
>Gun rights supporters should not support
>other 2A groups promising to
>file their own legal challenges
>to the new ammo laws.
>Although these may just be
>list building promotions for use
>in their future fundraising appeals,
>any new redundant lawsuit that
>might be filed would be
>duplicative, would complicate the legal
>process, greatly risks having a
>different (likely hostile) judge second-guess
>the good ruling we already
>got in the Rhode case,
>and jeopardizes the potential success
>of CRPA?s existing lawsuit.

+ 1
>I moved out of that sh!t
>hole back in 93. Best
>move I ever made. Why
>anyone would stay is beyond
>my understanding. The The problem
>is the Californians that move
>out bring their liberal ideas
>with em. They're pushing their
>agenda everywhere.

Short answer to why anyone would stay is roots. I live in rural CA and have a tight knit family. We can't all uproot. Also The liberal agenda isn't only coming from CA.
>>I moved out of that sh!t
>>hole back in 93. Best
>>move I ever made. Why
>>anyone would stay is beyond
>>my understanding. The The problem
>>is the Californians that move
>>out bring their liberal ideas
>>with em. They're pushing their
>>agenda everywhere.
>Short answer to why anyone would
>stay is roots. I live
>in rural CA and have
>a tight knit family. We
>can't all uproot. Also The
>liberal agenda isn't only coming
>from CA.


I'd leave today if I could.
My wife's roots are her entire life.
We've gone to war over this.
Without my wife, I'm nearly I'm here.
What I have is pretty enviable and I can't destroy it.
Yeah, who knows how this mess is gonna shake out. Talked to a guy last week that didn't know anything about it . Crazy
Gun owners,hunters, shooters and outdoorsmen that don't follow politics are flaming idiots.
Politics control everything we do.
At this time in history, we are absolutely screwed.
Research governor Gavin Newsom.
>Gun owners,hunters, shooters and outdoorsmen that
>don't follow politics are flaming
>Politics control everything we do.
>At this time in history, we
>are absolutely screwed.
>Research governor Gavin Newsom.

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