Tom Price for HHS


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-16 AT 10:57AM (MST)[p]Trump got that pick right, at least Price has put in the hard work of having a plan to put forward and understands health care issues.

Like I said before, let's give the man time to do his job before we jump on his back with unproven opinions. After he gets a track record then we can condemn or praise him for his record as President.

>Like I said before, let's give
>the man time to do
>his job before we jump
>on his back with unproven
>opinions. After he gets a
>track record then we can
>condemn or praise him for
>his record as President.
Great, so how much will my premiums drop and when? or is just knowing the working poor are going to get kicked in the nuts good enough to rejoice about?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
If you are looking for a Republican with a medical background intimately opposed to the ACA and has offered changes or alternatives annually, then he is a good pick.

If you are looking to set the stage to make a run at Roe V Wade, Medicare, or Medicaid then once again he is a good pick.

8 Changes to the ACA and how they may impact you.

Since everyone here is young, healthy and upwardly mobile those changes will not affect you guys. As for Medicare, well, the "Better Way" will give you a voucher. Just don't let your new insurance lapse since chances are you may have a pre-existing condition or your premiums will go up by a 150% for the next 2 years.
Won't that be justice, the gray panthers will have something to else to piss and moan about at the klan meeting.

The broke rubes he promised $40 an hour jobs with insurance to will be licking their azzes when they can't get on Obamacare anymore as well.

It's all good in the end.

So how much will I save on my insurance this year? Obamacare will be repealed on day one that's what we were promised. so the savings should roll in like a slot machine right?

Stay Thirsty My Friends

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