Wolf Debate Gets Heated

I read this last night. As usual, its slanted towards the wolf lovers. The stuff that really gets me is the comments. People are very uneducated in the things they are fighting for, or against.

"Suck it, terrorists," -Keith Stone
Very slanted towards wolf lovers. That's the first place I have heard that states are only required to maintain 150 wolves to avoid federal management of wolves. If that is true, we really do need to "get started."
I like how they have the photos in the article captioned "endangered grey wolf". I guess those pictures must have been taken in Wyoming because they aren't endangered in Idaho or Montana now and that's why they can be hunted and trapped.

Where was the FBI when the guy that shot the wolf the first day of the season in Idaho a few years back got all the death threats from the whack job wolf lovers?
Two things:

We should respect other peoples rights not to hunt, and even understand others are uncomfortable with the death of animals, as long as they leave use alone to hunt.

We should respect any animal enough to always do what we can within our power to have their death be as quick and humane as possible. I understand things happen, but we should NEVER glorify suffering. This is one of the things I detest about wolves, the way them make other animals suffer, but that doesn't mean we should do it to them.

If we conduct ourselves with these things in mind I feel we will give both the anti-hunting and the non-hunting public less ammunition to take our rights away from us.
Why not just shoot em when you see em? If someone see's ya claim self defense.
yup sounds about like something you would say. geeze now you're advocating poaching???!!! Tell me you didn't mean that, please!
Reading articles like this only affirms the importance of Sportsman standing united and as one. The wolves are only the tip of the iceberg. These crazies want everything....
Instead why dont we just B!%tch and argue amongst each other on Monster Muleys? We should be terrified of the uneducated city folk posting their comments about hunters and hunting! SFW,BGF,RMEF or whatever, yall need to realize we are part of the same family(hunters)and will never agree on everything, but we need to focus the most important things.

Sportsman are hitting their own self destruct button.

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