The end of Colorado Hunting as we know it...


Long Time Member
It is time for everyone to step up and try to save Colorado Hunting. Sadly, we are going to get Screwed...

Here it is Rocky Mountain Wolf Project has announced its plans for a ballot initiative. As a result if this passes you can kiss the hunting Colorado Good bye. Our animals are already struggling with restricted winter range, fences, etc. Now we are going to end up with 1500 wolves in the state... As much as I hate BGF they and the RMEF might be our only hope....

They are going for a ballot initiative.,
We'll be waiting for them to cross at the border, predator zone here for wolves in Wyoming. I'm betting our state will not welcome more wolves with open arms, well maybe loaded arms.
It will not be good for us either.
A bunch of stoned folks voting on whether to let wolves overrun the state?

What could go wrong...

Several Wolves have Ventured in to TARDville!

Not Many of them Left!

They are known as BIG Coyotes!

We've got enough Big Game Predators in this State without Help from Wolves!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
You should hurry and write a huge check to BGF. That will fix it!

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Wolves, and hybrids...purposely...released by local progressives have been in southern Colorado for many years.

This surely wont make it any better, if it passes.

?Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. "
>A bunch of stoned folks voting
>on whether to let wolves
>overrun the state?
>What could go wrong..

>Why would it be the end
>of Colorado Hunting?
>Just to the north in WY
>there are long elk seasons
>in areas with wolves.
>Hell you can get TWO
>elk tags is a lot
>of those areas.
>The sky is not falling chicken
>little. It will be

Because Colorado is not Northern WY. Sorry but you can not compare the 2 at all. For example Colorado is nearly the same size as WY, but we have 6,000,000 people.

Say what you want but Colorado wildlife will be gutted by this...
>You should hurry and write a
>huge check to BGF.
>That will fix it!
>"I don't care if the season
>is closed. Get off your
>butt and go hunt them"
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

I expect ^^this^^ will be the extent of BHA's involvement in the issue.

If Colorado votes against wolves, I'm sure the wolf lovers will drop it.

I've never hunted Colorado, but here is my observations as a native Idahoan and the impacts in Idaho. *Individual mileage may vary. It's not the end of the world, but you are definitely going to see some major impacts. Know right off the bat that no population is ever going to be big enough for the green groups. When Idaho reached it's target population point, it took years and many lawsuits to get the state involved in the management of the population. The green groups are well armed with emotional ammo and an endless supply of uninformed people willing to open their wallets. 25 years after the introduction in Idaho, some units have yet to recover their elk numbers (whether that's from wolf depredation or not is an ongoing argument). Some units are well above their elk population objective. In the northern part of the state where wolf concentration is highest, the moose population is struggling. In fact, I believe bull moose tags statewide are down about 50 percent since 1998.
>Why would it be the end
>of Colorado Hunting?
>Just to the north in WY
>there are long elk seasons
>in areas with wolves.
>Hell you can get TWO
>elk tags is a lot
>of those areas.
>The sky is not falling chicken
>little. It will be

Guy is a troll!!
>How about we get rid of
>the non native mountain goats
>first in CO? And
>the moose since they are
>not sure even moose were
>in CO.
>The wolves and grizzlies were native
>and they belong there more
>than a bunch of cry
>baby hunter orange sissy la
>la hunters.
>I hunted an OTC elk unit
>in CO that the numbers
>are down last fall.
>I've never seen so many
>elk in a week of
>hunting. You gotta be
>a terrible hunter to not
>kill an elk in CO.
>I think CO can support more
>wolves than WY and MT
>combined. Hope it happens!

Ignore the facts and reality wired, life has got to be a lot simpler that way!

>>>Why would it be the end
>>>of Colorado Hunting?
>>>Just to the north in WY
>>>there are long elk seasons
>>>in areas with wolves.
>>>Hell you can get TWO
>>>elk tags is a lot
>>>of those areas.
>>>The sky is not falling chicken
>>>little. It will be
>>Because Colorado is not Northern WY.
>>Sorry but you can not
>>compare the 2 at all.
>>For example Colorado is nearly
>>the same size as WY,
>>but we have 6,000,000 people.
>>Say what you want but Colorado
>>wildlife will be gutted by
>Sounds like the real wolves are
>the 6 million people.
>Colorado has too many elk.
>Some wolves would be good.
> Hope you guys get
>grizzly bears too.

You sound jealous wired. What's your home state?

Guys, don't feed the troll. Is there really any doubt?


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
>>You should hurry and write a
>>huge check to BGF.
>>That will fix it!
>>"I don't care if the season
>>is closed. Get off your
>>butt and go hunt them"
>>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,
>I expect ^^this^^ will be the
>extent of BHA's involvement in
>the issue.

Well hell, what You should do is give a bunch of lawyers and lobbyists a ton of money, watch them lose, them continue to give those same lobbyists millions for a couple decades. Then just watch as wolves simply walk across the border cuz despite all the lawyers and lobbyists making it a career, wolves don't understand state lines.

Or, just maybe you could get your management plan in place and hit the ground running. You have seen how 3 other states have done it.

OImagine how much habitat could have been bought for what lawyers and lobbyists made in this issue.

And look, There are wolves in Colorado and Utah right now, as your firing off another BHA blast.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.

My current situation precludes me from caring about your opinion but go ahead and give voice to it anyway...

Our wildlife will not be gutted... Wolves will leave them right there and eat around them.

No objective observer could hunt pre and post wolf and not notice the difference, there is pretty much nothing left, but of course that is the idea after all.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-05-19 AT 04:38PM (MST)[p]The same good people that outlawed spring bear hunts against biologists advice?

Ballot initiatives are a way around common sense and science and that is how this will be presented.

No matter what you believe, if wolves are allowed into colorado at ?historic levels?, the title of the thread ?the end of Colorado hunting as we know it? will be fact , not opinion. There is no other outcome possible


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
LAST EDITED ON Apr-05-19 AT 04:36PM (MST)[p]I can also guarantee you another thing. Colorado Parks and wildlife will fight it tooth and nail. Because there will less animals and eventually less tags if wolves are allowed. So........less money.

If they are having financial problems now, can you imagine if there are only 1/2 the hunters?


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Get out and VOTE! Don't let this extremist agenda win. VOTE!!! Because I wouldn't hold my breath on CPW fighting this to hard. Nearly all boards with a vacancy are getting filled by hard left appointees with alligence to this type of agenda. The wolf is one piece to the underlying agenda and it's gonna get a whole lot worse. The DNR director who has oversite of the CPW is a nasty environmentalist following the bidding of our Governor.

If you are a resident I suggest you get registered to vote if you are not already, VOTE, and start signing the petitions going around the state.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."

My current situation precludes me from caring about your opinion but go ahead and give voice to it anyway...

Hate to be Debbie downer here but this is a done deal, folks. Front range will be 80%+ in favor.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-19 AT 08:35AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-19 AT 08:33?AM (MST)

I am more optimistic than you. But everyone needs to vote!!!

The majority may be in favor, but are they all rabid enough to get out and vote. We, however, are rabidly opposes and so if we can really get out the vote we might beat it. Wish I couldn't vote up there!!!

I hope it is on a special election date. If on regular election along with other things then more people will show up

And we may have more liberal people in charge of boards and the DNR but if they are smart they will also realize that doing this CUTS their budget. Not too many politicians are in favor of that

Anyone know the proposal about where they will be introduced? RMNP only to start? Or all over the state?


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
The spring bear ban passed with 70%, the sheep will vote the same with wolf introduction.

The underlying factor is not about money or budgets. It a movement to eliminate hunting, trapping, ag, and create social engineering of society. This falls in line with the larger agenda by the far left. The wolves are a piece of their puzzle. It's not just the wolves. It's multi front.

Grazing allotments will be reduced, water rights will become useless, industry will be pinched, trails will be closed, hunting seasons will be shortened, trail uses will change, tag allotments will be reduced, etc, etc, etc.

It sucks and is very very real. VOTE!!!

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
>The underlying factor is not about
>money or budgets. It a
>movement to eliminate hunting, trapping,
>ag, and create social engineering
>of society. This falls in
>line with the larger agenda
>by the far left. The
>wolves are a piece of
>their puzzle. It's not just
>the wolves. It's multi front.
>Grazing allotments will be reduced, water
>rights will become useless, industry
>will be pinched, trails will
>be closed, hunting seasons will
>be shortened, trail uses will
>change, tag allotments will be
>reduced, etc, etc, etc.
>It sucks and is very very
>real. VOTE!!!
>"Courage is being scared to death
>saddling up anyway."

I absolutely agree with your assessment of what the wolf agenda people are hoping to accomplish. I Just would be really surprised if the CPW supported things that would cut their own throat financially. Can't remember a governmental agency that was willing to work to take less money.

Maybe there are people who think they can raise the NR elk license to $1200 to make up the difference. If they think that, they are dead wrong unless they make all hunting by draw only and have every hunt with trophy potential. But for an OTC tag, it ain't gonna happen


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)

My current situation precludes me from caring about your opinion but go ahead and give voice to it anyway...

Yes there is some movement but it is slow and disorganized. The other side is cocked locked and ready to rock.

I was on TV a little while ago (CBS) as they couldn't find anyone to articulate an anti-wolf position.

(And I looked DAMNED good I might add...)

They had pre made and well edited pro wolf on file, no ad-lib needed by some schmuck in carharts feeding hay with a pitchfork to his llamas...

(and they looked DAMNED cute i might add)

I'll be damned if I was gonna let them have no opposing view so threw together a meeting with the crew for that afternoon.

To their credit they were fair in the editing room, I did not hope for much but was surprised. I almost appeared coherent. Probably due to the hidden microphone they put in my coat, I was not very good in "front" of the camera.

Our side is so badly organized I got calls as a "leader" when I did not even know of the group's existence.

Couldn't happen at a worse time for ag as it is peak calving season

Like Gibson said in the Patriot, this battle was lost before the first musket fired, but as Theoden answered his men's question "can we win this fight lord?"

"No but we will meet them in battle none the less"

The tactics will be to put in park and let them spread into the newly and secretly formed wolf habitat protection zone across the northern tier. It got leaked to the paper just last week. They are already in celebration mode. Perhaps a weakness, but I fear not. I would prefer stupidity.
Well, when you find an organization worth contributing to for us non-residents, please let us know because I would like to send money for the cause


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
One major problem if the initiative reaches ballot is that 99% of the voting public don't realize this would be an INTRODUCTION of non native Canadian grey wolves,up to 50% larger and much more aggressive killers than the native Rocky mountain wolves which once roamed the state.
It will pass, Colorado is full of liberals and these types of ideas are exactly what they cant wait to vote for. Anything to damage hunting, they are for it.
One of the points I would make is that there is very little if any good wolf habitat in Colorado. Wolves need miles and miles of wilderness for a successful recovery. Does Colorado have great wilderness areas? Yes there are but those wilderness areas are small and fragmented compared to the Beartooth Plateau, Thoroughfare, and the Bobmarshall. You need wilderness like the places I just referenced for a successful reintroduction. Introducing Wolves in unsuitable habitat will be failure form the start and a disservice to both the human residents and the wolves. Anyone wanting to do this is putting there own personal agenda ahead of the best interests of the wolves.
>One major problem if the initiative
>reaches ballot is that 99%
>of the voting public don't
>realize this would be an
>INTRODUCTION of non native Canadian
>grey wolves,up to 50% larger
>and much more aggressive killers
>than the native Rocky mountain
>wolves which once roamed the

Prove it. mtmuley
All you guys from UT, Id, and CO just need to get out and hunt them down. I mean hit the areas with the most, and hunt them like a pheasant hunt! Oh, you guys from Montana, too. Just sayin'. PC
"Anyone wanting to do this is putting there own personal agenda ahead of the best interests of the wolves"

Duh! Maybe the "voters" who say yes will have lofty goals, but the people pushing this have no problem with those issues. Their goal is to restore "natural order" and that means eliminating man as a predator!


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Ok, I get how one may think that a fish and wildlife dept. may be too into self preservation to support a wolf agenda. Well one would be wrong IMO.

One need look no further than the state of CA with some of the antihunting trash they have supported over the last 30 years. They were once funded mainly by license dollars but are now more strongly funded by taxpayer dollars thereby opening the doors for more money to them. Money they dont have to use for fish and wildlife projects only. Money i as a license holder (in their opinion) cant complain about them spending to fund an agenda moving further and further toward antihunting.

We cant hunt cougars we cant hunt bears with dogs or bait we cant use lead ammo any longer, for ANY hunting. The dept. is fine with all of this, why? Because they STILL get their money. Money from tickets and fines and now taxpayer dollars.

The CO dept. as well as any other will do the same. They will get their money, period. Maybe not from NR license sales or many residents for that matter but they will get it. Most likely from taxpayers.

We have wolves here and in southern Oregon. They are in remote but not wilderness areas. They are THRIVING and spreading fast. No wilderness expanses neccessary.


People who work for a living are quickly being
overwhelmed by people who vote for a living.
How could you say Colorado isn't suitable wolf habitat, I live around wolves and hunt wolves every week. Wolves can adapt to any environment, from deserts to rolling hill country to vast wilderness. They travel on your bike paths your dirt roads or move out of high country on paved highways at night. They lay up high on ridge tops and watch and learn and when the time is right they make there move. The wolves will love Colorado, and if you think they are not going to get voted in your wrong again. The sad thing that Colorado has to go through is the radical enviromentalists that show up and tell you how to live with wolves, you will have people out there paid for by the big radical enviromentalists that do nothing but interfere with hunters. There will be town meetings, you will end up with many fights, Defenders of Wildlfe, Earth Justice, Western Watersheds, Oh by the way the director of Wolf introduction who dumped the wolves in Idaho, Ed Bangs lives in Denver and he has been waiting for this. If I lived in Colorado and know what I know now I would form the largest sportsman group Colorado has ever seen, it least you would have a voice in the introduction and how it is going to take place and where. If you set back watch it is going to get real ugly real fast.These wolf lovers that are coming to your state to prepare you for the introduction are professionals at what they do. Stand up and fight for your rights don't let them just cram it down your throats, I see talk on the forums but I don't see a lot of action. Wolves are by far the toughest animal one on one I have ever hunted, they know I am hunting them, they know my truck and they know me.
That wasnt you tracking that lone black one folliwing the RR tracks near the 1 and 2 border?

Antlerradar, is it your experience that wolves wouldn't colonize in CO or is it an opinion?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-19 AT 09:18AM (MST)[p]I would not say there isn't suitable habitat in CO, there is. But to be honest I was ok with wolves in Yellowstone. Let me repeat that. IN Yellowstone. Obviously because there was no hunting allowed, the park was very overpopulated and the habitat had suffered. That is way different from introducing them into an area where the population is already basically balanced with habitat. So if they want to introduce them into areas where hunting is not allowed, such as RMNP, I would be ok with that as long as they can be shot outside the park

BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT WILL HAPPEN. The people pushing this have 1 agenda: to eliminate hunting.

So, because we all know how this will go, I oppose any wolves. Let's organize! I will send $100 to start if I can figure out where it will do the most good and more later.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Due to Colorado making me buy a NR small game license and not refunding the cost of a deer or elk tag if found with CWD.

I hope they get plenty of wolves!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-19 AT 04:13PM (MST)[p]

Wow sage.

It won't be CPW that suffers the most. It will be the hunters. So you are wishing bad things for me and yourself if you ever hunt CO again.

Anyone else want to comment on what would be the best org to send money to?


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Google reintroduction of wolves in Colorado..there is a ton of information. There is an organization in Grand Junction that appears to be well organized but I don't know much about the organization. A number of article from local newspapers.
Ok. After a little more research I just donated $100 to the one in GJ. Who is with me? 1000 guys doing that would go a long way


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
>I'll do it.

HOT DANG!! Darn right awesome gesture gentlemen!!

Thank you!!

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
>I'm in Montana. I donate my
>money hunting them here. mtmuley

How many hours have you hunted them and how many have you killed?

I'll donate. The progressive libs are stealing our country. They've
gerrymandered my US house vote away (district 6) and now want my presidential vote (electoral college). It will only take money for them to win with wolves. When they pay enough people to collect signatures in front of every King Soopers, Safeway, Walmart, Whole Foods, etc., in the Denver metro area, they will get it on the ballot. The CPW will be powerless to stop them.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-19 AT 08:43PM (MST)[p]Amazing how easy it is to separate people from their money.

"Anyone else want to comment on what would be the best org to send money to?"

Your money would be best spent on the creation and approval of a USFW Wolf Management Plan, without it, you and the opposition, are just pissing up a rope.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-09-19 AT 06:31AM (MST)[p]


"Your money would be best spent on the creation and approval of a USFW Wolf Management Plan"...??..

is a concept, not a plan and not someone I can donate to and help your stated agenda

Please tell me where my money would be better spent? I asked for opinions as to where best to spend money and you didn't give me an alternative. Yes, we may ultimately lose the battle, but in the fight we should gain some concessions.

I don't join the Liberals in politics even in lost causes. I fight tooth and nail hoping they don't get all they want. That is what will probably ultimately happen here. I am not donating to the Sierra club in hopes they come around to my way of thinking! And I am too far to volunteer to any committees that will decide the fate of the wolf in CO.

So what would you have me do? I am open to your concept too. Why can't I do both?

What are you doing?


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
TX, you can do whatever you want with your money. The ballot measure you're so worried about is worthless and does nothing to increase the likelihood the USFW would bring in wolves. What it does, is provide motivation for donations.
On the flip side, BGF gets hunters money for the opposite. If BGF could get a shoot on sight law tomorrow, they'd still be federally protected, but they don't mention that.
Colorado has wolves and will get more, just like here in OR; we have over 100 and not a single one was introduced. Without an approved wolf plan, 100% of every Colorado wolf decision will be made by the feds no matter what the residents think.
I see what you are saying. Any way you know of that a NR can affect wolf policy going forward in CO? Are there agencies writing one up as we speak or are they just sitting on their hands?


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
I would call CPW, ask for their wolf manager, and ask him/her about their wolf management plan and any process they have for getting said plan approved by the feds so the state can take over management. Our approved plan here in OR only encompasses a portion of eastern OR, and there is no provision for hunting or trapping as a means for control. As wolves move to western Oregon our plan will get updated but I don't see hunting being added unfortunately. I would hope that CPW would get with their counterparts in MT/ID/WY and get some tips.
Hey Eel, what's my favorite way to hunt wolves? With a rifle. Seriously, I like to have new snow. Wolves move so much locating them can be tough. REALLY tough. New snow helps a lot. Friends of mine use FoxPro callers. I don't have one, but I do carry a coyote howler. Wolves will not tolerate other canines in their territory as a rule, so I locate the newest sign I can find, and howl. A snowmobile can be a big help as covering LOTS of country is key. Cracks me up that guys still think they can shoot their way out of this. Ain't happening. Wolves there one day, miles away the next. So far the best way to hunt wolves for me is hunting elk. That's what I was after when I killed my wolf. Trapping is proving to be the way to go in my area of Montana. Some guys that have the time and resources are really putting the hurt on them. I'm gonna kill more, just hasn't happened yet. Any more questions? mtmuley
Thanks for the insight Bob. I have passed this along to the proper individual who is able to address what you described.


"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
Cracks me
>up that guys still think
>they can shoot their way
>out of this. Ain't happening.


Kinda what prompted my question.

The Biggest hunter recruitment hands down is success....the success for sure will go down particularly to new folks with a lower skill set...or being shown hunting by older less mobile hunters...

But I sadly I think it is just a matter of time...Colo has become a nest of liberals and the idea of having wolves...just sounds cool

buuuut this is a cut and paste from the link...

"Passing a ballot initiative is a lengthy process?we have to survive a legal review process, collect over 175,000 petition signatures to get on the ballot, then actually win enough votes in the election. All of this is incredibly expensive, and largely supported by the continuing support of passionate people like you."

So they are giving themselves some wiggle room and not saying ON THE BALLOT 2020

If is gets on the ballot which it eventually will I it makes me sad to say it will pass easily....
mtmuley, thanks. Shooting your way out won't work I agree. Trapping seems to be the most effective. If worse comes to worse Game and Fish can resort to helicopter gunning. By then a lot of damage has been done though.

Wolves are like marijuana. They're here to stay so now deal with it.

My current situation precludes me from caring about your opinion but go ahead and give voice to it anyway...

The genie aint never going back in the bottle, It took every resource for the smart people to eradicate these bastards a hundred years ago.

In CO where traps are constitutionally banned can you see poison being spread indiscriminately in the near future? I think not.

An excellent read on, well just about anything outdoors is "Alaska's wolf man" author Jim Reardon. Glaser could not even finish off packs from a plane, they learned too quickly a planes limiting factors. Thin them, yes, eradicate, no...

When Babbit released them fuggers he had to be thinkin' "checkmate", cause it was.

>My current situation precludes me from
>caring about your opinion but
>go ahead and give voice
>to it anyway...
>The genie aint never going back
>in the bottle, It
>took every resource for the
>smart people to eradicate these
>bastards a hundred years ago.
>In CO where traps are constitutionally
>banned can you see poison
>being spread indiscriminately in the
>near future? I think
>An excellent read on, well just
>about anything outdoors is "Alaska's
>wolf man" author Jim
>Reardon. Glaser could not
>even finish off packs from
>a plane, they learned too
>quickly a planes limiting factors.
> Thin them, yes, eradicate,
>When Babbit released them fuggers he
>had to be thinkin' "checkmate",
> cause it was.

Well said squirrel!

We need a Kazinski type that lives in the heart of deer and elk country and has a new garage that could easily be converted to a bunker...a small herd of watch dogs...pack stock that can spit bile... and a dialed in with a small arsenal to head the revolution..
Maybe in the future, Mexicans will be smuggling in 1080 (Sodium fluoroacetate) instead of cocaine and heroin.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-19 AT 09:20PM (MST)[p]Was trying to upload screen shot. Basically McAfee says the wolf reintroduction site is not safe and contains viruses, malware ect...

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