Man's best friend or deer killing machine?


Active Member
I don't post very often but I saw something this weekend that sickend me and all should be aware of. Sorry it's a little long...

After attending the Hunting Expo this weekend, the wife and I headed to Northern Utah to visit the in-laws. The snow levels were deep and thier house is adjacent to rolling foot hills which were absoletly full of wintering deer, elk and moose. While sleding down the hill in the back yard we noticed a lot of deer hair blowing around. When we finishing sleding I deceided to investigate. We tracked the obviously hurt deer to the top of the hill and that's when we heard it......the unmistakeable sound of two dogs. I raised my binos and was shocked at what I saw.

Several hundred yards away two large dogs had taken down a deer and were more or less feeding on it. The deer was still alive and struggling to regain it's feet. As we glassed the surrounding area we spotted three more dead or dying deer.

I couldn't take watching the deer struggle as the two dogs continued to feed on it. I ran to the house and called the F & G. The officer stated by law I was allowed to shoot the dogs. I deceided to capture pictures through my spotting scope unitl he arrived. The two dogs lay on thier prey almost like a grizzly guarding its kill.

A short while later the officer arrived, rifle in tow and headed toward the scene. As he approached the dogs began barking. He tried countless times to get the dogs to come to him. Finally the dogs broke and ran, the officer raised his rifle and ended the killing spree.

He later told me it was the fourth time someone had called about these particular dogs chasing deer in last few weeks. The were several miles from their home. He was very professional and I could see that he deep down he didn't want to pull the trigger.

We later found six deer that had been killed or were in need of killing from that morning's rampage. How many more had they killed in past few weeks?

I didn't write this to stir the pot, only to urge all those that have deer wintering near their homes and also have pets to please keep them leashed or kenneled. Both for the protection of the wildlife and the family dog.
Its unfortunate that this happened. If people would just keep their pets under control, there would still be half dozen deer still alive and someone wouldnt have to be explaining to their kids why Muffy and Fluffy are now dead. I feel sorry for the C.O. who was forced to kill someones pet, but its the fault of the irresponsible dog owners. The owners should be forced to pay back the State of Utah for each of the deer killed by their dogs.
The dog owners DO have to pay a fine to the F&G, i know this first hand when my son's german shorthair took down a fawn about 7 years ago.
They treat it as "wonton destruction" and the owner IS responsible.

Juice, did the dogs have collars and tags on them to identify the owners??

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Thats crazy, and to bad.


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
"Finally the dogs broke and ran, the officer raised his rifle and ended the killing spree."

So I take it both dogs were shot?


If you had a gun would you dispatch a dog killing or chasing game animals?

That is a hard one for me. I don't care for dogs and wouldn't have a problem killing one, but I wouldn't want the bad press I would receive killing someone?s POS running loose either.

Archery is a year round commitment!!
That's a sad deal.

I've witnessed dogs chasing deer on more than one occasion. It's a tough call......
The dogs were wearing collars but no tags..........also a violation. They are trying to locate the owners......a call I'm glad I don't have to make.

I've thought about if I could have pulled the trigger or not. I decided to leave it to the officer, and I'm glad I did. It was a little erie watching it unfold through the spotting scope.

I feel bad for the deer, the dogs and the owners. Bad situaction all the way around. That's why I posted the story....hopefully it will inform a few people to control thier pets.
Happens alot. Everywhere. As far as to shoot or not, that's each man's decision.

I know this will make me sound like an @$$. But I own dogs and over all love dogs. But I have done it before and I would do it again without any hesitation.
If I was the F&G officer I would not have waited until the 4th call to shoot the dogs. How many deer did these dogs kill in the time period in which all of these calls took place? I owne horses, dogs, have owned cats, goats, fish, ostriches and emu's and my favorite animal by far is the dog but I don't agree with killers out killing the wildlife. I personally have been chased by feral dogs out on the loose and let me tell you it can be frightening and if you have children playing in the yard there is no telling what dogs packed up on a killing spree will do. I've killed my owne neighbors dogs that were allowed to run rampad and I'll do it again. I'm not talking about the dog that escapes out of his yard once a year but a dog that is always running free. I'm not talking about a friendly dog that is always free but a trouble maker. Owners be responsible!!! I am currently training two labs for the purpose of shed hunting and I have plans to buy me a couple of shock collars and if or when they take after deer they are gonna get it! Thanks for reporting this to the F&G officer, you have definitely saved part of the deer herd. fatrooster.
I see a strange dog on my property I am killing it.

That being said i have recognized dogs from the area in my yard and i have shot as close to them as possible without killing them to scare the hell out of them and hopefully teach them to stay away. I then go to the owners make them aware their dogs were on my property (and in a few cases killing my chickens).
They normally take precautions after that.

I have seen to many times what peoples loose pets will do to livestock and wildlife. We have lost stock (goats, sheep and one time almost took down a 600lb steer) many times to peoples pets set free to roam.
I've had dogs my whole life. I grew up on a farm and there is no question....except why the dogs weren't shot the first time or by a homeowner.

It's worse than disgusting to allow that to go on for so long.
Good post juice ... hopefully you just woke up some bad dog owners. I love dogs that's why I take care of mine. You did exactly the right thing.

I spoke with Juice about this on the phone yesterday and asked the same question as to why the dogs were not shot on one of the previous calls. Apparrently this was the first time that the officer had actually arrived while the dogs were still in the area.
I agree, in fact I got a .300 mag with a new scope I need to break in. You tell me where some dogs are running deer and I'll fix the problem. My moral dilemma is it wrong to shoot snowmobilers doing the same? Or guys in snow camo? Just to make a funny comment but if you started shooting I bet they'd quit chasing the deer for some stupid antler. I am making a joke about the people of course, just to make that clear.
As a responsible dog owner,I hope they find the dogs owners and PROSECUTE THE HE__ out of them!!
I'm just waiting for the story from the dog owner now about how the DWR "ruthlessly slaughtered" her precious great dane / rotweiler mix and how it was just playing with the little deers.

Dogs are predators. They will do what predators do - KILL. Keep them chained up!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Wow, what a crazy story.

On a related note, my two harmless wonderful dogs didn't come home last night. Has anyone seen them?

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