NM Grand Slam Incentive Tag....


Don't know what they are talking about but this is the title of the picture. Maybe someone else understands what kind of tag he drew.

Grand Slam incentive tag holder Mike Gallo shot this buck in Rio Arriba County NM Dec 13th. He was guided by Jared Taylor of Red Top Mountain Outfitters and Bud Womack of Quality Outfitters. Buck gross green scores at 232 and nets 219.



Wow, that thing is a freakin pig. If that dont give you wood I dont know what would.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-08 AT 04:53PM (MST)[p]Quote: "Isn't that the buck from "a sunday drive " post?"

Sure looks like it to me
WOW....definately the same buck.....and one of the few that looks bigger dead to me.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

im no expert, but that looks like one old buck and a once-in-a-lifetime trophy. congrats to the hunter on killing a monster muley

Happy Hunting
He looks bigger dead because the guy is sitting 50 yards behind the deer. Drives me crazy when people do that. Stud of a deer for sure.

The Grand Slam was a multi animal auction hunt( elk, antelope,deer, ect. My understanding is the person paid a lot of money for the package, then sold off the tags he did not want to use. The selling almost paid off what he paid during the auction.

A big boy for sure!!!!!!!!

>I have not been an MM
>member for all that long
>but why anyone would post
>a picture on this site
>is beyond me.......

because most people realize that it is just the internet and can handle it..........and they realize that for every smart ass remark (like mine), there are 100 guys that just enjoy seeing the pic...........

I agree. You just took a buck of a lifetime, or any buck for that matter. Give it the respect it deserves and pose with it in a normal fashion. Why make it look like a comic strip. Hey, at least he is smiling. I have friends that like to put their "Tough Guy" face on when they pose a nice buck. Testosterone does strange things to a feller. You can't deny New Mexico is turning in some super Mulies these days. Great Buck for sure.

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