big tom Evergreen




Thought I'd pass along this story even though it was gruesome. 10pm last sunday night coming down 285 there was an accident scene just east of Evergreen....a big tom dying on one lane, head still up. Sheriff had already been called, and he died within a couple of min. after I got out. Conservatively 125 lbs with a big tail and 5" wide paws.
The sheriff told me CPW would pick it up; i hope they did. I'm kicking myself for not giving him a card to call me if no one was going to have it mounted.
Doug, it's not legal to pick up any big game animal in Colorado from the highway. You can get a permit to salvage deer and elk meat but you cannot take the hide or antlers. You can buy lion and bear hides at our auction in Feb. each year. These animals are roadkill and confiscated animals from CPW they send to us to auction off. If you're interested in a lion, I have several life size and rugs for sale.

Colorado Lion Hunt:

Mineshaft Lion Hunt:
Sorry to disappoint you, fullcry, but you won't be making any auction $$ off of me. Did I say I was going to pick up the animal from the highway? Read the post....I was talking to the sheriff and CPW was on the way. Do you really think I would be posting this if I hid the animal in the pickup without calling anyone?

A little bit of education.....if you work with the police and CPW they will work with you. And believe it or not, $$ doesn't have to be involved.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-12 AT 01:56PM (MST)[p]Whats wtih the attitude? I never said anything about you picking it up, that wasn't my point. I was giving you some information you obvously didn't know. Your quote "I'm kicking myself for not giving him a card to call me if no one was going to have it mounted." tells me you don't know the laws here and were hoping they would give it to you, they won't! It is illegal to pick up any big game animal in CO. or for them to give it to you. Here's the number you can call to verify that: 303 297-1192. All of the bears and lions killed on the highways in CO. go to this auction. And it's not my auction, it's the CO. Trappers Association. That auction is just one of the legal ways to get a lion or bear hide if you don't shoot one legally yourself.

Colorado Lion Hunt:

Mineshaft Lion Hunt:
Attitude? I describe a hideous accident where a lion is suffering on a highway, and your only response is that it's illegal to pick up? I'm pretty sure the attitude is on the other side of the court.

So you actually believe I don't know anything about roadkill laws? You're assuming a lot. For one thing, the Colorado State Patrol keeps a list of public folks to call so that road kill doesn't get wasted. One example of how things work that you obviously don't know about. If you need to learn more, call the state patrol directly.

I was hoping they would give it to me? Again, you assume a lot.

What's your name, or you think advertising behind some nickname on an internet post is actually a good way to solicit business?

Doug Wesley
Doug, again, you don't know what your talking about. The list that the state patrol keeps is ONLY for elk and deer, and only for the meat of those animals. I gave you the number of the CPW, I suggest you call them. Ask them if the state patrol can give you a lion. Then please POST their reply.

Yes, by your statement, I assumed you were hoping they would give it to you. Please explain what you meant by your statement.

Colorado Lion Hunt:

Mineshaft Lion Hunt:
Good lord, calm down guys.

Honestly, are you more concerned that a lion got killed on a highway, took 5 minutes for it to die while helpless on the road, or just concerned about making $$ in an auction? This banter makes me wonder.

Then again, when you can remain anonymous, I guess it's easy to post whatever you want without any accountability.
Is your name Doug or Douche? Quit being an idiot and go home and play with your dolls. Holy crap man!
Doug Wesley
Nothing to hide here, HumbledHunter. If you're such a big man, give me a call.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-25-12 AT 06:34PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-25-12 AT 06:33?PM (MST)

Your wife thinks I'm bigger

I'm sure of it now, you are a douche
really??...sadness for a predator dying in the road???....animals do not know "pity"....that lion watched every one of it's meals die while watching it's one body parts get eaten.....dying a slow death.....


Can you translate in English: "....die while watching it's one body parts get eaten...." Not quite sure what you're trying to say. Please use elementary school or higher-level English so we can all understand.

If you knew anything about lions, you'd realize they typically kill very quickly by breaking the neck of the prey. And unlike most moronic Front Range human drivers, they actually eat the meat.

And, exactly, yes really, I don't want to see anything get killed by a car. It's a hideous scene and the animal has no idea what is going on, not just lions. A lot of the deaths are slow. And the idiot driver usually gets off easy. And most of the time the meat is wasted. Want me to go on?

And some more education for you:
if it weren't for wild predators, there will be no hunting at some point in the future. If you don't believe me, then ask any other logical person on these forums.

As another objective outsider here, Doug, you have got a serious chip on your shoulder. Since you are the only one here who cannot see that, you should seek professional help.

Bro! I think you need to switch to decaf......or take up smoking again. JUST KIDDING! Relax a're going to give yourself a coronary. No need to get your blood pressure up over a posting in a forum...Too many big things in life to worry about!'s just amazing what comes out when folks can remain anonymous. Kind of a sad statement about society, unfortunately.
Douche, my name is Tony Pennington. Come find me in SE New Mexico. I will be waiting
>The sheriff told me CPW would
>pick it up; i hope
>they did. I'm kicking myself
>for not giving him a
>card to call me if
>no one was going to
>have it mounted.

If you didn't want the cat, what exactly did you mean by this statement?

If it was such a hideous death, why didn't you sneak up behind it, sink your hooks in and get that poor thing in a rear naked choke? That would have been the humane thing to do. Instead you call the cops in hopes that you can eat the thing? I see this as a scene in "Silence of the Lambs II".

Holder of a 2012 LE Utah Deer Tag!!
Sure, I'd take the cat (meat included), if offered, but the sheriff told me CPW would take it. It was 10pm. I hope CPW did take it and it didn't end up in a landfill. If they never showed up, I wonder what the sheriff would do with it?
do you have anything constructive to say, as opposed to name-calling?

Wow, I'm trembling now. I live in Golden CO. Anytime you're up this way, feel free to visit.
oops that reply was to the post just prior to yours.

No valium lately. A few brews though helps every once in a while.
Either way, what does it matter?

I'm having a hard time figuring out exactly where you're going with this post? Other than drunk and picking a fight?

A couple of weeks ago I saw a small spotted whitetail fawn get smoked by a car in front of me. It died on the centerline. I pulled over and picked it up and chucked it in the ditch. The old guy that hit it thanked me cause he didn't know how to deal with it. My only thoughts were 'thank goodness it was a whitey fawn and not a muley'. There is my heart warming story. A little bit more realism than yours. And yup, I am a cold hearted SOB. :)

Sorry- not taking the bait. Have a great fall and hope your hunts go well.

Just curious though, Justr, in retrospect, if someone out of the blue yonder started calling you douchebag, and talking about your wife, what would you do, ask for some hugs and kisses?
Did you just ask Justr if you could hug and kiss him? Man, this thread just keeps getting more and more strange. I am guessing Justr's door don't swing that way, but keep looking Doug, there is someone for everyone out there.


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.

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