CV-19 Government Overreach


Long Time Member
“The president of the United States calls the shots."

“When somebody is president of the United States, the authority is total.”

- Donald Trump 4/13/2020

Any of the conservative advocates here okay with Trump declaring himself to have total authority over Governor's?

Has a more dictatorial statement ever been made by a sitting US President?

Does the 10th Amendment still mean something? Or maybe not when uttered by the first American President with a perfect record?

Grizzly, instead of showing your TDS, get a copy of the Constitution and read about the powers that the Federal Gov. is granted and what the individual states are granted.
Also some of the worse restrictions that has been done, have been done by various state governors. Just maybe we might be better off with Trump making the decision then allowing a few governors do it that have shown to be little Hitlers or complete idiots.
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Grizzly, instead of showing your TDS, get a copy of the Constitution and read about the powers that the Federal Gov. is granted and what the individual states are granted.
Also some of the worse restrictions that has been done, have been done by various state governors. Just maybe we might be better off with Trump making the decision then allowing a few governors do it that have shown to be little Hitlers or complete idiots.

All you guys can do is repeat three letters which you believe are an attack on the person who wrote the post (despicable in and of itself), but that actually have as much meaning as a degree from Trump University ??? (except those attendees won a $25,000,000 lawsuit against Trump)

And I'll take your Constitutional Challenge by going straight to the 10th Amendment which I gave you in the OP.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

I guess, in your view, the closure of nail salons and restaurant's and prohibition of family reunions must be in the Constitution somewhere that I can't find, because otherwise closing them is reserved to the States.

And to your Hitler comment... look up Godwin's Law. You're the first post and you've already lost.

Are any of the Trump supporters here principled conservatives? Or, first and foremost, are you only Trump supporters?
Your TDS is still showing along with your ignorance. Do some research of Supreme Court decisions concerning certain powers granted the Feds during a emergency or national disaster based on the constitution powers granted.
To answer your original questions, yes I have a problem with his comment.

Not sure if it is the most dictatorial statement ever made by a sitting President. Presidents say alot of stuff and we have had several of them over the years.

However, with this President more than any other I can remember, I care very little about what he says and far more about what he does. Trump likes to hear himself talk and definitely likes to flatter himself. His insecurities come out when he speaks. I have long since learned to look passed this and focus more on what he does. Fortunately he doesn't actually do that much. Which is how i like Government to run. When he actually starts having the actions of a dictator then i will be concerned. If he wants to just talk like one in front of 4 reporters that froth over every time he speaks I am unconcerned.
As dumb as my fellow Colorado citizens can sometimes be, I prefer their rule over the rule of the feds.

Trump may have gotten a little far out over the tips of his skis here.
Your TDS is still showing along with your ignorance. Do some research of Supreme Court decisions concerning certain powers granted the Feds during a emergency or national disaster based on the constitution powers granted.
I assume you're referring to Jacobson v. Massachusetts? You think that means Trump can force the States to open their nail salons? I recommend you educate yourself a bit before diving into that one.

You're so whooped by Trump you're now stuck defending his self-claimed "total authority"

Let that sink in for a bit.

I'm glad some of the other guys put the Constitution and freedom over a political party!
A lot of silence on this one from the Trump crew.

It appears my concerns put me in good company...

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Grizzly your own research shows that Trump, as president, has more power then you alluded too in your original post. Just be glad he has not invoked it like some governors and county governments have.
Also in that speech did he not mention he also would be working with the state governors on decisions concerning the virus?

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I think it's fair to apply some context to the subject being discussed here related to re-opening the economy.
Trump, like anybody else, should be judged by his actions and not so much by his clownish behavior when he is performing in front of the white house press corps because that's what this is, a media performance.
Surprisingly, I have found Trump's presidential actions to be fairly conservative and main stream. He seems mindful of the people that elected him and the reasons that they did. This shot across the bow to the nation's governors is nothing more then putting them on notice that he is ready to move forward with reopening the economy and they need to be prepared to do that.
Trump usually signals his intentions with these radical statements followed by a more reasonable approach that people will agree to because it seems tame compared to his first statement. Now, every state governor will rush to develop a plan to re-start their state's economy so they can take the credit for doing so. Keep in mind that it's an election year!
Conservatives and Sportsmen would be hard pressed to find a better champion in recent history. Trumps support for the 2nd. Amendment, better access to public lands, curbing intelligence abuses, a stronger border, shrinking some of the bloated national monuments, and the economy are issues that directly affect us all.

Busted hit the nail head with his outlook of what is going on with Trump's approach to problems.
Already the governors of CA., Oregon, and Washington have joined together to work out their approach to getting the economy back on track. I think Trump jerked their chains enough to get them in gear. Talking about TDS, the governors of New York and California have a severe case of TDS, yet both of them have stated in public that Trump has stepped up to the plate to help them out during the virus outbreak in their state. Maybe their case of TDS is not as severe as some others have.
Many of these state & local governments are going to be running out of other peoples money soon. They need to re-open to get more of it.
It looks like the FED is more willing to protect our constitution freedoms then some state or local government is willing to do.

Published 2 hours ago
Last Update 1 hour ago

EXCLUSIVE: The Justice Department intervened in a Mississippi church’s lawsuit by saying in a court filing that it "strongly suggests that the city’s actions target religious conduct" after the church sued police for ticketing congregants during a drive-in service amid coronavirus, Fox News has learned.
The Justice Department is siding with Temple Baptist Church in Greenville, Miss., after Greenville police officers began issuing $500 tickets to congregants who refused to leave a parking lot where the church was holding a drive-in service.
In the statement of interest obtained exclusively by Fox News on Tuesday, the Justice Department said the U.S. regularly files statements of interest on “important issues of religious liberty in courts at every level, from trial courts to the Supreme Court of the United States.” It noted that Attorney General Bill Barr has “issued comprehensive guidance interpreting religious-liberty protections” under the Constitution.
I like most (not all) of what Trump has done and is doing. I do wish he would rein in his tongue and twitter accounts. That said, without really digging into all this, I think Trump May be overstepping his authority a bit. Many of these governors are way out of line and trampling on our constitutional rights. I pray this virus will go away, and I pray common sense and the constitution will prevail.
I think Trump May be overstepping his authority a bit
Jonathan Turley, Constitutional attorney and Trump's sole witness in the Judiciary impeachment hearings, agrees with you.

RELH probably needs to tweet 26 times to Mr. Turley what RELH feels is the greatest slander he can contrive... TDS, which he's already said five times in this thread alone ?
TRUMP: I have total authority as President.

TRUMP SUPPORTERS: Yeah, cuz they won't let me buy seeds.

That's enough reason for me to trample the Constitution! No worries here that the next guy might use his "total authority" to shut everybody down for global warming or some other stupid idea. Cuz we love Trump!!!

Trump, like anybody else, should be judged by his actions and not so much by his clownish behavior when he is performing in front of the white house press corps
And that's our President. You have to wade through all the clownish stupid stuff to try and guess what he's doing, will do, what he's saying, what's truth (if anything), etc. It gets just a little frustrating. That's our all mighty King Trump, the smartest man in the world.
And that's our President. You have to wade through all the clownish stupid stuff to try and guess what he's doing, will do, what he's saying, what's truth (if anything), etc. It gets just a little frustrating.

That's our all mighty King Trump, the smartest man in the world.

Comparing Him to the Choices We Had and the Future Choices We will have Your Statement might be True when comparing the other JOKERS to Him!

"The Federal Government does not have the power to reopen the economy" Yoo said.

Nah, nothing political going on with this pandemic.
grizz - think you need to understand what the 10th really means. It means if it's not spelled out on it being fed authority, the state's can take care of it until if and when it is defined by the SCOTUS when necessary.

What the states DO NOT have is authority to regulate interstate commerce, only Congress does. This means states can't bow up and do whatever they want when getting the national economy up and running again which is a matter of national security, virus or no virus.

And yes, like it or not, the office of the POTUS is the ultimate authority, a president can place under arrest a gov'r that is deemed to be disruptive to the security of a free state, which is also under the authority and responsibility of the POTUS.

The inherent danger of a gov'r outright defying federal authority, of which a state is still subservient to, is setting the precedent for cities, towns, and counties to tell the gov'r to go pound sand and there ain't a thing the gov'r can do about it.

What's good for the goose...
I thought the United States was a federation of states? Fed has primacy on limited matters by design.

It is odd to see the exact opposite states rights argument as when a democrat is in power.
Roadrunner, I think you need to read up on a few things. I recommend starting with the opinions of Scalia, Turley, Yoo, Cheney, et al posted above.

I've been accused of being a closet liberal on this site and now I'm the one preaching limited Federal powers while others want a larger government state and to transfer power to a single individual without intra-branch oversight.

Oh, what a web we weave.
what's truth (if anything), etc. It gets just a little frustrating. That's our all mighty King Trump, the smartest man in the world.

Smart enough to become a billionaire and get elected to the office of president when everybody and polls said he didn't have a chance of defeating crooked Hillary. Can you match his record? I know I can't.
No not happy with what he said. But understand why he said it. The same governors who are saying they are going to reopen are the same ones blaming the federal government for not getting them resources...they open too open and it will be blame the federal government. It is politics.

What I dont understand on this thread is what the Trump haters are trying to prove? Is there a better alternative right now? Would you trust Hillary or Biden to handle this you think your civil liberties would be more secure under them in this crisis? Or are you trolling Trump supporters?
Roadrunner, I think you need to read up on a few things. I recommend starting with the opinions of Scalia, Turley, Yoo, Cheney, et al posted above.

I've been accused of being a closet liberal on this site and now I'm the one preaching limited Federal powers while others want a larger government state and to transfer power to a single individual without intra-branch oversight.

Oh, what a web we weave.

You are now quoting Liz Cheney?

So. SLC county is now off it's stay at home order? If the power lies within the state, is Jenny Wilson running illegal?

First, trumps answer was in response to a question about liberal governors fighting him on opening up, it wasn't about him forcing them to.

Second. Thus is why we supposedly have a Supreme Court. Not Jonathan Turley.

Tenth, We are a month in and your biggest concern is Trump mouthing off. But the dozens and dozens of non constitutional closings, illegal orders, TWO BIT DICTATORS, violations of religious liberty, etc, etc, etc, that's bothers you?

You get pretty wound up by words. You've spent a ton a posts lately being the word police.

Did I miss your concern as DiBlasio and Cuomo are arguing about power in NY.?

Yes. IF Trump forced states to open it would be an issue in my opinion.
“The president of the United States calls the shots."

“When somebody is president of the United States, the authority is total.”

- Donald Trump 4/13/2020

Any of the conservative advocates here okay with Trump declaring himself to have total authority over Governor's?

Has a more dictatorial statement ever been made by a sitting US President?

Does the 10th Amendment still mean something? Or maybe not when uttered by the first American President with a perfect record?

"I have a pen and a phone"
So. SLC county is now off it's stay at home order? If the power lies within the state, is Jenny Wilson running illegal?

If the legislature passes a law in their special session that starts on Thursday, then yes. It's supposedly up for consideration. I don't think she should be shutting down businesses any more than I think Trump should be opening them back up.

"I have a pen and a phone"

Yep, it was wrong when he said it. RELH obviously supports that type of action from a president. I don't care what his party is, I follow the Constitution... Not the politician. If it was wrong for Obama, it's wrong for Trump. And it'll be wrong for the next guy too. It's called intellectual honesty.

I really thought you'd be against Trump believing that. Was I wrong?

You get pretty wound up by words. You've spent a ton a posts lately being the word police

Not wound up at all. Never lost a moment of sleep or given it a second thought when I'm not reading the threads with the little red number at the top by the bell.

But the fact that this site is the only website I go to that openly espouses racist rhetoric and the pushback is against those that call it out is cause for some posters to seriously consider where they stand in the world. Some guys were even posting that on Easter... you'd think the Christian spirit could show up at least a day or two a year.

The hatred that some people hold for people that are different from them is pitiful. What a sad way to go through life.
Smart enough to become a billionaire and get elected to the office of president when everybody and polls said he didn't have a chance of defeating crooked Hillary. Can you match his record? I know I can't.
He tells us he's the smartest, so how can anyone argue with that? He's never wrong. End of discussion. :rolleyes:
Hail the mighty king, ruler of all!
Grizzly said;
If the legislature passes a law in their special session that starts on Thursday, then yes. It's supposedly up for consideration. I don't think she should be shutting down businesses any more than I think Trump should be opening them back up.

That is the most asinine opinion I have seen for some time. I guess Grizzy feels we just should remain in limbo and leave things as they are. No shutting down or opening of business.
Don't give me the argument that only Congress should make the decision. Pelosi made sure that the House adjourned and will not come back until next month as she does not give a rat's a$$ about the citizens or their business. She just wants her political game to pan out.
Roadrunner, I think you need to read up on a few things. I recommend starting with the opinions of Scalia, Turley, Yoo, Cheney, et al posted above.

I've been accused of being a closet liberal on this site and now I'm the one preaching limited Federal powers while others want a larger government state and to transfer power to a single individual without intra-branch oversight.

Oh, what a web we weave.

No, grizz, I really don't...
If the legislature passes a law in their special session that starts on Thursday, then yes. It's supposedly up for consideration. I don't think she should be shutting down businesses any more than I think Trump should be opening them back up.

Yep, it was wrong when he said it. RELH obviously supports that type of action from a president. I don't care what his party is, I follow the Constitution... Not the politician. If it was wrong for Obama, it's wrong for Trump. And it'll be wrong for the next guy too. It's called intellectual honesty.

I really thought you'd be against Trump believing that. Was I wrong?

Not wound up at all. Never lost a moment of sleep or given it a second thought when I'm not reading the threads with the little red number at the top by the bell.

But the fact that this site is the only website I go to that openly espouses racist rhetoric and the pushback is against those that call it out is cause for some posters to seriously consider where they stand in the world. Some guys were even posting that on Easter... you'd think the Christian spirit could show up at least a day or two a year.

The hatred that some people hold for people that are different from them is pitiful. What a sad way to go through life.

I worked with a Vietnam vet, he had nothing good to say about Vietnamese.

I know for a fact WW2 guys had "issues" with "Japs and Krauts"

Dudes being less than pleased that one "race" has killed thousands, destroyed trillions of dollars, etc, isn't a huge deal.

Words are just Words. "Sticks and stones...."

As to Trump.

For you to believe that Trump has an ego that's different than any other President, or belief in his power is greater tgan any President, is childish.

You want me to get you the clip of Obama's Dam acceptance speach? You know, the one where his nomination was going to stop the "rising ocean"

I'm concerned ONLY with actions.

I was concerned when Clinton banned "assault rifles". Concerned when Bush signed the"Patriot Act". Concerned when Obama signed "Obama Care".


After that daily "try to dunk on Trump" press conference. Where the media isn't concerned at all with informing the public, only with badgering the President. Which has been the on going issue for 3 years.

Did he get pissed and shoot down a yet another reporter(propagandist) with the "Absolute power" line, YES.

Did he act on it? No.

And further. The reason a handful of Governors are so look worried now, is States will open. Texas, Wyoming, Utah, to name a few.

When that happens the Tyrant Governors will then have to face their constituents. Right now they can shift blame to the feds.

That ends as soon as Trump says "let's open".

Hard to choke off seeds and flags when entire states are going back to work.

Words vs Actions
TRUMP: I have total authority as President.

TRUMP SUPPORTERS: Yeah, cuz they won't let me buy seeds.

That's enough reason for me to trample the Constitution! No worries here that the next guy might use his "total authority" to shut everybody down for global warming or some other stupid idea. Cuz we love Trump!!!

Why do you always give a puzzle with pieces missing? When that statement was made, were you watching, or just saw it on cnn? He was asked a specific question about governors violating our first and second amendment rights..... but, hey, keep those cnn blinders on. Whatever you do, don't EVER watch the actual televised briefing to get context.
I worked with a Vietnam vet, he had nothing good to say about Vietnamese.

I know for a fact WW2 guys had "issues" with "Japs and Krauts"

Dudes being less than pleased that one "race" has killed thousands, destroyed trillions of dollars, etc, isn't a huge deal.

Words are just Words. "Sticks and stones...."

As to Trump.

For you to believe that Trump has an ego that's different than any other President, or belief in his power is greater tgan any President, is childish.

You want me to get you the clip of Obama's Dam acceptance speach? You know, the one where his nomination was going to stop the "rising ocean"

I'm concerned ONLY with actions.

I was concerned when Clinton banned "assault rifles". Concerned when Bush signed the"Patriot Act". Concerned when Obama signed "Obama Care".


After that daily "try to dunk on Trump" press conference. Where the media isn't concerned at all with informing the public, only with badgering the President. Which has been the on going issue for 3 years.

Did he get pissed and shoot down a yet another reporter(propagandist) with the "Absolute power" line, YES.

Did he act on it? No.

And further. The reason a handful of Governors are so look worried now, is States will open. Texas, Wyoming, Utah, to name a few.

When that happens the Tyrant Governors will then have to face their constituents. Right now they can shift blame to the feds.

That ends as soon as Trump says "let's open".

Hard to choke off seeds and flags when entire states are going back to work.

Words vs Actions

The reason I said what I said is because, yes, if the vast majority of the states see the wisdom in going back to work and getting the economy rolling again, a sitting president does have the authority to strong arm a governor. Otherwise you begin to create a situation of secession all over again. Those same states receive federal aid, they are still subject under federal law. However, both parties have to agree on middle ground for what's best for the state at that time as well as the nation as a whole.

Blatantly defying a federal directive is hardly a reason for a state to quote the 10th Amendment on states' rights. This does not mean, however, that federal directives should be followed absolute. The issue of discussion is releasing a federal restriction on economic activity, which still, is under federal authority at the end of the day.

A state cannot decide to start farming, harvesting, and distributing for sale cocaine and heroine without severe federal consequences. The whole cannabis and recreational marijuana thing is still under federal authority. The memorandum of understanding issued by the feds, in a nutshell states, 'proceed with caution states, we are leaving it up to you to monitor just like any other tobacco law'.

Yeah, grizz, I think I'm up on some stuff and don't need to check into your reading list. After all, they're still just opinions and everyone knows opinions can be overwritten...
Why do you always give a puzzle with pieces missing? When that statement was made, were you watching, or just saw it on cnn? He was asked a specific question about governors violating our first and second amendment rights..... but, hey, keep those cnn blinders on. Whatever you do, don't EVER watch the actual televised briefing to get context.

They are pretty unwatchable.
I think I'm up on some stuff and don't need to check into your reading list. After all, they're still just opinions and everyone knows opinions can be overwritten...
Roadrunner v. Scalia

Bill of Rights v. MonsterMuleys

Yeah, pretty sure I'll stick with the 10th Amendment as Justice Scalia sees it and not roadrunners post as MM's pro-Trump crowd sees it.

We now have supposed-conservative people here advocating for the diminishment of the Constitution and consolidation of power under the Executive Branch because they like the guy currently at the top. And they have no idea, or don't care, how short-sighted that is! Hilarious!!!
Who cares about TDS or the states? I am more worried that the world over reacted and shut down huge economies and this Covid-19 might end up being another virus like a common flu. I saw a doctor yesterday that said they tested 100% of the population in a town in Germany and the actual death rate was a half percent. If that proves to be true after this mess we just collapsed the US economy over the fear of the unknown. That will leave some egg on some politicians faces in both parties.
You quote Liz Cheny.

Now Scalia?

That's hilarious.

Cab you show where Trump forced the state's to open?


That TDS you blow off.

1st symptom is:

Freaking out about words..

Let's be 100% correct.

The reason the media blew this up. Is because Tump absolutely crushed them with his video replaying their own clips.

Today it will be some other explosive news flash.

Like 99.9% of Trump news thus is another manufactured issue.

Biggest news story that the media doesn't like.

Conservatives are usually busy working, no time for protest. Now they have time.

Witmer has a recall. St George among other cities doing walk for freedom.

Lawsuits being filed all over the country over the DICTATORS.
Who cares about TDS or the states? I am more worried that the world over reacted and shut down huge economies and this Covid-19 might end up being another virus like a common flu. I saw a doctor yesterday that said they tested 100% of the population in a town in Germany and the actual death rate was a half percent. If that proves to be true after this mess we just collapsed the US economy over the fear of the unknown. That will leave some egg on some politicians faces in both parties.

At some point there will be a liberal President. When that liberal President declares Global Warming a National Emergency and closes down the country and spends trillions of dollars on this "Emergency" are you guys going to be okay with the President declaring their "authority is total" and doing what they want? Or will you want congressional oversight and the individual governor's to have autonomy over their own state. It sounds like you're okay with President AOC shutting down Texas, as her "authority is total."

When Trump says he can "open up the economy" how do you think he's going to force a nail salon in San Francisco to open back up? Even if a President can close a small business due to an "emergency" how do you expect him to open them if the local health department forbids it? Don't you support local control? Isn't that a basic Republican tenet?

And if this is a huge overreaction (which I believe it is), then don't you hold Trump accountable? He's bragging daily that he was the first one to close down travel to China (which we were actually the 38th country to do that) and to close travel to Europe. He brags about acting quickly. He said he knew all along it was a pandemic and that he was now a "war time" President. Does the buck not stop with him?

If he takes all the credit (he's even now having his name printed on the stimulus checks, which no prior President has done) then does he not get the blame when things go bad? Or does that not fit the narrative of Dear Leader?
Grizzly said;
If the legislature passes a law in their special session that starts on Thursday, then yes. It's supposedly up for consideration. I don't think she should be shutting down businesses any more than I think Trump should be opening them back up.

That is the most asinine opinion I have seen for some time. I guess Grizzy feels we just should remain in limbo and leave things as they are. No shutting down or opening of business.
Don't give me the argument that only Congress should make the decision. Pelosi made sure that the House adjourned and will not come back until next month as she does not give a rat's a$$ about the citizens or their business. She just wants her political game to pan out.

We're talking about SLC Mayor Wilson. You're obviously unaware, being a Californian, that Utah's Legislature is holding a special session tomorrow. You clearly don't know the context since this has nothing to do with Pelosi.

This is a state Legislature saying a local government can't pass laws more strict than state laws... just like many conservative states have done with gun laws to prevent a city from being anti-gun in a pro-gun state.
Who cares about TDS or the states? I am more worried that the world over reacted and shut down huge economies and this Covid-19 might end up being another virus like a common flu. I saw a doctor yesterday that said they tested 100% of the population in a town in Germany and the actual death rate was a half percent. If that proves to be true after this mess we just collapsed the US economy over the fear of the unknown. That will leave some egg on some politicians faces in both parties.

One then wonders why we are following guidelines at all? I was reading an article about a bunch of retired New Yorkers who moved to Florida and always got together to play poker. Well all eight of them got the virus, after a poker game in March, and three of them died. Then it goes on to describe the people who died: Age 94 with bad health, ages 86 and 84 with bad health? WTF is up with people being disgusted that a 94 year old died of something?

Maybe if you are old and frail you should follow some guidelines but I suspect that those who really want to live their last days would break the rules. One of the guys who I hunt birds with brings his 80+ year old dad with him once a year. He old boy is funny and has told us some great stories of his youth but he always says, "You got have some vices otherwise you will feel stupid laying there dying of nothing".

We have stupid leaders which is a reflection of the electorate.

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It's either .37% as a percentage or .0037 as a decimal.

It's not .037 of anything.

Sure glad Dear Leader closed travel to two major continents and spent trillions of dollars on this with his name personally added to the checks. Sure glad he's put Fauci on TV for two hours a day to tell us how bad this is.

As FNC so happily reports, his approval rating is at an all-time high. It's obvious he knew he could parlay this into politics and has done so. Never let a crisis go to waste.
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Roadrunner, I think you need to read up on a few things. I recommend starting with the opinions of Scalia, Turley, Yoo, Cheney, et al posted above.

I've been accused of being a closet liberal on this site and now I'm the one preaching limited Federal powers while others want a larger government state and to transfer power to a single individual without intra-branch oversight.

Oh, what a web we weave.

It’s funny how that works around here. If Trump announced forced abortions on his “absolute authority”, full immediate enactment of the green new deal, and an immediate end to private firearm ownership in this country at his press conference this evening 80% of the regulars in this forum would figure out a way to support it. Blind support with no ability for independent thought Is terrifying.
“The president of the United States calls the shots."

“When somebody is president of the United States, the authority is total.”

- Donald Trump 4/13/2020

Any of the conservative advocates here okay with Trump declaring himself to have total authority over Governor's?

Has a more dictatorial statement ever been made by a sitting US President?

Does the 10th Amendment still mean something? Or maybe not when uttered by the first American President with a perfect record?

It is my opinion that ALL government is overstepping right now. I am seeing the most insane display of humans rights violations in my time on earth. Mayors, Commisioners, Governors all have their heads up their turd canals...Just my opinion though...
It’s funny how that works around here. If Trump announced forced abortions on his “absolute authority”, full immediate enactment of the green new deal, and an immediate end to private firearm ownership in this country at his press conference this evening 80% of the regulars in this forum would figure out a way to support it. Blind support with no ability for independent thought Is terrifying.

You assume too much, sam. In this case, it only makes an ass out of you...
It's either .37% as a percentage or .0037 as a decimal.

It's not .037 of anything.
Haven't we established that the numbers are wildly inaccurate and likely fabricated? Both leading and lagging indicators, but mainly the "models".

Carry it to as many decimal places as you want, right now all that matters is whether the number of sick (and contagious) people are increasing or decreasing.

Nearly 1 month ago cops surrounded a neighborhood in California.

I made a post.

You jumped on to tell me how over the top I was.

I have bashed Jenny Wilson repeatedly.

I bashed Vermont. I bashed Michigan. I based tickets at church services.

You truly should STOP with the vitriol.

At every juncture you've jumped in to say I'm hyperbolic, that the death rate was huge, etc, etc.

Trump talks a lot of chit.

But let's get real. The ONLY reason buisness agreed to shut down, is because they 100% believe HE DOES NOT WANT A massive government take over.

It would never happen with Obama. Never with Bernie. Never with Biden.

These stupid little "gotcha" games the media, and dems are playing have lost all relevance.

Disney is losing $30million per day.

And we are supposed to care that the Chinese dictator doesn't like our attitudes.

Man. As I guy who has been on your side of a lot of issues. We may not be friends, BUT, THERE IS A FREIGHT TRAIN COMING. Get off the tracks with your PC and bullshit.

You are losing all credibility. And eventuality, because "don't let a crisis go to waste", the Lees and Pendleys will be back.

NO ONE will take you seripusly.

Team sports ended a month ago.

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