Are masks working

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Active Member
First let me say I’m not making this post as a political statement. With hundred of thousands of new cases reported every day, 100,000+ hospitalizations, and now 3000 deaths daily, I find it hard to believe that the majority of these people were not wearing masks. When I am out anywhere there are people, everyone I see is wearing masks. I think most of the population is taking the virus seriously and are doing what they can to protect themselves. I have seen nothing reported in the news about the question being asked whether people contracting covid had been wearing masks. It appears to be being hidden from the public. I could go on, but I would like to hear your opinions.
I guess I'm a lot like you. All I know is what they tell me. I'm sure they at least do some good. If your old like me you probably look at it a little different than the young folks. To me it could be a death sentence and to a young buck it's no big deal. Might be a little sick for 3 or 4 days. I don't go out any more than necessary but when I do I'll wear one. Sure as hell can't hurt anything.
read the box your mask comes in. there not going to do a thing for you. as soon as they started saying it was going to save us (remember they told us not to wear masks for weeks at first) i called BS.

I've had training in asbestos abatement and remediation. first thing you learn is asbestos particles are so small that anything other then a respirator with a hepa filter they go right through and you breath them in. like exactly the masks there telling us we have to wear. now im no wizard but im pretty sure viruses are a fair amount smaller then rock fibers made from cutting a piece of drywall with old mud on it...
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We were told when this all started masks did not help prevent getting the virus.....wal-mart customers have determined that masks are needed......

My wife and I wear our masks, and neither of us have got it, so I’m going with......Yes, masks work.
Common sense also tells me they do more good than without. Smart people who know that stuff also say they work. It’s no big deal to wear it, so I go with it. Being sick sucks. I rarely get sick, and want to keep it that way. I have hikes to do. No time to deal with COVID.
I personally think everyone should wear one to try and get the crap under control, but if they don’t, whatever.
I'm pretty sure 99% of the folks are wearing masks out there. Yet the numbers of infections are skyrocketing. So common sense will tell you masks aren't 100% effective.

Better hope that vaccine fixes all this mess else it's not a question of if, but WHEN you'll get COVID.
I’m not sold on masks working because there are 10x the cases now that everyone wears them as there were before mandates. That said, I’ll wear mine in public, out of respect but I’ll never understand those I see wearing them while driving all alone. Usually when I do see it, they’re driving a Prius or Subaru and that tells me all I need to know.
I’ll help you out

My wife and I wear our masks, and neither of us have got it, so I’m going with......Yes, masks work.
Common sense also tells me they do more good than without. Smart people who know that stuff also say they work. It’s no big deal to wear it, so I go with it. Being sick sucks. I rarely get sick, and want to keep it that way. I have hikes to do. No time to deal with COVID.
I personally think everyone should wear one to try and get the crap under control, but if they don’t, whatever.
What’s probably more dangerous to you is you and your wife’s false sense of security while wearing your mask

Everybody Thinks a .19 F'N Cent Mask that was Made in F'N China is Gonna Save Your Ass?

They Could Slip Something To Kill You in to these Masks & Wipe this Whole Country Out without Firing a Shot!

There was a Local Robbery Here a couple Weeks Back!

The Cops Asked the Witness for a Description of the JOKER!

And I Quote:

"I Don't know,but He was Wearing a Mask"


That Should Solve the Case Don't You Think?
What’s probably more dangerous to you is you and your wife’s false sense of security while wearing your mask
I’m sure that’s more dangerous. :rolleyes:
Even without covid going around I don’t really like sharing air with people. Pretty gross. All that coughing, sneezing.......yuck. I’ll take my false sense of security and leave all that gross crap coming out of people’s pie holes for others. ha ha
Hey Founder?

I Thought 'Pie-Hole' and/or the Use of was Prohibited on this Site?:D

I’m sure that’s more dangerous. :rolleyes:
Even without covid going around I don’t really like sharing air with people. Pretty gross. All that coughing, sneezing.......yuck. I’ll take my false sense of security and leave all that gross crap coming out of people’s pie holes for others. ha ha
When I go into a public place, I will wear a mask out of respect to other persons in the place. I do not feel the masks are that great at preventing Covid-19. They may supply some small coverage but are not fool proof.
What I think is better then the mask is using hand sanitation after coming out of a public place or having contact with other persons that may have it. I carry a small plastic bottle in my pants pocket of sanitizer and used it very often.
You also have to be careful of what sanitizer you use, The FDA found that many of them were too weak to be of use in killing the virus on your hands. I make my own.
I use medical grade alcohol that is 91% alcohol and mix it 3 to 1 with Aloe Verde hand lotion and about 20 drops of lavender oil.
The hand lotion helps to prevent the alcohol from drying out your hands, the lavender oil covers up the alcohol smell.
Most bottles of alcohol sold in stores are only 50% alcohol and are too weak to kill the virus, you need 91% and the above mix gives you right at 70% alcohol which is over the 60% that was recommended for hand sanitation.
Hey Blue!

Might Take more than a Mask!

A Few Years Back,We go look at this Job in a Cafe!

I'm looking through the Crack of a set of Double Doors in to the Kitchen!

The SLIMY Cook has Grease/Filth a 1/2" Thick on His GRIMY Pants!

He's Got one of those White Chef Hats on that Ain't Quite White anymore!

He Leans over this Big Kettle of Soup & His Hat Falls off letting his 30"+ Hair Fall in the Soup!

He Looks around but He Can't See Me!

He Grabs His Hair & Wrings it Out Back in to the Kettle of Soup!

The Manager Offered to Buy Me Lunch that Day!

But I Couldn't Gut It!

I wish everyone who prepared and served my food was required to wear a mask at all times. Forever. ;)
A virus particle is much smaller then a mask. A virus particle attached to a water molecule is bigger. A mask is about all we have to proactively reduce some spread. Nobody has ever gone around saying a mask is anywhere near 100% effective.
A virus particle is much smaller then a mask. A virus particle attached to a water molecule is bigger. A mask is about all we have to proactively reduce some spread. Nobody has ever gone around saying a mask is anywhere near 100% effective.
Yet they need to be mandated? Whatever happened to “my body, my choice” ?
I’m sure that’s more dangerous. :rolleyes:
Even without covid going around I don’t really like sharing air with people. Pretty gross. All that coughing, sneezing.......yuck. I’ll take my false sense of security and leave all that gross crap coming out of people’s pie holes for others. ha ha
I must have missed the recent trend of people constantly spitting in each other’s faces coinciding with this pandemic... guess all those hundreds of thousands of years of air born viruses just up and left...
I must have missed the recent trend of people constantly spitting in each other’s faces coinciding with this pandemic... guess all those hundreds of thousands of years of air born viruses just up and left...
Medical professionals have worn them since about the time we got that modern medicine stuff. To keep YOU from being infected with SOME airborne particles.

But facts don't have anything to do with this political discussion.
Hey Blue!

Might Take more than a Mask!

A Few Years Back,We go look at this Job in a Cafe!

I'm looking through the Crack of a set of Double Doors in to the Kitchen!

The SLIMY Cook has Grease/Filth a 1/2" Thick on His GRIMY Pants!

He's Got one of those White Chef Hats on that Ain't Quite White anymore!

He Leans over this Big Kettle of Soup & His Hat Falls off letting his 30"+ Hair Fall in the Soup!

He Looks around but He Can't See Me!

He Grabs His Hair & Wrings it Out Back in to the Kettle of Soup!

The Manager Offered to Buy Me Lunch that Day!

But I Couldn't Gut It!
And that's what masks are for. (y) Ain't like the good old days when we could send your azz to a leper colony or asylum.
I must have a comfortable, lightweight mask, cause it just doesn’t seem very miserable to wear the thing. I can’t understand why it’s such a big deal? What is it about the mask that people don’t like so much that there’s such a big deal made out of wearing it?
It’s like being ask to wash your hands after wiping your butt and people putting up a fight cause someone asked them to wash their hands after taking a crap. It’s weird!!! What’s the big deal? Is it that much trouble to turn a faucet on, soap up, wash and rinse?
A mask is so easy to put on, it doesn’t put any stress on my neck, doesn’t hinder my ability to breathe, nothing. What is the big deal??????

The only downside of me wearing a mask is I’m denying others the pleasure of seeing me. Ha ha :)
Medical professionals have worn them since about the time we got that modern medicine stuff. To keep YOU from being infected with SOME airborne particles.

But facts don't have anything to do with this political discussion.
Yeah the whole “don’t you want your surgeon wearing a mask” comment. Well if I’m walking around with my chest cavity open I’d appreciate you masking up around me yes
So Founder?

You Wearing Your Mask When You're Up in the High Country as well?

I See People Driving Vehicles All Alone wearing their Masks!

Must Be afraid of Their-selves I Take it?

I must have a comfortable, lightweight mask, cause it just doesn’t seem very miserable to wear the thing. I can’t understand why it’s such a big deal? What is it about the mask that people don’t like so much that there’s such a big deal made out of wearing it?
It’s like being ask to wash your hands after wiping your butt and people putting up a fight cause someone asked them to wash their hands after taking a crap. It’s weird!!! What’s the big deal? Is it that much trouble to turn a faucet on, soap up, wash and rinse?
A mask is so easy to put on, it doesn’t put any stress on my neck, doesn’t hinder my ability to breathe, nothing. What is the big deal??????

The only downside of me wearing a mask is I’m denying others the pleasure of seeing me. Ha ha :)
I must have a comfortable, lightweight mask, cause it just doesn’t seem very miserable to wear the thing. I can’t understand why it’s such a big deal? What is it about the mask that people don’t like so much that there’s such a big deal made out of wearing it?
It’s like being ask to wash your hands after wiping your butt and people putting up a fight cause someone asked them to wash their hands after taking a crap. It’s weird!!! What’s the big deal? Is it that much trouble to turn a faucet on, soap up, wash and rinse?
A mask is so easy to put on, it doesn’t put any stress on my neck, doesn’t hinder my ability to breathe, nothing. What is the big deal??????

The only downside of me wearing a mask is I’m denying others the pleasure of seeing me. Ha ha :)
It’s fine if you want to. I was born free, don’t tell me what I have to do. If I want to I will, if I don’t I won’t
I must have a comfortable, lightweight mask, cause it just doesn’t seem very miserable to wear the thing. I can’t understand why it’s such a big deal? What is it about the mask that people don’t like so much that there’s such a big deal made out of wearing it?
It’s like being ask to wash your hands after wiping your butt and people putting up a fight cause someone asked them to wash their hands after taking a crap. It’s weird!!! What’s the big deal? Is it that much trouble to turn a faucet on, soap up, wash and rinse?
A mask is so easy to put on, it doesn’t put any stress on my neck, doesn’t hinder my ability to breathe, nothing. What is the big deal??????

The only downside of me wearing a mask is I’m denying others the pleasure of seeing me. Ha ha :)

It’s fine if you want to. I was born free, don’t tell me what I have to do. If I want to I will, if I don’t I won’t
And this is what it is all about. All about you, **** anybody else that could possibly be helped.

I get it. Nobody wants to be told to do anything. It is not about protecting you, it is about others. This mass inconvenience is such a tragedy propagated by those who want to inconvenience you.

I'm fine with it. Just stay away from everyone else.
It’s fine if you want to. I was born free, don’t tell me what I have to do. If I want to I will, if I don’t I won’t
No one is telling you to wear one, they’re asking. Except of course private property. There, they are telling you, and they have every right. But everywhere else it’s a simple “ask”, yet it seems to be such a big deal.
If, After the pandemic is over and they try and get me to wear a mask you will see civil disobedience from me, big time. Not yet though. It’s, going to take 70% or so of the population being vaccinated for that to happen.
I'll wear a mask in a private business if they require it but not because I think it will keep anybody safe. I just showed you in the video that it doesn't. Some people won't even believe what they see with their own eyes but they will believe what someone on television tells them to.

Once you get the vaccine shot you don't need to wear a mask. You can't give something to somebody that you don't have, right?
I am currently on day 10 of my Covid-19 experience and aside from loss of smell, slight body aches and mild congestion, my experience has been far better than I was fearing.
Weird thing is, I never once had a fever and my wife has tested Negative twice during my illness and she's considered high risk.

Having said that, I see people wearing masks everywhere I've been for the past 2 months, yet cases continue to grow daily regardless.
So "No"....I honestly think and say masks aren't even slowing this thing down in the least bit.
My kids’ school reported 37 cases a couple weeks ago. (And that’s just the kids showing illness who were tested.)
Shut school down.
Now they’re back. Today they report 1 case.
37 cases after they’re in school, and 1 after being out. But then we’re told school isn’t the problem. :rolleyes:
Most of the people in my area (rural northern California and Nevada) do not wear masks except where they are required to do so. If a store does not require it, then it is mostly the elderly and the employees in masks. Meanwhile, we are experiencing rapid spread. Do masks help? I can only say that information and knowledge matter, and so I trust those with experience and training to make that decision. Until this became a political issue, no one ever questioned the decisions of the CDC, etc. Why employ them if we won't listen, and why is it only recently that we are forced to face this question? It may be my choice to comply, but I do not doubt that they are better equipped to understand the consequences than I.
I'm pretty sure 99% of the folks are wearing masks out there. Yet the numbers of infections are skyrocketing. So common sense will tell you masks aren't 100% effective.

Better hope that vaccine fixes all this mess else it's not a question of if, but WHEN you'll get COVID.
Not what I'm seeing. I'm seeing less than 50 percent wearing masks in public.
This recent study out of Denmark says masks really don't do jack

First let me say I’m not making this post as a political statement. With hundred of thousands of new cases reported every day, 100,000+ hospitalizations, and now 3000 deaths daily, I find it hard to believe that the majority of these people were not wearing masks. When I am out anywhere there are people, everyone I see is wearing masks. I think most of the population is taking the virus seriously and are doing what they can to protect themselves. I have seen nothing reported in the news about the question being asked whether people contracting covid had been wearing masks. It appears to be being hidden from the public. I could go on, but I would like to hear your opinions.
No. They are preventing herd immunity and prolonging the inevitable. The prior being the most important.
Most don't wear them right, So those people wouldn't believe in them no matter what. All I got to say I wear them I still ended up with it.
I wouldn't wish on it on the my worse enemy.
1% wearing is better then zero not wearing it.
it just might be a family member you save.
You might end up wearing them for 100 days.
Wear or don't wear them will be like no shirt no shoe's no mask

I wonder why Doctors wear them during surgery. THINK they may know something about NOT passing germs to the person they are working on.
This is also quite disturbing. Basically the article says that the standard most used Covid test was created without any virus material. It was a formula or recipe created by China and quickly adopted by the W.H.O. then sent out to the world. False positives anyone... we're all getting punked!

Or you will be gathered up! Your taxes raised! Your privileges removed! Your property confiscated! Do It Do Now! Wear the mask! Give me your guns!
Hey grizzly!

You Might wanna read Posts # 61 & 62!

And Maybe Post # 42 as well!

Then Read them again!

The myriad of Rona protective measures sure seemed to work during the flu season in the Southern Hemisphere...

I don't think there's any way to split them up into efficacy rates by protocol, but it appears it worked from a macro perspective.
Lot's of cases have been reported as covid related and they are not. The $$$$ being sent to hospitals for each covid case drives that.

The more cases and the fear level increases and Gates and the pharma's have more vaccine revenue. Money drives many of what happens today.

I'm on the high risk category due to age(No health issues), but for me, washing my hands and using hand sanitizer over the last several years is the #1 reason why I have not had a cold, flu etc.... in years. Hopeing to keep it that way.
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Or you will be gathered up! Your taxes raised! Your privileges removed! Your property confiscated! Do It Do Now! Wear the mask! Give me your guns!
Look, I don't want to hijack such an important and informative thread, but the only people calling for martial law right now are Trump nominees. :ROFLMAO:
"Are masks Working?" Well, it depends on what you are hoping to accomplish by wearing a mask!
Do you somehow feel safer? Have you, or someone you know, caught the disease even after wearing your mask as instructed?
Do you feel that, by wearing your mask, you are "doing your part" to slow the spread? Is it working?
Here in Phoenix, masks are being worn by 98%+ of the people everywhere I go, but yet we are experiencing another surge in positive tests. So , , , , NO, THE MASKS ARE NOT WORKING TO SLOW THE SPREAD OF COVID 19!
Go figure!
Did the COVID 19 pandemic have any influence on the outcome of the recent election?
Can anyone even start to calculate the devastation this hysteria has done, and is doing, to the economy?
It never ceases to amaze me how intelligent, educated adults, are so easily persuaded to just fall in line with the rest of the sheep, and refuse to even see what is going on around them.

The only experience i have is having two friends who wear masks religiously, both got it. I’m a little more lax haven’t got it? Around the same amount of people with the same potential. Not saying masks do nothing. But In places where close quarter work is required I don’t think they do much.
My kids’ school reported 37 cases a couple weeks ago. (And that’s just the kids showing illness who were tested.)
Shut school down.
Now they’re back. Today they report 1 case.
37 cases after they’re in school, and 1 after being out. But then we’re told school isn’t the problem. :rolleyes:
Shutting down schools is a horrible idea. The consequences of the kids missing school, from academics, to social health to mental health has been devastating. Suicide, depression, anxiety has jumped off the charts. Students in K-3 have been hit hard academically! These kids are at virtually 0 risk unless they have a very serious underlying condition. Yet, we better shutdown schools, we wouldn't want a small percentage to have a cough or lose their sense of smell for a few days. That would be a tragedy! ? the American Academy of Pediatrics has also said school should be open . If you care about kids at all then you should want school to be open. These teachers that want school shut down are by far the minority. They are considered essential workers because it is so important to our country that kids are in school. There are options to keep your kids home. The parents who have a problem with it, keep your kids home. Don't force the others.
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Anybody think that all these people complying with the mask wearing for months and have contacted Covid might have been suppressing their own immune system by being "too clean"?
No. And the masks were NEVER to keep you from CATCHING the 'rona. Doh!

The problem is the asymptomatic folks (my sister for example). They don't know they have it so they don't know they are transmitting it.

I think if you knowingly go into public while contagious with a communicable disease, you should be charged criminally. We are out of hospital beds anyway, and I'm sure the tough guys in jail who already have it won't mind.:D

We just needed a quick stir.
What I'm Trying to say grizzly is:

Very Few including You are looking at/Thinking about the Big Picture!

I'll Say it again!

It's Happening!



I know what you think you're saying. You've repeated it a half dozen times. But you have no idea what I think because I've never posted it.
Most of the people in my area (rural northern California and Nevada) do not wear masks except where they are required to do so. If a store does not require it, then it is mostly the elderly and the employees in masks. Meanwhile, we are experiencing rapid spread. Do masks help? I can only say that information and knowledge matter, and so I trust those with experience and training to make that decision. Until this became a political issue, no one ever questioned the decisions of the CDC, etc. Why employ them if we won't listen, and why is it only recently that we are forced to face this question? It may be my choice to comply, but I do not doubt that they are better equipped to understand the consequences than I.

None of it makes any sense, which should tell people there's something else going on, but it hasn't. Most would be fighting each other to be first in line to board the boxcars.
Shutting down schools is a horrible idea. The consequences of the kids missing school, from academics, to social health to mental health has been devastating. Suicide, depression, anxiety has jumped off the charts. Students in K-3 have been hit hard academically! These kids are at virtually 0 risk unless they have a very serious underlying condition. Yet, we better shutdown schools, we wouldn't want a small percentage to have a cough or lose their sense of smell for a few days. That would be a tragedy! ? the American Academy of Pediatrics has also said school should be open . If you care about kids at all then you should want school to be open. These teachers that want school shut down are by far the minority. They are considered essential workers because it is so important to our country that kids are in school. There are options to keep your kids home. The parents who have a problem with it, keep your kids home. Don't force the others.
I don’t want them to close schools either, but if in 2 weeks cases among high schoolers decreases by 3700% when they’re not in school, then I think one must look carefully at that when hospitals are about out of beds. Something has to give. Obviously we don’t want anything to give, but in reality, something may need to.
If one of my family members gets sick, I’d much rather a hospital bed be available than my kid in school.
I don’t want them to close schools either, but if in 2 weeks cases among high schoolers decreases by 3700% when they’re not in school, then I think one must look carefully at that when hospitals are about out of beds. Something has to give. Obviously we don’t want anything to give, but in reality, something may need to.
If one of my family members gets sick, I’d much rather a hospital bed be available than my kid in school.
These kids that get sick almost never ever end up in a hospital bed. They are nearly impervious to the virus. If you have a kid at the high-risk then that's when you think about keeping them home. I bet you'd be hard pressed to find 1 single healthy school age kid in an ICU bed in the entire state. Maybe even the entire country.
They Wanna Shut the Whole World Down!

Is Anybody doing anything to China for this BS?


We are Indented with China so Bad What are We gonna do?

Not a Damn Thing!

That's What!
These kids that get sick almost never ever end up in a hospital bed. They are nearly impervious to the virus. If you have a kid at the high-risk then that's when you think about keeping them home. I bet you'd be hard pressed to find 1 single healthy school age kid in an ICU bed in the entire state. Maybe even the entire country.
I don't want schools shut down, and clearly children fare MUCH better than adults, but there are still significant issues.

These kids that get sick almost never ever end up in a hospital bed. They are nearly impervious to the virus. If you have a kid at the high-risk then that's when you think about keeping them home. I bet you'd be hard pressed to find 1 single healthy school age kid in an ICU bed in the entire state. Maybe even the entire country.
Agreed, it’s not the kids who end up really sick, it’s the parents and grandparents they bring in home to. In fact, I’d bet most kids probably don’t show any symptoms at all, so if the school has 37 active cases (kids who showed enough symptoms to even get tested) then there’s probably another 37+ kids who have it, but showing no symptoms, but who take it home.
I think it spreads like wildfire in high schools. It’ll be interesting to see how long my kids’ high school can remain open before they have to close it again.

Believe me, I want them in school. I don’t think they get much education at home, but if school is what is causing the huge increase since September, something has to be done if we run too low on beds and healthcare workers. No?
Such a rebel you are!!!!
How dare those healthcare workers ask you nicely to wear a mask!
Ask you nicely? Really?
This story I know to be absolutely true. All the other stories I have heard like this were in the media, and I don't trust much of what I see & hear from the media.
My nephew works in a Home Depot. Last week he had an elderly customer ask him to load his order of sheetrock.
Nephew was having a hard time getting enough air with the strenuous work so he pulled the mask below his nose. Customer got mad and started to yell at him for not wearing his mask properly. Nephew told him to take his complaint to store management.
Customer punched my nephew in the face!
Home Depot banned the customer and commended my nephew for holding his temper.
It would be one thing if they just nicely asked you to wear a mask.
People are losing their jobs, their businesses, their homes, their health care,,,,, everything they have worked their entire life to build. All because some people LIKE YOU FOUNDER, choose to live their life afraid, and they insist the rest of us be afraid too!
If things keep going the way they are, , , , , I hate to think where it will end.
So he had a BAD customer(kind of crazy) so now everyone who wears a mask is like that customer. WOW That a huge leap even for a crazy person to claim.
All because some people LIKE YOU FOUNDER, choose to live their life afraid, and they insist the rest of us be afraid too!
Haha. When I hear of people living their life afraid, I think of all the people who posted above convinced there is some conspiracy to take over the world. They're probably the same people stockpiling ammo and waiting for the next civil war. Their entire life is based on fear of some impending doom that only they and their co-believers are enlightened to.

The rest of us just go on living our happy existences enjoying life, not reading Q-Anon garbage, and respecting the private property rights of a business owner to require masks if they so choose.

I'll wear a mask where I'm asked, won't where I'm not, enjoy Thanksgiving with my family, and go hunting with friends.

I'll let other people practice their Ham Radio skills and morse code so they can communicate during the socialist armageddon ?
Haha. When I hear of people living their life afraid, I think of all the people who posted above convinced there is some conspiracy to take over the world. They're probably the same people stockpiling ammo and waiting for the next civil war. Their entire life is based on fear of some impending doom that only they and their co-believers are enlightened to.

The rest of us just go on living our happy existences enjoying life, not reading Q-Anon garbage, and respecting the private property rights of a business owner to require masks if they so choose.

I'll wear a mask where I'm asked, won't where I'm not, enjoy Thanksgiving with my family, and go hunting with friends.

I'll let other people practice their Ham Radio skills and morse code so they can communicate during the socialist armageddon ?
Tell that to some folk who can’t open the restaurants and now the Governor is shutting them down again , they will never open again , not sure Griz what business your in but eventually it will catch up to you , one thing you said is true” socialist Armageddon “
Gator, you missed my point completely! I agree, it would be a huge leap to assume that everyone that is wearing a mask in public is like that crazy customer. Obviously, thankfully, that is not true.
My point is that there are some people that are so afraid of this COVID, that they feel justified in punching a service provider that happens to not meet his standard. That seems like a much more dangerous behavior than not wearing a stupid mask!
There are a lot of people that are afraid to get on an airplane, so a lot of other people are now out of a job.
There are a lot of people that are afraid to go out to a restaurant, or a bar, or to the gym. Have you noticed how few people are still working at your bank? Your barber shop?
In Arizona, we are at about 10% testing positive, and 0.089% dying from this disease (see AZDHS and check these numbers yourself).
Last I heard, unemployment is around 8%.
OK, let's talk about masks. When this crap started my wife went on Amazon and order several of the black cloth masks that were being advertised to help protect you from Covid-19.
Yesterday I went to our medical facility for my annual checkup. When I got out of my car in the parking lot, I put my black cloth mask on and walked into the facility. I was greeted by a LVN just inside the door. She used the laser gun to check my forehead to see if my body temp was high. Was normal, then she asked about 6 different questions about any recent symptons that might indicated me being infected with Covid-19. No to all questions .
She then looked at my mask and stated, SIR WE DO NOT RECOMMEND THAT MASK TO PROTECT YOU AND OTHERS FROM COVID-19 AS THEY ARE NOT EFFECTIVE. She then pointed to a box of surgical masks that are used by the doctors and asked me to put one on in place of my cloth mask. I did and was allowed entry into the health care facility. Mask provided was free of charge to me.
How many of you mask wearers are wearing the wrong masks that may not be effective. Surgical masks are in short supply outside of a hospital or health care facility.
OK, let's talk about masks. When this crap started my wife went on Amazon and order several of the black cloth masks that were being advertised to help protect you from Covid-19.
Yesterday I went to our medical facility for my annual checkup. When I got out of my car in the parking lot, I put my black cloth mask on and walked into the facility. I was greeted by a LVN just inside the door. She used the laser gun to check my forehead to see if my body temp was high. Was normal, then she asked about 6 different questions about any recent symptons that might indicated me being infected with Covid-19. No to all questions .
She then looked at my mask and stated, SIR WE DO NOT RECOMMEND THAT MASK TO PROTECT YOU AND OTHERS FROM COVID-19 AS THEY ARE NOT EFFECTIVE. She then pointed to a box of surgical masks that are used by the doctors and asked me to put one on in place of my cloth mask. I did and was allowed entry into the health care facility. Mask provided was free of charge to me.
How many of you mask wearers are wearing the wrong masks that may not be effective. Surgical masks are in short supply outside of a hospital or health care facility.
I would predict that most of us are wearing the "wrong mask"!
The impression I am getting is that most businesses, and public officials don't know, or care that there is a difference in the effectiveness of your mask.
The mask has become a symbol of compliance, not an effective tool to protect the public.
Clearly, the vast majority of us are wearing a mask when we are out in public, and yet the virus continues to spread.
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