Idaho NR tag system


Very Active Member
What a joke. Idaho really needs to re-think the tag structure. Basically race to the opportunity and then cyber draw. I’m sure there are many who were in line and got timed out. Cumbersome, confusing. Just put the damn tags in the draw, you already have the system. Ridiculous. And I was one of the lucky ones who got a tag. Get your head out of the sand Idaho and start doing it right. Judas!
Got my tag, and honestly it went pretty smooth on my end. I know others are having some problems though. I do see a full random drawing process in the future...
I tried to purchase an elk tag 3 times. timed out every time. That zone ended up selling out. System is terrible!
This is what my screen looked like:

Yeah, what a joke that poop show was. I got my deer tag, tried to get Archery elk. Showed tags available. site timed out. No more tags. SMMFH
Angry hunters and less opportunity is the norm these days.

Pretty Pathetic.

That being said now you should be required to have a tag for the species in the unit you apply for in the controlled hunts.
I finally got the tag I’ve been after for three years, but I agree the system is still a total joke. I was logged in early and was still in line for 20 minutes before I got in. Fortunately I got on early this morning and saved my cc info into the wallet feature so I’ll I had to do once I got in was select my tag and check out.
DG glad you got the tag you wanted. I did too. nice tip about the wallet, I'll have to square that away..I was number 4611 in the line, hopefully I'll draw my preferred area and can give back the general tag ;):cool:
I went back on at about 2 pm and was 5th in line and there were plenty of deer tags remaining.
So... riddle me this Idaho. Why are some sought after tags in the half assed lucky speed race system, and other sought after tags are in a actual draw? Are those in charge too proud to admit it’s time? Kinda feels that way. They keep making adjustments to the system that actually make it more confusing, when it appears there is a pretty easy, common sense solution.
What a joke. Idaho really needs to re-think the tag structure. Basically race to the opportunity and then cyber draw. I’m sure there are many who were in line and got timed out. Cumbersome, confusing. Just put the damn tags in the draw, you already have the system. Ridiculous. And I was one of the lucky ones who got a tag. Get your head out of the sand Idaho and start doing it right. Judas!
I logged on 2 hours in advance and was still 6789 person in the waiting room. I should of logged on the night before...
So... riddle me this Idaho. Why are some sought after tags in the half assed lucky speed race system, and other sought after tags are in a actual draw? Are those in charge too proud to admit it’s time? Kinda feels that way. They keep making adjustments to the system that actually make it more confusing, when it appears there is a pretty easy, common sense solution.
I have filled out a couple of surveys and stated that these should just go in to draw tags. For that matter, the deer hunt should as well. But, there are a lot of residents that think "we've been hunting the Sawtooths (or any other unit) for 30 years, it's a family tradition". They don't care if there is or is not any deer or elk cause "it's a family tradition".
Everyone voice your concern to the F&G. A draw system is coming for all NR tags. And further reduction in tags as well. Draw system will offset much of the lost revenue from decreased tags. If we do like Wyoming we can sneak in a point system for NR and increase the cost of tags even more (3 points at $50 each to get a $700 general elk tag = $850 elk tag). I am all for this. Then everyone who is so mad right now can hunt general archery every 3 or 4 years in Idaho guaranteed.
I honestly can't believe anyone would be surprised that a govt agency managed to have such an epic screw up? One look at how poorly IDFG has managed their deer herds should tell you all you need to know about epic govt failure!
9/10 people complaining about the non-resident tag restructure, the new system, or the mule deer herds, will be on her next spring asking for advice on their upcoming hunt.
Anybody who thinks the State of ID bureaucrats were upgrading to a better computer system for IDFG apparently hasn't been to DMV lately. More complete incompetence by the state, converting from a marginally inefficient system to a COMPLETELY inefficient system without the networking capacity or proper software for such a system. Some govt bureaucrat's family member obviously has a stake in that contract. COMPLETE INCOMPETENCE, as usual. And these people want to run and manage your healthcare!!
Everyone voice your concern to the F&G. A draw system is coming for all NR tags. And further reduction in tags as well. Draw system will offset much of the lost revenue from decreased tags. If we do like Wyoming we can sneak in a point system for NR and increase the cost of tags even more (3 points at $50 each to get a $700 general elk tag = $850 elk tag). I am all for this. Then everyone who is so mad right now can hunt general archery every 3 or 4 years in Idaho guaranteed.
I hope so, that would be awesome. Come on points system, then I can start planning for my hunts instead of just dumb luck. Plenty of other places to hunt other than Idaho while I patiently wait my turn. FYI, Wyoming system is awesome. I have a chance at decent tags every year, and if I don’t draw a tag I gain ground with a point! Idaho residents please help push this through for us non-residents.
I hope so, that would be awesome. Come on points system, then I can start planning for my hunts instead of just dumb luck. Plenty of other places to hunt other than Idaho while I patiently wait my turn. FYI, Wyoming system is awesome. I have a chance at decent tags every year, and if I don’t draw a tag I gain ground with a point! Idaho residents please help push this through for us non-residents.
The new ID system sucks! I had tags in my cart and got timed out multiple times trying to complete the purchase because their system was so slow!

Update. I ended up getting my tags after logging back in and being 15,778 in line with over an hour wait time. I‘m not sure how I got logged out to begin with it as it was like their system crashed momentarily or was rebooted. I noticed they changed the five minute checkout time to ten minutes on my second go around but not sure if that had anything to do with it.

I wasn’t sure how the new system was going to work so I bought my license about an hour before the tags went live and saved my credit card info for future purchases. I was in line waiting for the “virtual waiting room” to open at 9:45AM and drew 4572 with a projected 40 minute wait time which actually ended up being a little quicker. It was a little slow showing tags and adding them to the cart and I thought I was good to go but then the “Checkout Now” button didn’t work and my cart was cleared several times and I’d have to reselect the tags and try and checkout again to no avail before I was logged out.

I called the ID F&G but there was no one to talk with. Sent an e-mail complete with screenshots to [email protected] and received an auto reply saying that due to the “very high volume of e-mails it may take 10 business days for a reply“ and it then went on to provide the same number I had just called.

Anyhow it was a frustrating 3-1/2 hours but I’m glad I was finally able to get my tags!

I did not even bother with it knowing it was a big Dog & pony show. My areas all sold out!. This runs like the election system. Needs to go to a draw for Residents & Non-residents With reduced tags.
Everyone voice your concern to the F&G. A draw system is coming for all NR tags. And further reduction in tags as well. Draw system will offset much of the lost revenue from decreased tags. If we do like Wyoming we can sneak in a point system for NR and increase the cost of tags even more (3 points at $50 each to get a $700 general elk tag = $850 elk tag). I am all for this. Then everyone who is so mad right now can hunt general archery every 3 or 4 years in Idaho guaranteed.
Just raise the tag costs for all of Idaho’s residents, other states have done it, I’m sure the new cali idaho residents won’t mind
If you wanna hunt out west you gotta go thru some hoops. Deal with it or don't hunt out here. Idk how alot of guys manage in there hunts with how much whining is done about the tag acquiring processes in the different states.

??Just cause it’s “out west” is BS. You have the draw system in place, use it... Nobody’s whining, we’re calling it how we see it, your system sucks.
??Just cause it’s “out west” is BS. You have the draw system in place, use it... Nobody’s whining, we’re calling it how we see it, your system sucks.
I think a none resident draw only system would be a great idea. Get another 20 bucks or so out if you guys for the application
I could see this one coming. Remember when the controlled hunt tags that weren’t picked up by Aug 1 were sold first come, first serve? All the local vendors had people camping out the night before. Huge cluster. They have to go to a draw for the NR portion. Problem was the change was adopted so late in the year. Probably should have waited to sell any NR tags until a random draw system could be put in place.
My hunting buddy, whom is the VP of Operations of a 500+ employee company, spent 3 hours unsuccessfully trying to get an A tag. He is very busy, constantly traveling to his various offices. It's not a matter of non-resident tags, the issue is how POORLY this was planned and executed by the fish and game that needs and should respect the non-resident hunters dollars and time, just like any other entity would.
My hunting buddy, whom is the VP of Operations of a 500+ employee company, spent 3 hours unsuccessfully trying to get an A tag. He is very busy, constantly traveling to his various offices. It's not a matter of non-resident tags, the issue is how POORLY this was planned and executed by the fish and game that needs and should respect the non-resident hunters dollars and time, just like any other entity would.
So how was the system un fair? Cuz your buddy’s so busy and important? Sounds like every person going for a tag at the exact same time dealt with the exact same thing. Do explain how you’d improve that
with what ID has done this is all setup now for NR draw for the capped tags. The system they deployed this year is a broken one and some changes are needed
Jp i haven’t heard anyone say the system is unfair. Our complaint is your system sucks, and could easily be fixed with the draw system Idaho already has in place. That’s the real head scratcher here, you have a draw system-put all the tags in that make sense to be entered in that draw system and be done. Am I missing something??? Ding, ding, Idaho...
It won’t be long and Idaho will keep following the lead of other states. Give it a few years and residents will see a cost increase and be part of Idaho’s draw system
Jp i haven’t heard anyone say the system is unfair. Our complaint is your system sucks, and could easily be fixed with the draw system Idaho already has in place. That’s the real head scratcher here, you have a draw system-put all the tags in that make sense to be entered in that draw system and be done. Am I missing something??? Ding, ding, Idaho...
then you guys will get on here and ***** about how you've hunted Idaho for the last 30 years and now have to draw a tag or i didn't draw a tag and its unfair and there should be points. then the non points guys will start up... you really see a situation where this game department can make you all happy?

i think with it still being OTC and equal opportunity across the board this year they at least tried
So how was the system un fair? Cuz your buddy’s so busy and important? Sounds like every person going for a tag at the exact same time dealt with the exact same thing. Do explain how you’d improve that
Spending 3 hours online to not get a tag and you don't see a problem? Having an online system that doesn't work correctly and you don't see a problem? Clustering all the sales for thousands of customers into a 10 minute window and expecting a different result and still no problem. Some guys on here feel that as a resident they personally own the resource and want to "punish" the non-resident for hunting here unbelievable.
you think your guaranteed a tag because you spent three hours on line? you and 15K other guys. entitled much?

again, id think F&G saw it as a win. they sold tags. that was there goal. you want one, thats what you have to do. dont like it. hunt else where . theirs no gun to your head
As of close of business on Friday, there are still over 5,700 deer tags, and over 5,600 elk tags available to non-residents. All you have to do is log on and buy one. I don't hunt big game in other states, and really don't have a clue how any state other than Idaho issues tags. Can you tell me another state that you are not a resident in where you can go buy a guaranteed deer or elk tag for 2021 today?
Again, the problem is when the tags went on sale, it was a clusterf*&K. Hours spent online, guys would put a tag in their cart and it would timeout, over and over, before they could purchase. It was a poorly designed, planned, and implemented system.
As of close of business on Friday, there are still over 5,700 deer tags, and over 5,600 elk tags available to non-residents. All you have to do is log on and buy one. I don't hunt big game in other states, and really don't have a clue how any state other than Idaho issues tags. Can you tell me another state that you are not a resident in where you can go buy a guaranteed deer or elk tag for 2021 today?
Colorado,Montana is a draw but a high likelyhood of drawing the combo. Oregon and WA. Pretty sure general UT is pretty easy to obatain
As of close of business on Friday, there are still over 5,700 deer tags, and over 5,600 elk tags available to non-residents. All you have to do is log on and buy one. I don't hunt big game in other states, and really don't have a clue how any state other than Idaho issues tags. Can you tell me another state that you are not a resident in where you can go buy a guaranteed deer or elk tag for 2021 today?
Montana colorado. For starters
Just got my whole families tags in the mail.
Man I hope they create more parking at the trailhead and have a few extra rolls of TP in the crapper.
Do not go to a draw idaho. I like the idea they have now. Pick your unit and first come first serve. System got overloaded because 20000 went online at once to buy tags. Sawtooth elk for example always sold super fast. What jpickett said. Don't like it hunt elsewhere. There's still alot of tags left to purchase
Huh, obliviously you weren’t online trying to get a tag. First off it was, and is not first come first serve. It’s a virtual draw to get your place in line and then you have a chance to get a tag. But you better be quick with a keyboard cause after 5 minutes they log you out and put you at the back of the line. So all you old bastards that aren’t quick with the keys, to bad for you. If there are tags available now, they will also be plentifully available during a draw. Really a draw changes nothing as far as tag availability. It does make the process much more organized. We have completely beat a dead horse here. Why wouldn’t anyone want a cleaner system is beyond me. Having an actual draw will change absolutely nothing in your ability to get a tag. It’s a draw now with the current system, a draw for a number in line...
Haha, oh boy. I will say this one last time. The system is 100% completely fair, as fair as can possibly be. The make up of the system is the issue, it’s garbage. A second grader could come up with a cleaner system.
@full throttle. I waited 2 and a half hours to get my tag. I guarantee you if they would of left deer otc statewide there wouldn't have been 20000 people online at once buying tags. I got the unit I wanted and once I was in it processed smoothly
Come up with a better system but don't go to a draw. Sell elk and deer on different days

I've never bought my idaho deer tag this early and I think about everyone else did the same. Choosing your unit made everyone scramble at once.
I just assumed when it put you in line that's how many people had logged in before you. Didn't know it was a random.
Even with the old system popular elk zones sold Hella fast.
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ID newbie here.

Anyone have an overview of how these NR tags work? There are some left, and I'm assuming they're not the best units, but hunting is hunting in my book. Still might be interested, but with all said and done it looks to be $1100 :(

I can't quite seem to correlate A vs B vs archery seasons and which is what and when.

Are there really elk in the Snake River A zone ?

I hunt several of the units that there are tags left and do very well. A is a generally a archery tag and B is generally a rifle tag. Need to look at regs and what unit you are choosing. For example panhandle A tag has a long archery season, a 4 day late october rifle bull hunt, muzzy hunt and a late archery. The B tag is 2 weeks of archery, then a long October rifle hunt. Then you have lolo which is a weapon specific tag. A is a 30 day Archery season and B is a October to early nov rifle hunt.
ID newbie here.

Anyone have an overview of how these NR tags work? There are some left, and I'm assuming they're not the best units, but hunting is hunting in my book. Still might be interested, but with all said and done it looks to be $1100 :(

I can't quite seem to correlate A vs B vs archery seasons and which is what and when.

Are there really elk in the Snake River A zone ?

Sent you a pm.
ID newbie here.

Anyone have an overview of how these NR tags work? There are some left, and I'm assuming they're not the best units, but hunting is hunting in my book. Still might be interested, but with all said and done it looks to be $1100 :(

I can't quite seem to correlate A vs B vs archery seasons and which is what and when.

Are there really elk in the Snake River A zone ?

theirs elk in the snake. cake hunt too. lots of easy walking...
Pretty hilarious and yet disturbing how all the NR's come on here and other social media outlets posting about how great Idaho hunting is and posting their chest-thumping pics of the bulls/bucks they've killed here and then bash on IDFG about how the system sucks when they are the sole reason for the decline in the hunting and the need to go to a limited quota system. People ruin great hunting areas by low self-esteem and the need for validation from complete strangers. Don't want to ruin a good thing? Keep your mouth and your fingers quiet. People just don't get it. The internet has led to a new era of "scouting." Guys go online and glean information for new states and opportunities rather than putting boots on the ground. Other guys posting pics and info because they need "likes" give them the intel they need and then they can't figure out why their state and units are overcrowded. Must be the "sucky" IDFG.:rolleyes::rolleyes: IDFG has their issues but it's not the limiting of NR's to one unit that is their primary deficiency.
NR are the sole reason for the decline in the hunting in Idaho. That simply is not true. The resident population of Idaho has increased from 1.3 million to 1.8 million since 2000. There have been several bad winters, increased wolf populations, etc. Numerous magazines and tag services publish unlimited information about various units in Idaho; however when in doubt just blame it on the evil non-residents.
NR are the sole reason for the decline in the hunting in Idaho. That simply is not true. The resident population of Idaho has increased from 1.3 million to 1.8 million since 2000. There have been several bad winters, increased wolf populations, etc. Numerous magazines and tag services publish unlimited information about various units in Idaho; however when in doubt just blame it on the evil non-residents.
Don’t let facts get in the way of mallards cry-athon.
NR are the sole reason for the decline in the hunting in Idaho. That simply is not true. The resident population of Idaho has increased from 1.3 million to 1.8 million since 2000. There have been several bad winters, increased wolf populations, etc. Numerous magazines and tag services publish unlimited information about various units in Idaho; however when in doubt just blame it on the evil non-residents.
If hunting truly has declined to such degrees why wouldn’t you start with limiting non residents hunting if you were any state? You think your due something more then a resident of a state because why?
Where did he say he was due anything ?
; however when in doubt just blame it on the evil non-residents.

Seems to be the general theme from every non resident biching about the non residents tag allocation now. “ Idaho hunting’s gone down hill! Why aren’t you making it easier fir me to hunt there!!!”

take a breath and maybe think about it. States should take care of there resident population first then whatever’s left over other states residents can scrap for. Idaho or other wise. Funny how that seems lost in all of you
I don’t think I’m due anything in Idaho or any other state. I didn’t complain about the new NR tag allocation either. I just finished reading an article in RMEF Bugle that states “non-resident hunters provide 57% of the IDFG operations budget”.

Also, I drew a NR late season cow elk tag in Idaho (leftover draw) and I didn’t immediately purchase the tag because I was unsure of my plans due to the COVID-19 and quarantine etc. When I finally decided to go (December 4th) I found out that the tag had increased in price from $411 to $652+ credit card fees effective December 1st. I decided it was time to draw the line and never purchased the tag. So instead of Idaho getting $400+ from me they got nothing. (Except for the hunting license fee of $155 and additional application fees). An Idaho resident pays either $30 or $36 for the same tag.

I’ve taken plenty of breaths and hope that you Idaho residents step up to the plate and tell the IDFG that you want to pay more for the resident tags to help displace the lost revenue from the NR. No hard fee from me but NR hunters simply are not the sole problem as stated above.
; however when in doubt just blame it on the evil non-residents.

Seems to be the general theme from every non resident biching about the non residents tag allocation now. “ Idaho hunting’s gone down hill! Why aren’t you making it easier fir me to hunt there!!!”

take a breath and maybe think about it. States should take care of there resident population first then whatever’s left over other states residents can scrap for. Idaho or other wise. Funny how that seems lost in all of you
I think you guys are boobing cause the non residents are better hunters. Sad really
Montana, A deer tag, not an elk. CO I believe you can’t get a mule deer tag but elk and whitetail you can.
Even though montana is draw a general tag is pretty much a100% gaureentee for non residents. for both deer/elk. Evrn most draw?units you have 95% chance of drawing as a non
The reality is the more popular western hunting gets the more odds go down. Just the reality of the matter. Good news is with wolves and CPW hell bent on destroying the deer herds I bet Colorado tags get easier to draw. Utah is well known for sucking so easy draw deer tags here (general season of course). I do not want Idaho to go to a draw. We have enough of those already. You want to draw something? apply in literally every other state. I am fine with what opportunity Idaho is providing non residents.
NR are the sole reason for the decline in the hunting in Idaho. That simply is not true. The resident population of Idaho has increased from 1.3 million to 1.8 million since 2000. There have been several bad winters, increased wolf populations, etc. Numerous magazines and tag services publish unlimited information about various units in Idaho; however when in doubt just blame it on the evil non-residents.
You're right. I misspoke and if you read some of my earlier posts, you'll see that I agree with that 100%. However, NR's and NR's who are becoming Residents in large numbers are largely responsible. I'm not cutting us Residents any slack either. I would agree that some changes in the IDFG tag allocation need to take place and am in agreement with tightening the allocations. However, to come on here and claim that by allocating NR's to a designated unit, that Idaho's system sucks, is unbelievably ignorant. Welcome to the real world. Nearly every other state has similar restrictions and anyone who thinks the MT BGC is a 100% draw anymore is clueless as well. It is approaching 50% and the LE tags are in no way close to 95% for the better draws. Idaho used to be a "sleeper" state with decent opportunity and easy tag acquisition but loose lips sink ships and that was ruined several yrs ago by all the social media warriors and businesses such as Epic, HF, GoHunt, etc. IDFG has no choice but to respond to the increase in demand and pressure on the herds and this is a good start. Does still more need to be done? Yes, and I hope they make some changes to the Resident tag system as well.
Don’t let facts get in the way of mallards cry-athon.
Really? Which facts are getting in the way? The claim of several bad winters?? WRONG! The claims of MT being a 100% draw? WRONG AGAIN! You're clueless! Oh wait, I guess you're one of those NR hunters who is soooo much better at hunting than the Residents. Bet if we look back we can find posts by you begging the Residents for intel on Idaho. But you're a better hunter than everyone else.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Really? Which facts are getting in the way? The claim of several bad winters?? WRONG! The claims of MT being a 100% draw? WRONG AGAIN! You're clueless! Oh wait, I guess you're one of those NR hunters who is soooo much better at hunting than the Residents. Bet if we look back we can find posts by you begging the Residents for intel on Idaho. But you're a better hunter than everyone else.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I’d love to see those posts, if not your as full of crap as pickett
Really? Which facts are getting in the way? The claim of several bad winters?? WRONG! The claims of MT being a 100% draw? WRONG AGAIN! You're clueless! Oh wait, I guess you're one of those NR hunters who is soooo much better at hunting than the Residents. Bet if we look back we can find posts by you begging the Residents for intel on Idaho. But you're a better hunter than everyone else.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
There were several bad winters down south, your an idiot if you don’t know that, I haven’t said a thing about Montana, another fact is the non residents aren’t the sole reason for the decline
I'm all for increasing the costs to everyone.

Even more.

Residents and non residents.
Charge to be a member here.
Charge to be a member on FB.
Charge Charge Charge!!!!!

When the all hat no cows types get involved in an arena they can pretend to pretend in then they usually do.

In the end the pretend does nothing but cause damage.

Merry Christmas.
And that statement right there proves what an idiot you are. Since the severe winter of 2016-17, we have had below average snowfall and winters. Of course, as a NR, I guess that makes you an expert on Idaho. Hope you're a better hunter than you are a weatherman.
You obviously don’t spend much time in the southern part of the state,that’s ok, just don’t be such a know it all
You must have me confused with someone else as I have never said that Idaho’s system sucks. Idaho’s system has been very good to me as I have been lucky and drawn 2 difficult to draw controlled hunt deer tags in the last 5 years.
Do most people that live in Idaho consider themselves non residents? I love facts, prove where you read that non residents are the sole decline in hunting in Idaho. I won’t expect an answer

Quote from Curtis Hendricks, the Upper Snake Regional Wildlife Manager In January 2020. The buck numbers are seriously low in several DAU’s. In the Caribou area (units 66 and 69), the count totals were 13 bucks per 100 does, and in the Island Park DAU there was only 18 per 100 adult females.

“Fawn recruitment is the name of the game and we had hard winter conditions in 2016-17 winter and again in 2018-19,” said Hendricks. “This made us short on three and one-year-old bucks in this composition count.”

Please present ”your” facts.

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