My first turkey hunt in Oregon, won’t be my last


Very Active Member
To start... I have to say that I have met some amazing & generous people here on MM. I received a PM one day from Jim (aka Desperatehills) offering the opportunity to turkey hunt in Oregon. After weighing my options & multiple PM’s later, I was booking a flight, hotel & rental car for myself & another friend named Jim. The evening we arrived in Oregon, we were invited to dinner where we met Jim, his wife & friend Matt.

The next morning we met up with Jim & Matt, then hit the woods. Within 5 hours, both my buddy Jim & I tagged our birds.

Day 2. Matt stayed home & it was just myself with Jim & Jim. We hit a few different spots, then on the last one we doubled down.

Day 3. We were on our own because our hosts had to work. I was up first & fortunately my bird came in on a string & I was tagged out by 7:30 AM. Jim’s bird on the other hand was a bit tougher. We hit probably 10 or more pieces of BLM land (some of them twice) before Jim got his shot. We worked multiple birds throughout the day, but we just couldn’t close the deal. As we got back to the rental car at the last spot, we were just standing there talking. I looked up & saw a bird about 75 yards away. I actually only saw a red head.. I said to my buddy “ There’s a gobbler”. We ducked behind a tree & the rental car & I started calling. Sure enough, the bird came in & my buddy dropped him around 40 yards out. As luck would have it, it was a jake, not a gobbler. I take the blame on that one, but it happened so dang fast. Lol

When all was said & done, we managed to tag 6 birds in 3 days. I can’t thank our hosts Jim & Matt enough for showing us an awesome time & some beautiful country. I may never be able to repay them for the amazing memories, but they both have some new friends that will definitely try. We completed our trip with another dinner at Jim’s house before heading home the next day.
Unfortunately, I didn’t get a picture with Matt. To the lower right is our host Jim. Lower left is my buddy Jim & upper left is myself.
Jim & Matt... Thank you so much for your kindness, hospitality & our new friendships!!! You guys are awesome!!! ??
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