Recent content by 6xc

  1. 6

    Lujan Griffin says they gotta go

    LAST EDITED ON Mar-30-19 AT 01:08PM (MST)[p]No, the other Norte?o?s. The ones that are part of the great wildlife federation.
  2. 6

    Lujan Griffin says they gotta go

    LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-19 AT 09:53PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-19 AT 09:52?PM (MST) I wonder how many Norte?o dems that hunt voted for her because they have always voted D? Maybe next time they won't vote party line.
  3. 6

    BIG 6x6 for my boy!!

    Congrats to you and your boy, that is a heck of a bull!
  4. 6

    2 antelope bucks

    Vinihunt that is awesome. Mark
  5. 6

    Hunt of a Lifetime

    UngulateFoe that is an awesome bull, and sounds like a great hunt! I should be up that way mid October, if you are around SF we should go grab lunch. Good job man. Later Mark.
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