Recent content by Boomstick

  1. B

    Soooo anyone find the King's sheds.??

    Just to clear things up on my end I was not referring to the Kings sheds. I’m talking about other sheds/ matched sets that were laying in the wide open that could be glassed from the road. Which were picked up during the night and were not there at 6 AM. People were caught red handed. The Kings...
  2. B

    Soooo anyone find the King's sheds.??

    They were turned into WYGF and caught with the sheds in their truck. When you have pictures of them laying there just before dark the night before and we’re no where to be seen at 5:50 AM from the road. Pictures of boot tracks also matched there’s. Hope it was worth it.
  3. B

    Soooo anyone find the King's sheds.??

    There was a black Tacoma 4 dr black topper and tinted windows picking up sheds in the middle of the night. Utah plates.
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