Recent content by chewyman55

  1. C

    What hunt

    My dream hunt would be high country British Columbia muleys. That'd suit me just fine.
  2. C

    Coservation Matters Seminar

    How'd the seminar go? I got out of work too late to make it down from Wyoming.
  3. C

    Uncle Phil

    Oh to be along for that horse ride and watch it all unfold! What a beautiful buck. That saw blade eye guard is fantastic. I don't imagine the antlers stayed in the fam all this time?
  4. C

    Region G jackpot!

    When do we get to see some of these brutes?!
  5. C

    Region G jackpot!

    I just had to chuckle at the irony of mentioning a 233" buck right now. Congrats on taking some whopper bucks.
  6. C

    Region G jackpot!

    233"? Nate Strong?
  7. C

    Fire up the lynch mob!!!

    Oh ok Mark Twain. Maybe one day I will understand how a grown ass man can spend all of his free time defending poachers on the internet and befriending murderers on the side. Is that what another 20 years and a truck of donuts will do to me?
  8. C

    Fire up the lynch mob!!!

    "I could be friends with a murderer." That's a quote from Tristate, on this site, that tells you all you need to know about his standards in life. Tri can't set the bar too high.
  9. C

    Fire up the lynch mob!!!

    Tri, you and your bleeding heart for poachers need to actually read the article.
  10. C

    Nate Strong Poacher

    Just a few days ago on Facebook, he shared an article titled "Best Units for Hunting Western Muledeer." I wonder if that includes "Bondurant after the season, during the rut, and with the wrong tag." Another chest pounder getting what he deserves.
  11. C

    Montana General hunt

    Montana has all the potential in the world and fails to live up to it due to mismanagement. BIG muleys to the north of it and to the south. 170" is a trophy in Montana and that is truly sad.
  12. C

    Spare Ammo

    Just curious how you fellas like to carry extra ammo (as if we need more than one shot)? Ammo wallet on the hip? Ammo In a buttstock carrier? A few in the pocket? Any advantages/disadvantages you've found? Thanks
  13. C

    Monstermuley Grudge Match?

    The problem with boxing Tristate would be that once he shook the cobwebs and picked himself off the mat - he'd run in a few circles and then claim victory.
  14. C

    Wyo Buck back from the Taxidermist

    Dandy! Like with a good lookin woman, my eyes normally go to the rack first...but that double throat patch is an attention grabber! Pretty buck. Congrats.
  15. C

    Part 2 - Debunking the DWR?s Frequently Asked Questions Re: Utah Expo Permits and Conservation Funding

    RE: Part 2 - Debunking the DWR?s Frequently Asked Questions Re: Utah Expo Permits and Conservation Funding Hawk, check your PMs
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