Recent content by COBUK

  1. COBUK

    Colorado Wolves

    Unfortunately, it doesn't looks like the 10j ruling is going to help Colorado Ranchers protect their livestock from wolf depredation at this time...
  2. COBUK

    Typical Tuesday

    You're crushin' it!
  3. COBUK

    I just love

    We love dark antlers, thick necks, dark capes and your work. Thank you for posting up pictures of the mounts that you are creating. It's always fun to come to the Taxidermy Forum and see what you’ve been up to.
  4. COBUK

    My 2021 Buck is Done!

    That buck is absolutely bad ass Brian! Congrats on another Monster Muley! That mount is exciting to look at, I can only imagine the memories that mount reminds you of every time you look at it.
  5. COBUK

    It’s about the time

    Good on you marley for promoting family! You have your priorities right. I appreciate seeing pictures of you and your family pop up on this site. Your time in the mountains with your family has been time well spent.
  6. COBUK

    Opening Day Big Buck

    WOW! Congratulations Guys! Great looking buck!
  7. COBUK

    No hunting

    We're pulling for you Joe! Hope your recovery goes better than expected.
  8. COBUK

    Daughters first elk

    Great way to invest time in your kids lives. Good Job Marley!
  9. COBUK

    First public land cow!

    Good Job HCM!!! bled her out good with a heart shot and got the meat cooled ASAP. Doesn't get any better than that.
  10. COBUK

    My CO buck. Best in a long time

    Congrats Paul!!! That's a good buck. Those extra points add character. As always with you guys, being persistent paid off. You were teamed up with some great guys on this hunt. We appreciate all of the hunts that you've shared on here through the years. It's been fun watching Zach grow up. That...
  11. COBUK

    The Avalanche Man

    Keep living life to the fullest Bean! You've made him proud all of these years. Keep honoring him with your adventures, he's still with ya!
  12. COBUK

    Even if you helped, New Rifle Added...

    Donated. Seeing pictures of these young men and their loved ones breaks my heart! So sad!
  13. COBUK

    Vintage Regs -98?

    Is there a specific section/page that you're looking for?
  14. COBUK

    39 day stone sheep

    Stand out video. Experiencing that hunt with your Dad is beyond memorable. Congrats!
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