Recent content by NVChris

  1. N


    Hey, yeah I did see a few nice bucks on and just below the peak, along with quite a few bighorn sheep, but ended up hunting on the Humboldts, as the overall deer population was higher. Had some opportunities, but couldn't get it done. Have you been scouting on 043-046 at all yet? Good luck!
  2. N

    015 Late Deer 12/21 - 1/1/17

    Only 1 point. We were pretty lucky, as we could only hunt late season, and there were only about 35 tags given.
  3. N

    015 Late Deer 12/21 - 1/1/17

    Wow, that's an awesome pic, thanks for posting! I learned that much of 015 is a winter range for California herds, so who knows, that might not be from a lion kill or archery hunt, but rather just old age :-)
  4. N

    015 Late Deer 12/21 - 1/1/17

    Thanks everyone for the nice comments! Hey did everyone already hear that NDOW lowered the waiting period for antelope to 3-years, and 7-years for elk?
  5. N

    015 Late Deer 12/21 - 1/1/17

    Yeah I really struggle with picture posting on here! Brian sent me the link (thanks Brian!), so here it is!
  6. N

    015 Late Deer 12/21 - 1/1/17

    Thanks for asking, yes! We spent five days hitting it hard in the mud and snow within a few miles of the California border, only seeing forkies, spikes, and does, and then finally got this nice buck on Christmas Eve morning. Biggest deer either of us has ever gotten, and definitely one of our...
  7. N

    015 Late Deer 12/21 - 1/1/17

    My son has a late season rifle deer tag in 015. We're pretty familiar with the area from chukar hunting in years past, but would greatly appreciate any more current info anyone might have from this Fall/Winter. So far I've heard to try up on Painters Flat and above Squaw Creek Res. Thanks!
  8. N


    Hey Califelkslayer, It's getting closer to my son's December 015 hunt so I thouhgt I'd check in with you to see if you have any recommendations. I put about 90 miles on my quad in 2-days in October just checking out road access and a little chukar hunting, so I have an idea of nice looking...
  9. N


    Hey thanks for the offer, I'll definitely take you up on it! I'll reach out to you the first part of December. Thanks
  10. N


    Awesome, thank you Brian!
  11. N


    Yeah I actually have a pretty good picture of a nice buck from a few weeks ago that I spotted, but I can't seem to figure out how to post it on here. I'll keep trying and let you know if I do. Thanks
  12. N


    Hey thanks! I actually haven't even been looking lower at all. This time of year with the heat and nice weather, I've been heading straight to the top of whatever range I'm scouting, ie. 9,000ft, before I even pull my scope out. I'm finally going to get to the Tobin range next weekend, so I'll...
  13. N


    Thanks for asking. I'd like to know if anyone has had any recent luck with deer in the Tobin range, and whether it would be better for me to spend time scouting on the north end around China mountain, or better on the south half around Tobin peak. Also, the Sonoma, Humboldt, an Tobin ranges...
  14. N


    I'm a newly addicted archery hunter on my 3rd year now, and have only hunted units 035 and 051 the previous two years. I drew 43-46 this year. I've been scouting a couple times in the Humboldt and Sonoma ranges, and seen a pretty good amount of deer, as well as people. However, I would be...
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