Recent content by sasquatch87

  1. S

    Idaho beaver river elk

    Really? Damn I thought one had a cap
  2. S

    Westernmountaineering Badger GWS

    Damn near like new condition. 6.6’ model. roughly 30 nights spent in it, all of which were at a truck camp setup on an air mattress. Always showers before sleeping in it and never washed. $500 TYD
  3. S

    Idaho beaver river elk

    So after I somehow failed to draw an iowa deer tag my options have been limited as everything was sold out etc by then. To try and avoid Colorado OtC and hunt somewhat closer to familiar ground I got an idaho bear river A tag that was a returned tag. Anyone willing to shed some light on what...
  4. S


    death by 1000 cuts. They chip away at rights slowly and weve become so dumb as a society the average person don't even notice it!! On top of that we have such a weak minded populous they fear making decisions for themselves, Its just too hard, gives them anxiety!! That's how sad we have become...
  5. S

    Have We As A Nation of Freedom Went Past A Tipping Ponit

    One of he biggest issue facing outdoorsman directly with this big city drama is all the people living on top each other in the big cities leaving, and when they leave they all are going to want their own acre now due to covid scares. There is going to be a massive habitat loss coming due to...
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