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      yak4fish replied to the thread Topo mapping app..
      Gaia wouldn't grandfather me in without a receipt or log in account. I may have a receipt but will take some effort on my part since it...
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      yak4fish replied to the thread Topo mapping app..
      This is the point I'm at with the customer service rep. When I bought gaia it was $19.99 and it gave me unlimited maps anywhere in the...
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      yak4fish replied to the thread Topo mapping app..
      I lost everything, I'm not sure what happened I'm in the process of contacting Gaia to see if I can get it back. I bought the app.many...
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      Okay I got a new smart phone and lost a lot of the features in my Gaia topo app in the process. They want $59.99 for a year...
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