Crossguns Out West


Very Active Member
Flying out of Chengdu, China today but I'm not thinkin about the virus. I'm thinkin about my newly blown out left shoulder. As if I don't have enough wheels falling off, about 99% sure I completely tore a rotator cuff and will need surgery. Got a doctor appointment booked as soon as I get home, but I've had a partial tear for 20 years so I already know the bad news. I will do a surgery ASAP, but this is happening right in the middle of western application time. I am a bow hunter, and have been targeting specific hunts for decades. I can potentially spend a lot of points and have a good tag in one of many states. My intent is to stick with archery and assume I can rehab in time for fall seasons. But if I can't I'd rather do crossgun than rifle. Anyone know if most all the western states allow xguns with a note from the doctor? I apply in WY, AZ, NV, CO, NM, OR (plus ME for moose). Gotta make a plan pretty quick here as first decision is Febr. 11 in AZ. All the midwest states allow xguns for WT, for H/C use minimum, although I've never used one.

Based on the archived threads I have read, rotator cuff tendon repairs take 5 months minimum rehab to draw a bow. But I am 60. I normally shoot 60#. Goal would be to rehab and maybe hunt with my compound at 50# if I can draw? Xgun would be plan B. Figured at my age might take longer to heal. Thx.
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Colorado you need a note from your doctor and apply for a permit to use a crossbow during archery season. I did this a couple years ago. I need a shoulder replacement but am to young. I thought crossbow would be the ticket but after one season with it I won’t do it again. I’m a spot and stalk guy and that thing was more of a pain, awkward to carry around and snags brush like crazy. I didn’t carry it around “cocked” because I was afraid brush would snag it and dry fire it. Then trying to pull it back and load it when you got close to something was tough. They’d be great if you could sit water. I’ve decided to go to a muzzleloader, still get to hunt September and still have to get somewhat close. Points to draw tags in Colorado for archery and muzzy are around the same in most cases. Just my 2 cents. Good luck with your recovery and hopefully you’ll be back to flinging arrows soon, I sure miss it.
Ya I’ll take note of that but I think my target units would be another point for Mzl. Sure I don’t hear the “replacement” word. Hopefully just an isolated tendon. But I’m here sitting at the airport and the joint has popped out several times while dining. Not a good feeling.
Zim, my situation is similar to yours. I have a CB permit in 6 or 7 western states. Most have their requirements on their website. Some are easier to get than others but I've had no problem. They normally ask for some injury documentation and a completed form signed by your doctor.
I would start practicing with a crossbow. I had rotator cuff surgery in April 2018. I cranked my bow down to 53 lbs and had discomfort in December trying to break it. Still doesn't feel 100%. Have a good crossbow now and they can be tricky to become proficient with.
Having had both of my shoulders surgically repaired, I'd say getting back to a bow could be an issue, even if you have a year to rehab.
Shoulders are tricky to get back to normal and they are even easier to re-injure if you push too fast or too hard. Good luck.
Remember too that if Colorado is on the menu, you can use a crossbow with a doctors note, but you still have to use open sights. No scopes.
I’ve had both shoulders done (one of them twice). You can have the surgery in March and be BOW hunting in September if you are diligent about rehab.
never heard them called crossguns before....

Straight from the corrupt politician buying special interest group’s mouth...............

Got no time to think about it as Arizona is due in a couple days. I guess Ill still apply for archery.

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