deer unit 90-1 question


Long Time Member
I have a couple friends, very good hunters, who pulled this tag after lots of years of applying. Both are very good hunters, one comes from a pretty big family all good hunters as well.

They are both planning on bringing 5-6 friends/family members each to really cover the unit in search of the best couple bucks. They will also do at least a couple scouting trips and have both shot big mule deer in the past. They are also all in for hunting the entire season to find the best bucks they can.

So, they don't need specifics on the unit, but they wonder if there is any cell service out there or if they need to bring radio's to stay in touch when they are spread out covering ground? They have some of the cheaper ones, but are thinking of buying more expensive, longer range radio's to stay in better touch. They want to cover all their bases since the tag doesn't come around often.
Buzz H,
I think the radios are a good idea. Cell service is spotty in many remote locations of Wyoming. Your provider has a lot of bearing on the issue. I usually carry a cheap flip phone while hiking and hunting. I am always surprised when it rings.

A few years ago, I was camped just a mile or so north of Trout Peak in the Beartooth Absaroka Wilderness. My hiking companion's wife dialed him up on his cell phone at 1 AM to see what he was up to. The call went through. I expected an encounter with a grizzly bear that night but not a phone call. just
Decent to spotty cell service depending on where you are. I think you will need radios or a GPS communication device.
Buzz, I'm a little shocked that you've been totally against a drone to improve chances of finding whopper critters but am all in favor of having 10 to 12 guys helping a pair of hunters using radios to close the gap on buck locations? You've also hammered Founder for giving specific buck location advice? What's up with that? I think I smell a carp rotting in the tall grass with you and JM's posts! Pretty funny stuff if you ask me!

Oh yah, I've heard 90 is LOADED with small 3x's so your 2 buddies have their work cut out for them!
I don't think they want to have radios to aid in a harvest. Im sure they want to keep in touch to make sure everyone is safe since cell phone reception is not possible. Just my guess.
Buzz, I'm a little shocked that you've been totally against a drone to improve chances of finding whopper critters but am all in favor of having 10 to 12 guys helping a pair of hunters using radios to close the gap on buck locations? You've also hammered Founder for giving specific buck location advice? What's up with that? I think I smell a carp rotting in the tall grass with you and JM's posts! Pretty funny stuff if you ask me!

Oh yah, I've heard 90 is LOADED with small 3x's so your 2 buddies have their work cut out for them!
Why so cynical? You almost sound like you drew 90 this year.
So, I’m a little confused...are these friends good hunters? Do they come from a family of hunters? Are they willing to work hard? This would be relevant information to give them advice on the cell phone coverage in the unit. Please clarify? ?
So, I’m a little confused...are these friends good hunters? Do they come from a family of hunters? Are they willing to work hard? This would be relevant information to give them advice on the cell phone coverage in the unit. Please clarify? ?

Nothing to clarify...and the question I asked was answered. They need better radio's and will have them.

With the info JM77 was kind enough to share, they'll have a pretty big head start.
Interesting? My curiosity is killing me, why such a weird post? Good luck to your buddies, I hope their giant posey of hunters find great bucks!
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They come from a family if good hunters. This is important info regarding radios. ? Also WY getting to be a little like UT with a bunch of spotters for a tag holder. Park sideways across a public road and you’ve gone full Doyle.

That's what happens when people draw LQ tags so rarely and management decision are made for quality animals. I don't blame them for bringing a bunch of people to help out if they want the best opportunity at the top animals in that unit. The more people you have looking, the higher the chance of finding those top few animals. Lets be realistic, even in LQ units, there are really only a handful of really good ones to be had.
That's what happens when people draw LQ tags so rarely and management decision are made for quality animals. I don't blame them for bringing a bunch of people to help out if they want the best opportunity at the top animals in that unit. The more people you have looking, the higher the chance of finding those top few animals. Lets be realistic, even in LQ units, there are really only a handful of really good ones to be had.

Not the most considerate way to hunt Have fun. Hunt UT too. They love that 80 spotters crap.
I guess I'm old school. It's nice sharing the experience with others but there also comes a point where it's a little out of control...spotters on each hilltop, highest quality radios, drones, chute planes, trophy buck finder's fees, gps coordinates, etc. Buzz, I'm a little surprised, I thought you were against all that junk? Sounds like you are totally in favor of posy hunting....Wow!
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well...remind your buddies that when they kill a new WR ain't gonna get entered with electronic communications involved in the stalk.......
I guess I'm old school. It's nice sharing the experience with others but there also comes a point where it's a little out of control...spotters on each hilltop, highest quality radios, drones, chute planes, trophy buck finder's fees, gps coordinates, etc. Buzz, I'm a little surprised, I thought you were against all that junk? Sounds like you are totally in favor of posy hunting....Wow!

He is but these guys are really good hunters and come from a family of good hunters. They also deserve the best in radios. Lol

Once you add in a bunch of spotters it’s no longer hunting. It becomes an inch counting expedition.
He is but these guys are really good hunters and come from a family of good hunters. They also deserve the best in radios. Lol

Once you add in a bunch of spotters it’s no longer hunting. It becomes an inch counting expedition.

hey hey....there is only going to be 12-14 of them to fill 2
well...remind your buddies that when they kill a new WR ain't gonna get entered with electronic communications involved in the stalk.......

Who said the radio's would be involved in the stalk? Who says they'd even enter a buck in a record book.

Don't break your leg jumping to conclusions.
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I guess I'm old school. It's nice sharing the experience with others but there also comes a point where it's a little out of control...spotters on each hilltop, highest quality radios, drones, chute planes, trophy buck finder's fees, gps coordinates, etc. Buzz, I'm a little surprised, I thought you were against all that junk? Sounds like you are totally in favor of posy hunting....Wow!

Sebastian, if you don't like the use of radio's feel free to come on up and talk to the Wyoming Legislature or Game and Fish Commission, get the law changed.

I didn't like the use of aircraft and drones to scout, so JM77 and I got the law changed. That's called taking action, in case you were wondering, you should try it sometime. Beats sitting around whimpering.

As far as posy hunting, well as long as everyone has a smile that's all that matters...heard that somewhere? Sound familiar to you? Cant quite pin down who said it...
BuzzH, now we know your stance on posy hunting and radios! The only statement I made was that I'm old school. If others want to posy hunt and "use the best radios available" to "communicate"...go for it if it's legal. It definitely isn't for me! Be sure to post the photos of the posy and the whopper bucks after "their hunt!"
BuzzH, now we know your stance on posy hunting and radios! Wow!

The only statement I made was that I'm old school and implied that it wasn't for me. If others want to posy hunt and "use the best radios available" to "communicate"...go for it if it's legal. Be sure to post the photos of your buddies posy and "their" whopper bucks after the "hunt!"
BuzzH, now we know your stance on posy hunting and radios! Wow!

The only statement I made was that I'm old school and implied that it wasn't for me. If others want to posy hunt and "use the best radios available" to "communicate"...go for it if it's legal. Be sure to post the photos of your buddies posy and "their" whopper bucks after the "hunt!"

BuzzH, now we know your stance on posy hunting and radios! Wow!

The only statement I made was that I'm old school and implied that it wasn't for me. If others want to posy hunt and "use the best radios available" to "communicate"...go for it if it's legal. Be sure to post the photos of your buddies posy and "their" whopper bucks after the "hunt!"
Good to see your high moral standards here Sebastian.

You don't have any problem applying with a "posy" to improve your draw odds and use the "posy's" points to your advantage, but have an ethical problem with a couple guys bringing their friends and family to enjoy and help out on a hunt?

That's as curious as it is hypocritical...
Buzz, I never mentioned anything about "ethical" in my post! The only thing I mentioned is that it wasn't for me and they can do what ever they want if it's legal.

Buzz, it sounds like you think posy hunting and the use of radios for transferring buck locations is both legal and ethical? How about GPS map coordinates of bucks? What exactly is the difference between using a radio to communicate and offering someone GPS coordinates on maps?

I wonder how legal and ethical it would be for Founder to radio hunters in region G coordinates of bucks he's been watching for a couple days? From what you are saying it's both legal and ethical for him to do this? You are all in favor of radios while hunting!
Buzz, you aren’t making any sense with your arguments here. Good point by jims here.

At what point does posse hunting become unethical Buzz. Seems to be never with you. What about a finders fee? What about 35 spotters?
The saga about this weird post continues! Why would anyone with a clear mind broadcast a whopper buck for the entire internet world to see in a unit their "buddies" drew? Usually that sort of stuff stays "mum!" I definitely smell a rotten carp and skunk now! You guys are a hilarious pair of WyoCaboys! What's up JM and Buzz? You 2 are definitely up to something? Your tenacity is shining through!

Just to add a log to the flame and to the saga of this weird post, I heard about the same buck so it must be local knowledge. Sounds like that buck made it through several hunting seasons so it ought to be pretty smart. A posse of 12 may have a chance if all their running around and broadcasting on high-tech radios doesn't send it nocturnal and/or into the adjoining unit (which could easily happen)! Let the games begin!
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Did you hear about the Lady huntress in TX?

She had the biggest posse in El Puso
This is the funniest
I have a couple friends, very good hunters, who pulled this tag after lots of years of applying. Both are very good hunters, one comes from a pretty big family all good hunters as well.

They are both planning on bringing 5-6 friends/family members each to really cover the unit in search of the best couple bucks. They will also do at least a couple scouting trips and have both shot big mule deer in the past. They are also all in for hunting the entire season to find the best bucks they can.

So, they don't need specifics on the unit, but they wonder if there is any cell service out there or if they need to bring radio's to stay in touch when they are spread out covering ground? They have some of the cheaper ones, but are thinking of buying more expensive, longer range radio's to stay in better touch. They want to cover all their bases since the tag doesn't come around often.
I can help you out Just a couple follow up questions. How good of hunters are these guys? Do they have enough people helping them, so that they won’t need to find their own buck? How’s the bloodline of hunters in their families? Have they ever killed a big buck? Pm me the answers to these important questions and I’ll let you know if you need radios there.
Little off topic but do you remember the baby blue matching shirts from those guy on the NV elk hunt?
I wasn't exactly sure the meaning of "troll" so did a quick web search. I was amazed to find this Webster definition referring to online "troll".

2a : to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content

b : to act as a troll (see troll entry 3 sense 2) on (a forum, site, etc.) … is also notorious, for trolling message boards on the Internet, posting offensive material he himself has written and then suing anyone who responds in agreement.
I wasn't exactly sure the meaning of "troll" so did a quick web search. I was amazed to find this Webster definition referring to online "troll".

2a : to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content

b : to act as a troll (see troll entry 3 sense 2) on (a forum, site, etc.) … is also notorious, for trolling message boards on the Internet, posting offensive material he himself has written and then suing anyone who responds in agreement.

Are we to surmise that this post has antagonized you? :LOL: :LOL:
After ready the post again...realized it was a joke. But anyone who does this type of hunting should be ashamed. They would never write about it (at least I hope not)
Starting to sound like Tri??
They didn't poach anything, shoot animals out of a district their permit wasnt valid for, etc. so no, not like Tri. Did everything by the book, like always.

Nothing to see in Central Wyoming anyway but scrawny 3 points (2x2's with eye guards, and 3x3 mainframes, and 3x3's with eye guards that can actually be classified as 4x4's to confuse jims).

You wouldn't be interested...
So what did we learn from this post? Phone coverage is good in unit 90! The proper spelling of the word is "posse" and not "posey!" Central Wyo is loaded with 3x3 framed bucks and eye-guards don't really count unless scoring B&C! No photos are available of the buck that JM promised that is big enough to make magazine covers! We were all tuned and ready to see photos that Buzz promised us all...but unfortunately aren't available. Truer words could have never been spoken.

What else? Oh yah, there is still the horrible stench of skunk in the air! What a funky post! Thanks Buzz for starting it! We've all enjoyed the laugh! This post was a joke from the start!
So what did we learn from this post? Phone coverage is good in unit 90! The proper spelling of the word is "posse" and not "posey!" Central Wyo is loaded with 3x3 framed bucks and eye-guards don't really count unless scoring B&C! No photos are available of the buck that JM promised that is big enough to make magazine covers! We were all tuned and ready to see photos that Buzz promised us all...but unfortunately aren't available. Truer words could have never been spoken.

What else? Oh yah, there is still the horrible stench of skunk in the air! What a funky post! Thanks Buzz for starting it! We've all enjoyed the laugh! This post was a joke from the start!
You can't leave well enough alone, can you Jim?

What we learned from this post is you want to act like the "resident" expert on deer hunting in central Wyoming. You want to tell everyone how the hunting is and that there are hardly any 4x4(not counting brow tines) bucks. Meanwhile, you burned your points this year to hunt, wait for it, central Wyoming!

The last time I posted pictures, a couple of the guys were not too appreciative, so I won't do that anymore. How about showing us your deer or is it just the pot calling the kettle "black"?
well actually @jims sentiments are quite apropos on this dud of a thread from a few of the duds on this sight :(
Do I feel comfortable posting photos on a website where guys constantly stab me in the back? Heck no! Do I need an ego boost posting photos of every big buck and bull that my family and I have ever harvested in our lives on the web. Heck no! Those that know me well are aware....that just isn't me!

I certainly had a great time sharing a muley hunt with a super close friend from the past! We will always be lifetime friends from hunts and incredible times in the field we've shared together! No one can take those away! He knows exactly what I'm talking about!

Who knows...maybe I shot a 3x management buck? Maybe I harvested a deep tined 5x? Maybe I shot a 30" buck with cheaters? I could have been picky to the end and ate my tag?
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SS, I offer an incredible amount of advice to those that draw limited tags irregardless of whether they share a hunt with me or not. It really doesn't matter if guys choose to share a hunt with me or not! Have you ever spoken to anyone that has personally scouted and hunted with me? Are you aware that some of the guys I share hunts with end up harvesting bucks and bulls bigger than the ones I shoot in units where they would be totally lost or have little time to scout? In almost all cases I don't start hunting until they fill their tags? Am I selfish spending my spare time offering tips and advice on field judging, hunting clothes, gear, and equipment on this and other websites?

Lately I've posted on the Utah forum how land managers can improve critical mule deer habitat. I offered similar advice to someone asking the same question in Nevada. Do you know anything about me? My life has been devoted to natural resources management and preserving native wildlife habitat. Have you joined me on a day at my job where I conserve and preserve our natural resources? If you haven't and are ever in Colo look me up! I could show you some muley bucks that would make your eyeballs pop and also critical wildlife winter range and habitat that has improved by leaps and bounds in recent years. How about it?

Have you ever spent a day in the hills with me sitting behind a spotting scope watchin and filming wildlife? It's pretty easy to bash someone when you are sitting behind a computer. You know nothing about me!

On the reverse side...I don't spend my spare time bashing others! Respect is a powerful word! It makes me sick how a few guys on this website bash others when they haven't a clue!
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SS, I offer an incredible amount of advice to those that draw limited tags irregardless of whether they share a hunt with me or not. It really doesn't matter if guys choose to share a hunt with me or not! Have you ever spoken to anyone that has personally scouted and hunted with me? Am I selfish spending my spare time offering tips and advice on field judging, hunting clothes, gear, and equipment?

Lately I've posted on the Utah forum how land managers can improve critical mule deer habitat. Do you know anything about me? My life has been devoted to natural resources management and preserving native wildlife habitat. Have you joined me on a day at my job where I conserve and preserve our natural resources?

Have you ever spent a day in the hills with me sitting behind a spotting scope watchin and filming wildlife? It's pretty easy to bash someone when you are sitting behind a computer. You know nothing about me!

On the reverse side...I don't spend my spare time bashing others! Respect is a powerful word! It makes me sick how a few guys on this website bash others when they haven't a clue!
Again it looks like he put some thought into it but I’m going pass on reading it. I assume it’s more of the same from Jims. You know it, spends all this time in the field, helps out a bunch of people, mix in a little of Jims being the victim blah blah blah. He always tries to make it look like he’s this conservationist. Not too many conservationists starts their PM regarding “help” by “how many preference points do you have” ?

Im beginning to wonder if he’s even spent time in the area. Or if he’s some dude off his rockers just sitting there looking at maps and making up stories. It’s beginning to make sense. Think about it. He’s never post a single photo. Even the first 5 years when everyone was nice to him before his misinformation tactics worn thin.

He could prove me wrong but he’s probably on some conservation crusade also known in the Jims world as trying to find someone with max points for next year...
SS, About all I can say is get out from behind your computer and come join me in the field and get to know me! You may be pretty impressed with what's going on and the improvements that can take place for the sake of wildlife and wildlife habitat?

Keep up the bashing! Like I said before you know nothing about me! Like usual I'll take the high road!
SS, About all I can say is get out from behind your computer and come join me in the field and get to know me! You may be pretty impressed with what's going on and the improvements that can take place for the sake of wildlife and wildlife habitat?

Keep up the bashing! Like I said before you know nothing about me! Like usual I'll take the high road!
@jims offer accepted! I will PM you my contact info and let’s set something up. I have lots of time these days as my company pretty much runs itself. BUT first...

please provide links to the habitat work you claim to have done. If there’s one thing I know, every organization that helps wildlife makes sure they get publicity out of the deal. So please provide three links to habitat improvement you volunteered to do and you spearheaded.

Thank You. I look forward to looking at big 3 pts with you.
Here you go SS,

Land managers and wildlife biologists are learning that one of the biggest threats to mule deer in many parts of the Western US is cheatgrass and other competitive invasive weeds. The problem is that immense swaths of critical browse species and habitat are going up in smoke every year with wildfires. These wildfires are devastating in their size, frequency, and intensity. Here are a couple references from the mule deer foundation and the Utah Game and Fish that explain these facts:

Now that you are aware of the negative impacts and consequences of cheatgrass to mule deer I’ve included a couple references of a few research projects that I’ve worked on in cooperation with Colorado State University, University of Wyoming, Colorado Division of Wildlife, Boulder County Open Space, and many others.

Here is a webinar symposium with results from this work:


If anyone is interested in viewing some of these research sites and large scale areas with long term cheatgrass control I would be more than glad to show them to you. The increase in browse specie's growth, native forbs and grass is literally amazing! The real winners in all this work is mule deer, pollinators, and other wildlife.

Lets get together and look at impressive muley bucks and awesome habitat!
Slightlysober, I hear crickets chirping after my last post where I responded to your questions? Where did you go?

It sounded like you were interested in looking at mule deer habitat improvements that I've worked on? Well? I'm meeting with biologists from the USDA and the CDW on Monday. We'll be looking at wildfire impacts in areas infested with cheatgrass on several of our properties that recently burned in wildfires. It sounds like you have lots of time. Would you care to join us? What a perfect opportunity for us to meet and look at wildlife habitat improvement projects? I have all day to show you what we've been working on the past 12 years. If Monday doesn't work lets set up another day and time!

I also have a long list of publications and presentations that I've worked on the past 35 years related to invasive weeds and impacts on wildlife habitat. If you happen to have any restoration, revegetation, or habitat problems or questions I would be glad to relay some of that information on to you as well.
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Slightlysober, I hear crickets chirping after my last post where I responded to your questions? Where did you go?

It sounded like you were interested in looking at mule deer habitat improvements that I've worked on? Well? I'm meeting with biologists from the USDA and the CDW on Monday. We'll be looking at wildfire impacts in areas infested with cheatgrass on several of our properties that recently burned in wildfires. It sounds like you have lots of time. Would you care to join us? What a perfect opportunity for us to meet and look at wildlife habitat improvement projects? I have all day to show you what we've been working on the past 12 years. If Monday doesn't work lets set up another day and time!

I also have a long list of publications and presentations that I've worked on the past 35 years related to invasive weeds and impacts on wildlife habitat. If you happen to have any restoration, revegetation, or habitat problems or questions I would be glad to relay some of that information on to you as well.
@jims you should use the tag function. I missed your reply. Also founder said I hurt someone’s feelers so I was in timeout. That interesting you can hear crickets in CO in November. Are they in the cheatgrass? I’ll take a look at those links when I have time, thanks for sharing!

I also forgot to PM you my contact info. Inbound.
@jims you should use the tag function. I missed your reply. Also founder said I hurt someone’s feelers so I was in timeout. That interesting you can hear crickets in CO in November. Are they in the cheatgrass? I’ll take a look at those links when I have time, thanks for sharing!

I also forgot to PM you my contact info. Inbound.
It wasn't me ss... :)

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