Mule deer velvet shedding


Curious if anyone knows why deer shed their velvet sooner some years and then later other years. Seems like sometimes most bucks are stripped by September 1st while other years it isnt until mid September that bucks have stripped. Was wondering if there is a certain weather pattern or something that causes this? Thanks
My brother shot a full velvet buck last year around mid October. It was actually the second full velvet buck we had seen.

I'm not sure there's a blanketing statement for this. For the most part mother nature is fairly consistent with clock work.

I don't know what day this buck shed. Guessing between Sept 7 and 23 lol.


probably the same reason that cotton is ready to pick on September 25 one year and october 5th the next......same reason almonds are ready to shake August 5th one year and august 17th the next......

it is called MOTHER NATURE......

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