Your Dream Buck?


If you had one style of buck you'd be totally satisfied with and only had one chance to make it happen (realistically) what you'd it look like?
I love big typicals, and although there bigger, this one would be a perfect example of my dream buck.


LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-13 AT 01:00PM (MST)[p]some 300 inch whitetail pig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

not much a mule deer fan but I do want a big ol giant whitey. pushing the 180 mark and take it on public land
What's funny is I saw that buck today on FB and I was like "wow that right there is a sweet buck". A great example of score doesn't matter. Great looking buck!
And I like the honest score. That's a real 180 buck and he's a stud. Lots of the "home measured" 180 bucks appear much smaller than this deer.

But my dream buck has mass and trash. He's old. might not score well, but he's old and trashy.
I'm a fan of the FIELD GOAL POST typicals. Straight out and straight up. My dream buck would be a heavy field goal post typical with deep forks, mass, and split eyeguards...pushing the 200" mark. Doesn't hurt to dream :)
Not that i'd ever think of passing a big non-typical, again, my dream buck is a 30"+ typical netting over 190". The Deer pictured would be close enough!! :)

I once passed on a buck that, looking back, was high but narrow. He was heavy though and had at least 7 points on each side. If possible, the buck was too close. He crossed right in front of my Uncle and i on a private dirt road while we glassed bucks off in the distance. I could have killed him easy enough but, at the time, we let him walk and wondered shortly afterward if we had made a big mistake.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
That buck is a no-brainer in my book!Looks bigger than 180 until you break him down.

I'm with Jim-big ole' sow-bellied,sway-backed,heavy,with some trash.Don't care how wide as long as he's good and high!I want 40"+ of trash,too!Haven't found him yet!I got some good ones but not the dream buck yet!Don't care about the score as long as he has character!

But really,when you get right down to the nuts and bolts of it,I like 'em all!!!
A 30 inch plus nontipical 30 yards slightly uphill from the road with my custom 30-378 christensen arms topped with a long range Swarovski scope resting on the mirror of my truck with the heated seat on decked out in full Sitka camo and kenetrek boots 20 minutes from the Las Vegas strip. Heaven.
>A 30 inch plus nontipical 30
>yards slightly uphill from the
>road with my custom 30-378
>christensen arms topped with a
>long range Swarovski scope
>resting on the mirror of
>my truck with the heated
>seat on decked out
>in full Sitka camo and
>kenetrek boots 20 minutes from
>the Las Vegas strip. Heaven.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-13 AT 07:51PM (MST)[p]My perfect buck wouldn't even fall to a bullet from my rifle. Instead, it would be a wide, heavy buck harvested by my favorite hunting parter, my son. The smile on his face when he takes an animal is all I ever need anymore in my hunting life. It reminds me of being young, wishing my father was into the outdoors. We have a great buck that we've seen in our hunting area this year. If he draws that tag, I will do everything in my power to see that smile agian this year.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-13 AT 08:54PM (MST)[p]Man I love big typicals. Most guys say 180, but it's either a lie or the gross score. . I agree with most when I say "nets are for fishes", however that pic just goes to show you how big of a buck it takes to make the book "net" and all.

"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
my first goal and dream is ive always wanted a nice typical that has deep forks, maybe a kicker somewhere, pushin 30" wide and just had a sweet look to him. well i made it happen this year.


now to dream big i want some wide and nasty looking massy grey muzzled toothless wonder! something like hunterharry posted would be fantastic!

"Shoot Straight"
Back when my dream buck was simply a 24-26" wide typical four point with a little mass I was lucky enough to have my goal surpassed. I see my dream buck whenever I look at the mount. One can always dream so now I'd like an over 30" over 200" with trash, that or see one of my boys get one bigger than mine.


1.5" wider and .5 inches added to each tine and my buck would have been in the 30/200 club.
>220 inch mainframe with a 100+
>inches of trash. :)

Yeah man, you gotta dream big!


Every hunting season you miss is one you can not make up
I also love big typicals and got my dream buck a few years back. 198" typical, DIY, public land, OTC tag. My next dream is a 230" plus non-typical.

Hard to argue with 220" frame and 100" of trash.

But I have always loved the both way bucks 230" frame 30" trash Net typical and nontypical! The far left buck in the Magnificent Seven photo "Bigfoot Buck" killed by Dennis Wintch
These bucks hung in the basement of my friend's grandpa when I was a teenager. I used to look at them and dream of seeing one of these during the season in the field. The typical had non-typical points sawed off because they "looked ugly", and the non-typical had a point fixed with elk antler......haha.

BTW, for bess....these were all killed in the basin, the hunter was an "Oman"




I always wanted a 30+ big typical.

After that I wanted a 30+ nontypical. Now I can spend the rest of my life trying to top what I already have.

This one really does it for me 34" typical frame and a few cheaters
Also shot by my 13 year old daughter with her bow public land
Way lucky to get this deer
After I got serious about trophy mule deer I wanted to kill an honest to goodness 180 typical...

The next year I decided I needed to look for a non typical and lucked out with this 38" wide freak...

Then I thought it would be awesome to kill a good velvet buck with a bow S&S in open country...

These were my dream bucks,not necessarily my best but all taken with general OTC tags on public land,now I just dream of being able to chase deer for many more years,any mature buck is a trophy these days.
Does that original buck really only score 181 3/8"..??? Net I'm guessing..??

Anyway, that original buck is definitely my dream buck...

Additionally, I'd love some deep forks, but not too wide, with some extras, just like Marley's Henry's buck...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Not now (today) because the whole concept of deer hunting as I knew it has changed... but for almost ten straight years growing up (when deer seemed to be so plentiful and all the issues threatening their very existence were not so critical) I tagged out on forked horn bucks and was grateful for each and every one (I am just a meat hunter at heart). A little tongue-in-cheek, but this would have been my style of a "dream buck"! ;-)
My dream buck would be to shoot one like my grand dad's buck that looks a lot like this old time buck, but with better fronts and bigger eye guards. I need to learn how to post picks on here to show him off. The old boy is 42.5 in from cheater to cheater. widest inside spread is 33in.
Monster Muley Man, that buck sure is a stud. I'm sure glad I had the pleasure of watching a true 230+ inch buck in pearson!

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...

That is an awesome typical. I love the mass. What did he end up scoring? Is that your Colorado buck?


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
He surprised the heck out of me by grossing 200 1/8 and netting 195 even. 43+" mass.
All my life I have dreamed of a book typical.
Pretty lucky find for sure.
I'm not sure I could tell you what my dream buck is, typical or non, massive, tall or wide. I am hoping that I get to keep chasing them until the day I leave this world. I find the planning of the hunts, discussing them with my friends just as rewarding as going on the hunt itself. I can tell you that the excitement on mule deer hunts never leaves for me as I know at anytime a giant could be just around the corner. I hope that on the last day of my last mule deer hunt, that he walks out with 5 minutes left to shoot and I have the decision to make to let him go, knowing that I could take the old warrior or let him walk. Then I have reached the pinnacle of mule deer hunting. Until then, I want to be in the chase.

As said above, a true 180 inch mule deer is a stud and most really don't know how big that truly is.

That Buck has a lot of stuff that i Like he would do for my dream buck.
Now I wish I could quit shooting those little ones. LOL
Homer, Love what I can see of that buck and the rifle. I hunted with a Savage 99 for most of my early years. Mine was a 99E in 308 with a state of the art Weaver K4. Love the mass on the buck, rarely seen today.
I thought guy that had the rainbow inn up in Idaho ended up with those antlers like in the early 90's.

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