Lets see those Trail fixes


Active Member
Lets see those trail fixes.
Ive had my share through the years from truck to tripod repairs. You gotta do what you have to.
Nothing like depending on yourself to make it all work. Thankfully I had some 14 gauge tie wire while trapping and a ratchet strap. 17 miles to the truck didn't seem like a fun walk.



Was It Weak In The Middle Wiff?
It actually broke on the initial take off of the jump. The back end ended up at the bottom of Phantom Creek. I rode the handle bars and front wheel clear to Jacob's Lake before I finally came to a stop.
Got lots of stuff stuck and broke but more trucks and Jeep’s then anything. Gets a little wild sometimes but it’s all part of the fun. It’s fun cause I’ll have people randomly call me up and ask for a pull so we’ve always got somethin.

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