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Long Time Member
Trump ran the worst campaign in history, and that was before he completely lost his mind. Biden is President because of trumps selfish interests, and he doesn’t deserve another chance.

Neither of them does. I‘m speaking biologically of course.
Blue, you know who you don’t want, who do you want, and why?

If I can’t have Donald Trump, I’m leaning toward DeSantis, then Noem. Why……. Because I believe they both see the need……. and support Donald Trump’s basic opinions on what to do, why to do it and, how to govern. I don’t believe either DeSandis or Noem have the problem solving skills that Trump has but I don’t see anyone better than these two, “as of yet”, to run, if Trump decides not to. We’ll see if the Democrats can keep Trump from running, if they do, then one of these will work for me. Both are hard nose, got the courage to independently stand up and punch back the GOP’s biggest obstacle, ie; the Republican RINO’s and the media. No others in the Party have impressed me, at all………. at this point in time.

For now…….I’m all in to support Donald Trump again in 2024. I’ll settle for another Supreme Court Judge or two, a finished wall between us and Mexico (regardless of who pays for it), more US factories, a stronger military, a renewal of Israel/Islam Nation peace agreements, a firmer relationship with China, etc etc.

You’re a rational thinker, share your choice for Pres and why, for 2024.
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Literally anyone who will back the American people. A candidate who doesn't have any financial agenda becoming President. Someone who wants to actually strengthen Americas economy and get back to fundamentals like "you get what you earn". I guess we've already had this not too long ago but seems as though mean tweets was his downfall. Sad that Americans spend so much time on social media.
This is like selecting jurors - process of elimination. ;)

What America needs now is Ross Perot and his flip charts.

But instead we’ll get a gift card to fight gas inflation.

And at the end of the day I’ll vote my self interest like everyone else does. But only once because that what Republicans do.
This is like selecting jurors - process of elimination. ;)

What America needs now is Ross Perot and his flip charts.

But instead we’ll get a gift card to fight gas inflation.

And at the end of the day I’ll vote my self interest like everyone else does. But only once because that what Republicans do.
I don't think it is a "Party" issue at this point. We just need a "down the middle" candidate who is pro-America. Who can't agree with this logic?
This is like selecting jurors - process of elimination. ;)

What America needs now is Ross Perot and his flip charts.

But instead we’ll get a gift card to fight gas inflation.

And at the end of the day I’ll vote my self interest like everyone else does. But only once because that what Republicans do.
I understand where your at, I was there when McCain and the two Bush’s ran. Totally hated to vote for them……. I was all in for Romney, the RINO SOB had me fooled….. big time. When Trump came down the stairs and announced he was running I was stunned and immediately all in, started making donations every month until January of 2021. And I will again, if he runs again.

Is there anyone at all you think would help us……… or is there absolutely no one you can see through the haze.
I am not sure if Trump will run again. I believe he will keep the Democrats believing he will run so they will use their effort to bad mouth him. He may want to stay on the sidelines and be a "king" maker by backing another GOP candidate like Desantis from Florida.
It would totally screw over the Democrat's plans, and give Trump the last laugh on them, and make them scramble to fight the switch. If this does happen, I hope the new President will be smart enough to use Trump's advice on the economy and getting our business companies back in this country and also make us independent again on using foreign oil and gas.
I don't think it is a "Party" issue at this point. We just need a "down the middle" candidate who is pro-America. Who can't agree with this logic?
I’m with the American party & have major issues with both parties. Obama’s division, crony capitalism & his socialism produced Trump. That and a bunch of Rhino uniparty losers who never followed through on anything they campaigned on. They were all to willing to send your brothers, sisters, sons & daughters off to never ending wars. They were also all to happy to ship our manufacturing & solid middle class jobs to China & everywhere else but here. Both parties sold us out a long time ago to stuff their accounts & finance their gated homes. They forgot or don’t care that they are supposed to work for us, not foreign interests or the military industrial complex. What’s going on now with Brandon is O’bama’s unfinished socialist dreams on steroids and it’s exactly why you’ll get another Trump or someone like him again. I’ll vote for whoever that is
RELH +1 on the bringing business back to America and energy independence, with particular interest in renewables. I am willing to pay more in order to cut China and India out of the loop.

Wiszard +1 on finding moderate candidates--and especially for Congress. Given the efforts of the major parties to force their members to toe the party line, it is likely that these will have to come from a third party. I have been putting my dime into Kinzinger's Country First organization which helping to preserve moderate seats wherever it can (good riddance to that little princess, Madison Cawthorne). Perhaps this will lead to a viable third party.

I would support any number of old-school Republicans in a heartbeat. Cheney, Romney, and any others who were willing to stand against Trump's lies. These are discounted as "RINOs" by Trump, but the fact remains that they are more conservative than he ever was. In my mind, these still represent Republican ideals, and Trump is the wannabe. One thing is certain, bad policy can be reversed at the very next election, if need be. A concerted effort to overturn an election by a President with autocratic ambitions, on the other hand, may permanently damage democracy and the rule of law.
I don’t believe either DeSandis or Noem have the problem solving skills that Trump has

I would hope that either is more capable than Trump. Consider that Trump upset the peaceful transition of power honored by Presidents since Washington over claims of election fraud that only he, Giuliani and Powell were willing to stake their reputations on. Powell later conceded that these claims were so ridiculous that she never expected anyone would be foolish enough to believe them; Giuliani is in hiding now that he is on the hook to provide evidence regarding accusations that every other lawyer associated with the Trump campaign has admitted were false, and Trump goes on lying as if repeating the lie frequently enough will eventually convince Americans of his view.
I understand where your at, I was there when McCain and the two Bush’s ran. Totally hated to vote for them……. I was all in for Romney, the RINO SOB had me fooled….. big time. When Trump came down the stairs and announced he was running I was stunned and immediately all in, started making donations every month until January of 2021. And I will again, if he runs again.

Is there anyone at all you think would help us……… or is there absolutely no one you can see through the haze.
My neighbor down the road could do a better job, as could a million other people. But they can’t win the endorsement of the national party.

The only solution I know is to cut off the money altogether. I’m doing my part, and you should too. :)

So we end up with someone who is the least bad, instead of good at anything. Even I was willing to take a chance on trump at least being good at something.

Think about it. Biden is so bad that it’s possible even trump could beat him.

I’m ready to turn a blind eye to this nonsense and go back to putting pictures in Tony’s thread.

”Who are you, and where are you taking me in this handbasket?”
We hear this all the time "we need a candidate that is moderate or runs in the middle of the two parties".
My problem is the media will only accept the Republicans coming to the middle and it is not just to the middle they want the Republicans to move way over the line to the left.
Elon Musk stated it best when he said he will now vote Republican he stated the reason
" he always felt he was in the middle of Dems and Rupubs but always voted Democrats but now the Dems have moved so far to the left his middle position now has made him closer to the Republicans".
I am not saying there is not individuals or groups that are not far right but they do not have the same influence or authority over the Republicans that the far left have on the Democrats.
2 lumpy I could support either DeSantis or Noem, there is another one out there and that is Nikki Haley former governor of South Carolina and former Ambassador to the United Nations. She did a very good job as Ambassador she stood up to all Nations and especially China.
"So we end up with someone who is the least bad, instead of good at anything. Even I was willing to take a chance on trump at least being good at something."

This is what our parties have left us with the last few elections. Why can't either party put someone "good" for America for us to choose from? It goes to show that the politicians only want those in power who will benefit them financially. That is it at the end of the day.
The Republican Party needs a rebirth from Trump, I just don't know if they're capable of it by the next election. We've got a serious problem when people with conservative voting scores over 90% (even voting for Trump's policies over 90% of the time) are kicked out of the party because they won't spread what depositions have proven they all know to be a lie.

To me, I look highly on the moral character of an individual for my vote for President. A President is very much a figurehead as they only can lobby Congress and the American People for their policies and then sign what comes to their desk.

I've voted third party in the past and I'll do it again if needed. I'm not looking for a "Republican Party-first" candidate, I'm looking for a conservative candidate who puts America first... that used to be called a Republican. Not so much anymore, now it's called RINO.
The Republican Party needs a rebirth from Trump, I just don't know if they're capable of it by the next election. We've got a serious problem when people with conservative voting scores over 90% (even voting for Trump's policies over 90% of the time) are kicked out of the party because they won't spread what depositions have proven they all know to be a lie.

To me, I look highly on the moral character of an individual for my vote for President. A President is very much a figurehead as they only can lobby Congress and the American People for their policies and then sign what comes to their desk.

I've voted third party in the past and I'll do it again if needed. I'm not looking for a "Republican Party-first" candidate, I'm looking for a conservative candidate who puts America first... that used to be called a Republican. Not so much anymore, now it's called RINO.
Outside of the presidential election of 20, what did Trump do that was not America first?
I can list a few of things he did do America first
China and putting a strong tariff on their products.
He got the USA oil independent.
The Keystone pipe line.
The wall between USA and Mexico.
Rebuilding of the Military.
Telling other Nations in the UN and NATIO they needed to start pulling their own wheight.
Social issues let Congress dictate them.
Outside of the presidential election of 20, what did Trump do that was not America first?
I can list a few of things he did do America first
China and putting a strong tariff on their products.
He got the USA oil independent.
The Keystone pipe line.
The wall between USA and Mexico.
Rebuilding of the Military.
Telling other Nations in the UN and NATIO they needed to start pulling their own wheight.
Social issues let Congress dictate them.
Attempting to install yourself as the unelected leader of the Free World, which is shorthand for turning America into an Autocracy and tearing up over 200 years of our Constitution and everything this country is based on, is completely unforgivable.

If he had succeeded, we would no longer be a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people" as President Lincoln so beautifully put it.

It was 50 years ago yesterday that Nixon infiltrated Watergate. It took over two years for the investigation to ultimately lead the leaders of the Republican Party to march into the Oval Office and tell Nixon they no longer supported him for tampering with an election and he was thus forced to resign.

Trump attempted to do something far worse, and continues to tell the lie today, that he rightfully won and that ONE PERSON, the Vice President, could choose the next President. Just imagine the long term damage that would do (for instance, Kamala could instill herself as next President in two years).

Today's Republican Party not only ignores what Trump tried to do, they kick it anybody that actually tells the truth about it. The leaders are all on tape acknowledging the con Trump attempted, but then they say publicly the opposite hoping to gain favor with the furthest extreme of the Party that has put themselves in position of Party Leadership and thus controls primary elections and fundraising.

It's an indefensible position and one that I'll never support. As I said above, I'll write-in or vote third party.
Attempting to install yourself as the unelected leader of the Free World, which is shorthand for turning America into an Autocracy and tearing up over 200 years of our Constitution and everything this country is based on, is completely unforgivable.

If he had succeeded, we would no longer be a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people" as President Lincoln so beautifully put it.

It was 50 years ago yesterday that Nixon infiltrated Watergate. It took over two years for the investigation to ultimately lead the leaders of the Republican Party to march into the Oval Office and tell Nixon they no longer supported him for tampering with an election and he was thus forced to resign.

Trump attempted to do something far worse, and continues to tell the lie today, that he rightfully won and that ONE PERSON, the Vice President, could choose the next President. Just imagine the long term damage that would do (for instance, Kamala could instill herself as next President in two years).

Today's Republican Party not only ignores what Trump tried to do, they kick it anybody that actually tells the truth about it. The leaders are all on tape acknowledging the con Trump attempted, but then they say publicly the opposite hoping to gain favor with the furthest extreme of the Party that has put themselves in position of Party Leadership and thus controls primary elections and fundraising.

It's an indefensible position and one that I'll never support. As I said above, I'll write-in or vote third party.
Thanks for making my point.
If this is a serious comment...like you really would vote for Biden if the Dems made him their candidate again, you are more backwards and off your rocker than I originally thought. No examples of "why" are necessary....I think we all know why.
I thought you lived in CA? Living in CA and complaining about Biden is hypocritical to say the least…
That happened. You just like it cuz he’s your guy.
I’ve been looking for proof for 2 years. Instead, we got a couple thousand instances of trump people pleading the 5th to avoid incriminating themselves in their attempt to steal it.

Its all right there to see. Or you could do like the Otero County “cowboy for trump” kook and just trust your instincts :ROFLMAO:

trump has been preying on the gullible for decades now.
Speaking of the former vice president, heard he took a spill on his bicycle today. Sounds like one of the training wheels folded up on him. Unfortunate accident. I hope he is okay.
So, you think every Californian is a liberal dem? C'Mon, you are not that stupid or ignorant. Although you call yourself a spic so I may be the one in the wrong here.
You willingly live in the liberal state of CA and pay taxes that push the liberal agenda. You are a liberal. Nothing wrong with it, it’s your choice. You’re a hypocrite because you fund everything you hate. But like a true liberal you can’t see it.
Trolling at its finest SS!...

Some folks live and work in places for reasons beyond politics. I'll admit that I'd NEVER live in CA due to it's political slant (and insane cost of living). But folks have all sorts of good reasons to be in one place or another. For example, I'm sure the lovely, insanely rich folks of Jackson Wy would never claim to be conservatives just because they live in a deep red state. But they sure do love the countryside they bought up.

But SS! knows all of this. He's certainly not stupid. Indeed, quite the opposite, he is an expert at his craft...
Trolling at its finest SS!...

Some folks live and work in places for reasons beyond politics. I'll admit that I'd NEVER live in CA due to it's political slant (and insane cost of living). But folks have all sorts of good reasons to be in one place or another. For example, I'm sure the lovely, insanely rich folks of Jackson Wy would never claim to be conservatives just because they live in a deep red state. But they sure do love the countryside they bought up.

But SS! knows all of this. He's certainly not stupid. Indeed, quite the opposite, he is an expert at his craft...
We all make choices. Wiszard chooses to fund the liberal agenda. Again nothing wrong with that. But if you’re going to do that please STFU about politics. Walk the walk.

It’s like crying you’re fat while you’re eating McDonald’s. You’re not getting any sympathy here.

Wiszard is pro Biden. That’s ok. I’m not going to attack him for it. But I will call him out for being a hypocrite.
I’ve been looking for proof for 2 years. Instead, we got a couple thousand instances of trump people pleading the 5th to avoid incriminating themselves in their attempt to steal it.

Its all right there to see. Or you could do like the Otero County “cowboy for trump” kook and just trust your instincts :ROFLMAO:

trump has been preying on the gullible for decades now.
Comes down to simple math but I doubt you could find an accurate account of the numbers. Very early on some were out, I won’t quote what they were because I don’t remember them down to the exact decimal and if I’m off a hundredth of a percent all I’ll hear is how dumb a maga Q conspiracy nut I am. But regardless there was more “votes” then registered voters in the 2020 election. We all seem to be fine with that because what matters is if someone thinks something’s racist or their beliefs to you mean treason or what ever garbage

The big joke is none of that matters because the republic was lost with the losing of election integrity. Please tell me ( with a straight face) you believe our elections have any integrity left? Regardless of who you vote for, you believe that you’re blind. Or just happy it’s your guy. Remember it works for the other guy eventually too
I don’t remember them down to the exact decimal and if I’m off a hundredth of a percent all I’ll hear is how dumb a maga Q conspiracy nut I am. But regardless there was more “votes” then registered voters in the 2020 election
You don't need the actual numbers to be easily proven wrong. Here they are, rounded to the nearest million as the totals aren't even close to justifying your ludicrous claims-

154,000,000 Americans voted in the 2020 Presidential election.

US Census Bureau says there are 168,000,000 register voters.

A compilation of State registries supplied to Congress puts the total at 209,000,000

There are other ways to count, such as excluding ballots that don't include a vote for President, but you can pick whichever number you want and you'll be wrong every way. Ballots cast are always less than registered voters. THERE WERE NOT MORE VOTES THAN VOTERS IN 2020!

I love hearing people yap about 8,000,000 fake Biden ballots! That would mean more than one in ten Biden votes would be fraudulent! Any idiot could get a list of voting records and any single page would have 5-10 fraudulent votes on it, just by pure probability. Yet, with Trump's dozens of lawsuits and recounts, even those run by his supporters, they've only found a total of 475 fraudulent ballots cast in the six battleground states... and over half of those were for Trump ?

Not to mention the hundreds of state and local election officials that would have to be involved nationwide in a ploy to barcode and print that many fake ballots, then somehow not get any duplicates that would be picked up by the system, not have any over-counts in any of the precincts, and get even Republican state overseers to hide the results... and nobody has come forward! Dozens of Trump's own people have rolled on him in sworn depositions, but some random lady working a voting machine in podunk Nevada is keeping the secret! ?
I have a feeling The Republicans will just piss it away, just like they have been doing, no balls!. How many times this year will I hear, They Can’t Do That. Going into another recession because of hatred for one man and his policies.
You don't need the actual numbers to be easily proven wrong. Here they are, rounded to the nearest million as the totals aren't even close to justifying your ludicrous claims-

154,000,000 Americans voted in the 2020 Presidential election.

US Census Bureau says there are 168,000,000 register voters.

A compilation of State registries supplied to Congress puts the total at 209,000,000

There are other ways to count, such as excluding ballots that don't include a vote for President, but you can pick whichever number you want and you'll be wrong every way. Ballots cast are always less than registered voters. THERE WERE NOT MORE VOTES THAN VOTERS IN 2020!

I love hearing people yap about 8,000,000 fake Biden ballots! That would mean more than one in ten Biden votes would be fraudulent! Any idiot could get a list of voting records and any single page would have 5-10 fraudulent votes on it, just by pure probability. Yet, with Trump's dozens of lawsuits and recounts, even those run by his supporters, they've only found a total of 475 fraudulent ballots cast in the six battleground states... and over half of those were for Trump ?

Not to mention the hundreds of state and local election officials that would have to be involved nationwide in a ploy to barcode and print that many fake ballots, then somehow not get any duplicates that would be picked up by the system, not have any over-counts in any of the precincts, and get even Republican state overseers to hide the results... and nobody has come forward! Dozens of Trump's own people have rolled on him in sworn depositions, but some random lady working a voting machine in podunk Nevada is keeping the secret! ?
“proven” that’s funny. I don’t believe a single statistic this government puts out. And that’s there doing. I’m not the only one. But if dead people voting is cool with you I guess it’s cool with me
You willingly live in the liberal state of CA and pay taxes that push the liberal agenda. You are a liberal. Nothing wrong with it, it’s your choice. You’re a hypocrite because you fund everything you hate. But like a true liberal you can’t see it.
I disagree. There is no reason why conservatives should bend over and turn their state over to liberals (or vice versa). If it were not for conservatives in California, you could scratch a few Republican names off the House of Representatives. Conversely, you might as well accuse every red state conservative of being responsible for the January 6 insurrection because they reside in the community that elected Trump. That is BS.
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I used to say that America is great not because of who the President is, but in spite of who the President is. Then they got into a spending war and Executive Orders. Congress for the most part goes along with it because after all, we elected the President we want.

Now I say they're fighting over who's going to be the final Captain of the Titanic because I don't see the ship turning around.

Whoever promises the biggest stimulus check is who will be elected.
Comes down to simple math but I doubt you could find an accurate account of the numbers. Very early on some were out, I won’t quote what they were because I don’t remember them down to the exact decimal and if I’m off a hundredth of a percent all I’ll hear is how dumb a maga Q conspiracy nut I am. But regardless there was more “votes” then registered voters in the 2020 election. We all seem to be fine with that because what matters is if someone thinks something’s racist or their beliefs to you mean treason or what ever garbage

The big joke is none of that matters because the republic was lost with the losing of election integrity. Please tell me ( with a straight face) you believe our elections have any integrity left? Regardless of who you vote for, you believe that you’re blind. Or just happy it’s your guy. Remember it works for the other guy eventually too

Like millions of others, I have been anxiously waiting for the "evidence" Trump, Giuliani, Powell, and the My Pillow Guy promised. And they continue to let me down. Fool me once...

The elections do appear to have been conducted with integrity. And, yes, I do trust law enforcement and the courts when they conclude that the greatest fraud committed during the election was by Trump. After all, they have the evidence to prove it. I do believe the American system of Democracy works, and now I understand the danger of misinformation, whether home-grown, or pushed by our adversaries.

"Q"? Really?
I used to say that America is great not because of who the President is, but in spite of who the President is. Then they got into a spending war and Executive Orders. Congress for the most part goes along with it because after all, we elected the President we want.

Now I say they're fighting over who's going to be the final Captain of the Titanic because I don't see the ship turning around.

Whoever promises the biggest stimulus check is who will be elected.
So long as there are only two parties to chose from, each is assured of holding power 50% of the time. Batting .500-not bad. With an average like that, who needs to nominate good candidates? And the greatest insult is when they try to play it off by suggesting that they would not have preferred two lousy choices, but what is done is done, so please just pick the best of the worst. And then their only selling point becomes not how much you need them, but how much you need to avoid the other. It is no wonder that America is divided, when all we ever hear from both parties is how bad the other has become.

I guess my point is that America is not as divided as our two parties would like us to believe. Most people around the world look at us and agree that we are amazingly similar, yet our politicians won't allow us to observe our common interests.

The solution is to destroy the four-year monopoly of both parties by electing independents to Congress. It won't take many.
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I have a feeling The Republicans will just piss it away, just like they have been doing, no balls!. How many times this year will I hear, They Can’t Do That. Going into another recession because of hatred for one man and his policies.
I heard and said it myself, many time. I was so disgusted with The Republican’ts I was on the verge of going nondenominational until Trump came down and announced his reasons for running for President. Prior to that speech I wouldn’t have given Donald Trump the time of day. And then….. once he became President I was impressed with how hard he tried to deliver his campaign promises, even while he dealt with a withering and relentless a attack from the Democrats and the news media.

Without Donald Trump at the helm, all bets are off until I see if DeSantis, Noem, or as yet some unknown conservative comes forward and proves themselves, I’m back to going independent again. Too many Republicans are still closet Democrats without a Donald Trump type leader that will hold them in line.

I was hoping Blue had a suggestion to consider but apparently it’s anybody but Trump or Biden……. and a million that would do better but can’t get elected and they shall remain nameless.

The hand basket is hurrying along it’s way, that seems obvious to many…….. I believe the current tag line for the RINOS and the Democrats is: “we are loosing the democracy”, followed by a homer historian who says: “it’s a republic, manny”!
I heard and said it myself, many time. I was so disgusted with The Republican’ts I was on the verge of going nondenominational until Trump came down and announced his reasons for running for President. Prior to that speech I wouldn’t have given Donald Trump the time of day. And then….. once he became President I was impressed with how hard he tried to deliver his campaign promises, even while he dealt with a withering and relentless a attack from the Democrats and the news media.

Without Donald Trump at the helm, all bets are off until I see if DeSantis, Noem, or as yet some unknown conservative comes forward and proves themselves, I’m back to going independent again. Too many Republicans are still closet Democrats without a Donald Trump type leader that will hold them in line.

I was hoping Blue had a suggestion to consider but apparently it’s anybody but Trump or Biden……. and a million that would do better but can’t get elected and they shall remain nameless.

The hand basket is hurrying along it’s way, that seems obvious to many…….. I believe the current tag line for the RINOS and the Democrats is: “we are loosing the democracy”, followed by a homer historian who says: “it’s a republic, manny”!
@2lumpy, do you believe it's possible to be an anti-Trump conservative?
@2lumpy, do you believe it's possible to be an anti-Trump conservative?
2lumpy-Now there is a question that will keep this thread eternal!!! Parties have changed so much over the last 40 years. My folks still think that JFK was the best president that ever walked the planet and there is no changing their minds. I still vote conservative however, there is not much that my conservative party has done that's conservative as of lately. Still won't get me to quit voting conservative though.
Trump and his treason team are finished, once Trump can't grift his chumps any longer he'll fade away like a bad fart. but until then, Desantis is his obvious replacement and Trump hates the fact he's getting more attention so the fat boy will jump on him any day. this will be fun.

So both parties need to start from scratch. Biden and Harris are both unelectable . forget establishment leaders if there's anything Trump showed us it's that being qualified and intelligent are not job requirements. so find a clown celebrity and stick them in the race, Oprah? Michelle Obama ? Clooney ? hell any of them would win.

For the MAGATS, Desantis. the mini Trump authoritarian but this one's not a retard.

For the GOP , easy one, Liz Cheney. She's a real republican and she's proven to the world the nation will come before her personal interests and who the hell else in any party can say that?

she'll get a butt load of funding from all the major donors and she'd get a huge part of the old school real republicans like me. my biggest objection with her is abortion but the politicians in black robes are going to screw that up anyway. that can wait until democracy is safe again.

If Cheney could win the primary she would win the general. or better yet run as an independent and insure the MAGAT candidate loses. it would be Liz or Oprah make your choice.
Well TOG, one thing I do know for sure-the next Pres election will be the most controversial of all time. And whichever party loses --it will all start over again. Never, would I have pegged you as an old time republican as you stated above. I have apparently, still not learned not to judge.
RELH +1 on the bringing business back to America and energy independence, with particular interest in renewables. I am willing to pay more in order to cut China and India out of the loop.

Wiszard +1 on finding moderate candidates--and especially for Congress. Given the efforts of the major parties to force their members to toe the party line, it is likely that these will have to come from a third party. I have been putting my dime into Kinzinger's Country First organization which helping to preserve moderate seats wherever it can (good riddance to that little princess, Madison Cawthorne). Perhaps this will lead to a viable third party.

I would support any number of old-school Republicans in a heartbeat. Cheney, Romney, and any others who were willing to stand against Trump's lies. These are discounted as "RINOs" by Trump, but the fact remains that they are more conservative than he ever was. In my mind, these still represent Republican ideals, and Trump is the wannabe. One thing is certain, bad policy can be reversed at the very next election, if need be. A concerted effort to overturn an election by a President with autocratic ambitions, on the other hand, may permanently damage democracy and the rule of law.


Romney lost.

Cheney is going to lose.

Like it or not, but winning does matter in politics.

No one is a Washington Generals fan

Cheney is going to lose.

I personally would like to think so- but since Wyo has an open primary, every democrat in the state may well vote for her, plus the 10% of republicans who are disgruntled with Trump, and then she only needs to clear the field. If that happens, will republicans vote for the democrat in the general election? Crazy to consider...
So dude?

You Voted For Brandon Once!

But You Won't Vote For Him again?

Trump and his treason team are finished, once Trump can't grift his chumps any longer he'll fade away like a bad fart. but until then, Desantis is his obvious replacement and Trump hates the fact he's getting more attention so the fat boy will jump on him any day. this will be fun.

So both parties need to start from scratch. Biden and Harris are both unelectable . forget establishment leaders if there's anything Trump showed us it's that being qualified and intelligent are not job requirements. so find a clown celebrity and stick them in the race, Oprah? Michelle Obama ? Clooney ? hell any of them would win.

For the MAGATS, Desantis. the mini Trump authoritarian but this one's not a retard.

For the GOP , easy one, Liz Cheney. She's a real republican and she's proven to the world the nation will come before her personal interests and who the hell else in any party can say that?

she'll get a butt load of funding from all the major donors and she'd get a huge part of the old school real republicans like me. my biggest objection with her is abortion but the politicians in black robes are going to screw that up anyway. that can wait until democracy is safe again.

If Cheney could win the primary she would win the general. or better yet run as an independent and insure the MAGAT candidate loses. it would be Liz or Oprah make your choice.
Cheney doesn't need to win in WY to run for president. and WY doesn't mean chit in the presidential election.

Every real republican will back her. Koch, all the big dogs will fund her. moderates and independents will run to her. if she's not the future of the GOP there will be no GOP and they know it. just libs and Nazi's.

for the first time this century there would be someone to vote for, not just vote against the worst option.
Cheney doesn't need to win in WY to run for president. and WY doesn't mean chit in the presidential election.

Every real republican will back her. Koch, all the big dogs will fund her. moderates and independents will run to her. if she's not the future of the GOP there will be no GOP and they know it. just libs and Nazi's.

for the first time this century there would be someone to vote for, not just vote against the worst option.And That's Exactly What You Did Last Time at Least In Your Own Mind,How TF Is That Working out for you?
And That's Exactly What You Did Last Time at Least In Your Own Mind,How TF Is That Working out for you?
If Trump did win in 2024 the country burns again and 4 more years of impeachment hearings, and more virus leaks. A short-lived victory. The swamp won't tolerate Trump.
It's working out great, we still have a democracy so far.

Someone like Cheney could unite almost everyone except the klan and BLM. and they can go to hell.
Warmonger yes. so were most of the great presidents. no, she wouldn't lick Putin's boots if that's a problem for you. she'd be more into this war than we are already, good.

Two faced no, unless you think turning your back on the constitution in favor of an orange dictator is one faced.

Is she perfect ? no. is there someone better that real Americans can put their support behind ? sure as hell not so far.
Trump will have a tough road if he decides to run. It will be his third rigged election.
Fourth. Ted Cruz cheated in the Iowa Caucus, too.

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Screenshot_20220618-200152_Samsung Internet.jpg

Of course, there is the possibility that Trump just claims everybody cheats whenever he loses and he's done the same thing for years.
Trump 2024. We need someone that knows more than our Generals on issues like ISIS and China and Russia.
From biology and medicine, to warfare and religion, Trump knew more than anyone. Amazing stuff for a guy who stared at a solar eclipse, denied John McCain's status as a war hero on the grounds that he was captured, and quoted "two Corinthians."
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I heard and said it myself, many time. I was so disgusted with The Republican’ts I was on the verge of going nondenominational until Trump came down and announced his reasons for running for President. Prior to that speech I wouldn’t have given Donald Trump the time of day. And then….. once he became President I was impressed with how hard he tried to deliver his campaign promises, even while he dealt with a withering and relentless a attack from the Democrats and the news media.

Without Donald Trump at the helm, all bets are off until I see if DeSantis, Noem, or as yet some unknown conservative comes forward and proves themselves, I’m back to going independent again. Too many Republicans are still closet Democrats without a Donald Trump type leader that will hold them in line.

I was hoping Blue had a suggestion to consider but apparently it’s anybody but Trump or Biden……. and a million that would do better but can’t get elected and they shall remain nameless.

The hand basket is hurrying along it’s way, that seems obvious to many…….. I believe the current tag line for the RINOS and the Democrats is: “we are loosing the democracy”, followed by a homer historian who says: “it’s a republic, manny”!
Sorry to disappoint. It’s one of my more reliable characteristics. :)

There’s plenty of time to make up my mind. And plenty of other things to worry about over the next two years.

Happy fathers day. Lets go find something important to do.
I wish Bernie was younger.

So does he, had he known all he needed to do to add to his real estate portfolio and become one of those millionaires he spent decades flogging, was to run for pres, then take the payout, he'd done it much earlier.
I can see why the country is in the shape it is now.
It's falling apart and some want Bernie, and STILL
Hating on Trump?
SMH, apparently we do have a mental illness problem
in this country.
From biology and medicine, to warfare and religion, Trump knew more than anyone. Amazing stuff for a guy who stared at a solar eclipse, denied John McCain's status as a war hero on the grounds that he was captured, and quoted "two Corinthians."

Luckily he was replaced by the "adults in the room", and we now listen to "experts".

12% inflation, $5 gas, no formula. No tampons. No hot sauce. No fertilizer. No wine. Things are sure better without mean tweets
Bernie is also a big climate change con artist like Obama who just installed 2500 gallons of propane tanks on his ocean front property at Martha's Vineyard just in case the power goes out.
Bernie is also a big climate change con artist like Obama who just installed 2500 gallons of propane tanks on his ocean front property at Martha's Vineyard just in case the power goes out.

Just like all the poor down trodden people out there. Man he really is just like one of us :LOL:
The Left's Hypocrisy pretty much negates any credibility they
think they have.
For me they sound much like Charlie Brown's Teacher.
Sorry to disappoint. It’s one of my more reliable characteristics. :)

There’s plenty of time to make up my mind. And plenty of other things to worry about over the next two years.

Happy fathers day. Lets go find something important to do.
+1 Going fishing with my son. Happy Father's Day to all.
The MAGATS say we should ignore the treason Trump and his henchmen committed ....because gas prices are high. that has to be the weakest platform to run on in US history.

If someone has a more respected real republican than Cheney who could draw votes from all voter bases name them now. Trump squeaked out a win in 2016 with the special olympics rules and he lost bigly in 2020. voters don't want his filth back ,and the dems are going to pay for world events in 2024. that sets real republicans up for a an opening to say " remember us ? "

The MAGATS will take congress in the midterms and that's the best thing real republicans and libs could hope for. for the last 2 years the Nazi's have whined, cried and obstructed but they can't answer a single question about what they'd do. give them some power back and with that comes the rope to hang themselves.
Nope. I don't support Biden, either.

You know, we have 300+ million people in this country. We do have other options. It is on Biden supporters to defend him. It is on you to defend Trump. Good luck with that.
I’ll ask the same question of you, that I asked blue, whom I respect, for his introspection.

We know who you don’t like…….. so, who do you like and what’s your rational.

And yes, it is a little disappointing that your not willing to identify anyone of 300 million.

It does seem kinda disingenuous to say you don’t like leaders….. that others admit they support and why they do, but remain unable or unwilling to open your kimono.

Even Tog is willing to identify his choice and beyond that, he’s will and able to say why.

Seems…. if your going tell us who you don’t support, tell who will do better……..out of those 300 million.
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I’ll ask the same question of you, that I asked blue, whom I respect, for his introspection.

We know who you don’t like…….. so, who do you like and what’s your rational.

And yes, it is a little disappointing that your not willing to identify anyone of 300 million.

It does seem kinda disingenuous to say you don’t like leaders….. that others admit they support and why they do, but remain unable or unwilling to open your kimono.

Even Tog is willing to identify his choice and beyond that, he’s will and able to say why.

Seems…. if your going tell us who you don’t support, tell who will do better……..out of those 300 million.
Leaders...like this, that realize all this crap and faux outrage being pushed is a distraction to fixing the problems that really do impact Americans.

I’ll ask the same question of you, that I asked blue, whom I respect, for his introspection.

We know who you don’t like…….. so, who do you like and what’s your rational.

And yes, it is a little disappointing that your not willing to identify anyone of 300 million.

It does seem kinda disingenuous to say you don’t like leaders….. that others admit they support and why they do, but remain unable or unwilling to open your kimono.

Even Tog is willing to identify his choice and beyond that, he’s will and able to say why.

Seems…. if your going tell us who you don’t support, tell who will do better……..out of those 300 million.

I don't recall being asked who I would support, and I certainly never declined to state.

Donald Trump's attempt to steal the election was the greatest threat to this country in my lifetime. As I have said before, bad policy can be overturned with the next election. Those harmed by illegal behavior may find justice in the courts. But there is no recourse for autocratic ambitions of those who would overturn the results of an election. I would happily vote for any Republican willing to acknowledge that the Big Lie was exactly that. Kinzinger, Kemp, Cheney, Romney, Rice, or any number of others willing to place integrity before power. Barring any such Republican, I would vote for the most conservative nominee of any party in the running.

Now, I am going fishing...
Maybe someone that asks questions of those ripping all Americans off for drugs:

Taking on big Pharma, that most politicians wont because they receive huge campaign contributions from them:

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I saw that a while back, she did a great job. we need more like her who'll stand up to the bullchit.

And that brings us back to Cheney, she's standing up to the traitors and Nazi's at her own expense. it's very unlikely she'll survive her primary and she knew that going in. we watched gay Lindsey say " I'm out " after the insurrection, now he's neck deep in Trumps butt. . we watched McCarthy say Trump was responsible and privately he wanted him to resign. now he denies ever doubting his orange god. they're all out for themselves EXCEPT Cheney. she took a stand and held it to the end and even far left libs can respect that. and they're respect her as president even though they wouldn't like all her policies. live to fight another day should be her slogan.

This nation is rotting away and time is limited before it's too late..
I don't recall being asked who I would support, and I certainly never declined to state.

Donald Trump's attempt to steal the election was the greatest threat to this country in my lifetime. As I have said before, bad policy can be overturned with the next election. Those harmed by illegal behavior may find justice in the courts. But there is no recourse for autocratic ambitions of those who would overturn the results of an election. I would happily vote for any Republican willing to acknowledge that the Big Lie was exactly that. Kinzinger, Kemp, Cheney, Romney, Rice, or any number of others willing to place integrity before power. Barring any such Republican, I would vote for the most conservative nominee of any party in the running.

Now, I am going fishing...

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