BLM Buys 35,000 Acres in WY


Long Time Member
The BLM just purchased over 35,000 acres of previously-private ranch land that creates a 118 square mile contiguous block of public land in Wyoming, including 8.8 miles along the North Platte.

They worked with the family who owned the ranch and used funding from a nonprofit group, The Conservation Fund, as well as money from RMEF and federal dollars from The Land and Water Conservation Fund to complete the purchase.

This will forever improve hunting and fishing access in the region.


UPDATE - WY Governor is trying to stop the purchase.

Some of these guys really don't like public land, even when a private seller willfully chose whom to sell the land to and negotiated the price on their own terms.

The seller could've found an oil tycoon or a Chinese company and tried to get more money, but apparently wanted it to become public land for everybody to enjoy. This politician thinks he gets a say in that.

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@BuzzH and @jm77 your take on this please.
I think Gordon is going to get some serious criticism from the sporting and recreation community over this.

I don't believe he cares at all about access, public lands, or recreation. He's doing this for political reasons and must not remember that Wyoming receives 31 million a year in PILT funding...hardly a loss in tax revenue. Tax revenues on private ag land are most likely less than PILT.

As far as transparency, it's funny that Gordon vetoed a bill this past session that would have created more transparency and public comments/involvement in state land exchanges and sales.

I think this is about politics, posturing, and/or a political campaign payback of some sort.
As far as transparency, it's funny that Gordon vetoed a bill this past session that would have created more transparency and public comments/involvement in state land exchanges and sales.

I think this is about politics, posturing, and/or a political campaign payback of some sort.
Gordon suddenly gives a sh!t about transparency? Like the transparency he showed when the State bid on the Oxy land? This guy could F up a wet dream.
what??....Land purchases go that direction???....NO ONE can out bid the feds.....another very scary government move....
How would you know anything about land purchases Gomer? You’ve living on land your grandpa gave you ???
Picture the BLM, thumb on nose fingers up wiggling in the air at Gov Gordon.

Gordon is just pandering to his big money donors and knows he can't stop this.

Right before an election to. What a dumb move. Just another reason why he is loosing my vote.
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BLM buying the land will not only open that 35,000 acres to the public, but will also open another BLM land of 40,000 acres to the public that has been land locked to the public by private ranches.
That gov, is not a friend to the public and is bought and payed for by private interest.
Guides and outfitters have controlled WY state government for many decades and continue to do so today. Follow the campaign money trail and see which politician is bought and paid for in WY.
And vote for who instead...

That's a good question. 2 of the other candidates are not running a strong campaign. I haven't researched to see what they are about yet. I have a feeling Gordon will be re-elected
That's a good question. 2 of the other candidates are not running a strong campaign. I haven't researched to see what they are about yet. I have a feeling Gordon will be re-elected
That's the trouble with Wyoming elections, the same people get re-elected because they either have no opponents in the race or very weak candidates running against them.
Bad idea! Anytime the federal government acquires more land means your personal liberties in general were just put aside. This country was founded on personal private property rights. Who controls the land controls the government.. you have no say now, only an bloated bureaucracy telling you what to do. The “climate crisis,” “30x30,” “the Green New Deal,” all seek to wrestle control of America’s natural resources out of the hands of the people and into the control of governments, profiteers, land trusts -- all claiming this must be done to “save” humanity, "Save" Hunting Access, blah blah blah.. Think bigger picture here. My two cents.
Bad idea! Anytime the federal government acquires more land means your personal liberties in general were just put aside. This country was founded on personal private property rights. Who controls the land controls the government.. you have no say now, only an bloated bureaucracy telling you what to do. The “climate crisis,” “30x30,” “the Green New Deal,” all seek to wrestle control of America’s natural resources out of the hands of the people and into the control of governments, profiteers, land trusts -- all claiming this must be done to “save” humanity, "Save" Hunting Access, blah blah blah.. Think bigger picture here. My two cents.
Oh boy...
Bad idea! Anytime the federal government acquires more land means your personal liberties in general were just put aside. This country was founded on personal private property rights. Who controls the land controls the government.. you have no say now, only an bloated bureaucracy telling you what to do. The “climate crisis,” “30x30,” “the Green New Deal,” all seek to wrestle control of America’s natural resources out of the hands of the people and into the control of governments, profiteers, land trusts -- all claiming this must be done to “save” humanity, "Save" Hunting Access, blah blah blah.. Think bigger picture here. My two cents.
What it actually means is 70,000 acres that was previously only accessible to a select few will be available to everybody.
Bad idea! Anytime the federal government acquires more land means your personal liberties in general were just put aside. This country was founded on personal private property rights. Who controls the land controls the government.. you have no say now, only an bloated bureaucracy telling you what to do. The “climate crisis,” “30x30,” “the Green New Deal,” all seek to wrestle control of America’s natural resources out of the hands of the people and into the control of governments, profiteers, land trusts -- all claiming this must be done to “save” humanity, "Save" Hunting Access, blah blah blah.. Think bigger picture here. My two cents.
So I guess if you're such a staunch supporter of private property rights, why do you think its a good idea to take away a landowners right to sell their private property to the Federal Government?

Any other private property rights you feel need a good trampling?

For the record, could you explain how much "control" you have over natural resources?

In Wyoming the Federal Government pays us a considerable amount of money for exploiting public land resources. In other words, the citizens have a say and some level of control over the natural resources found here. I can also comment on impacts of that extraction, making the profiteers and those exploiting our resources to take their impacts into consideration in regard to water quality, clean air, migration corridors, reclamation, bonding, and NEPA compliance to name a few.

I have ZERO control over resources exploited on private property.

Pull up your pants, your agenda is showing.
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I don't disagree that more public land means more access to hunting and fishing, but it reduces the opportunity for hard working Wyoming Americans to develop natural resources without government red tape and control. Lot more restricted for other uses, real uses that could provide long-term jobs, not just selling beer to the occasional hunter going in to the new property for a deer hunt. Think big picture here. I'm not sure what bigger natural resources are on that property but I'm sure that the BLM will manage them so well..way too many negatives in my opinion than positives giving up land to the federal government! Maybe voting for Liz Cheney will help?
I don't disagree that more public land means more access to hunting and fishing, but it reduces the opportunity for hard working Wyoming Americans to develop natural resources without government red tape and control. Lot more restricted for other uses, real uses that could provide long-term jobs, not just selling beer to the occasional hunter going in to the new property for a deer hunt. Think big picture here. I'm not sure what bigger natural resources are on that property but I'm sure that the BLM will manage them so well..way too many negatives in my opinion than positives giving up land to the federal government! Maybe voting for Liz Cheney will help?
I want government red tape and citizen control of natural resources...if we didn't have that, you wouldn't have to worry about having a place to hunt, there wouldn't be any game left to hunt.

I think maybe you should think big picture, wasn't that long ago that wildlife was just about exploited right the hell out of existence. Thankfully, what was left wasn't killed off to make a short term profit. I'm thankful that people with your mindset were NOT the decision makers when it mattered most. They chose regulations, government control (both State and Federal), and a vision for the future of wildlife, wildlife habitat and public land versus exploitation. We owe them a lot of gratitude for choosing wisely.

Its also nice you're also degrading hunters as a bunch of beer swilling idiots. I guess you must hate hunters, so not sure why you're even on a hunting message board?

Outdoor recreation is the number 2 industry in Wyoming and can provide jobs long after exploitation type jobs are nothing but a memory. Matter of fact, it can provide jobs into perpetuity, that means forever.

CHEYENNE, Wyo. (RELEASE) - According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), in 2019, outdoor recreation added $1.7 billion to the Wyoming economy and accounted for 21,344 jobs and $785 million in wages. In Wyoming, 5.2% of all jobs and 4.1% of all wages in the state come from the outdoor recreation sector.

“This latest report confirms what we already know about the impact of outdoor recreation on Wyoming’s economy,” said Dave Glenn, Deputy Director of State Parks and Cultural Resources. “Think about it, outdoor recreation brings in millions of outdoor enthusiasts who contribute hundreds of millions of dollars in needed state and local tax revenue. Throw in 21,344 jobs and $785 million in wages for our communities, and outdoor recreation is a driving economic force in Wyoming. With continued efforts, there is no reason this number won’t continue to grow in the coming years.”
I don't disagree that more public land means more access to hunting and fishing, but it reduces the opportunity for hard working Wyoming Americans to develop natural resources without government red tape and control. ?
Yeah, all that red tape reduced the opportunity to develop public land...

Why would a decent person subject their family to the viciousness that politics has become??......we're spiraling the bowl.....
Maybe because hiding under the bed isn't a better option?

You know why politics is vicious? Because we allow it, support it, and encourage it. Yes, Homer, that means you as're the classic example.

But, that has nothing to do with the topic at hand...this property is going to be open to the public for hunting, fishing, camping, etc., and that's a good thing. The upside is, that there is no downside...

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