Nebraska Frenchman Mule Deer Rifle


Long Time Member
I applied for this hunt and initially failed to draw. Yesterday, NE called me and said that a couple of the originally successful applicants had backed out, and that I was next in line if I wanted it. There was no way that I was turning that down. The problem is, the property that I had in mind if I had drawn (same one that I hunted whitetails on last year), quickly filled up immediately after the original draw results were announced.

Can anyone here point me in the direction of either guided or semi-guided private land mule deer rifle hunts within the Frenchman unit?

Thank you in advance.
I ended up slumming it on the public access lands, but still can't complain too much about the gnarly 4x5 with double brows that I took. Not really a big buck by most standards, but probably the best eating muley I've ever had.

Nonetheless, if you already have a particular property in mind and you're sure you're going to draw, I think I would be talking to them to see what I need to do to reserve it right now. The good ones seemed to go awfully fast last year. And yes, I saw some monster bucks standing on the wrong side of the fence on some properties that I couldn't do a thing about.
Kool! And Congrats! According to the previous draw reports, 2 points has been 100% success the last several years. A few years ago, the 1 point success rate was about 80%, but it has come down abut 20% each year. I think it was around 20% last year. As long as it doesn't creep into the 2 point group, I should draw.

Good suggestion on setting it up now. My contact is a retired Nebraska G&P commissioner I met a few years ago on a snow goose hunt.

Thanks for the info.
I ended up slumming it on the public access lands, but still can't complain too much about the gnarly 4x5 with double brows that I took. Not really a big buck by most standards, but probably the best eating muley I've ever had.

Nonetheless, if you already have a particular property in mind and you're sure you're going to draw, I think I would be talking to them to see what I need to do to reserve it right now. The good ones seemed to go awfully fast last year. And yes, I saw some monster bucks standing on the wrong side of the fence on some properties that I couldn't do a thing about.
where did you end up hunting I drew this yr an been doing alot of searching but not a whole lot of public
where did you end up hunting I drew this yr an been doing alot of searching but not a whole lot of public
I used OnX to hunt every piece of public access between Imperial and McCook. The buck I took was on a nondescript piece of land between McCook and Red Willow lake. Per my experience, the larger tracks of land had way more hunters per acre and almost no deer. I actually had better luck on the smaller tracks of land where there were no other hunters.

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