Win-Win-lose For WYOGA


Very Active Member
I would think this is something both residents and non-residents could get behind. I don't know if we could join forces or people would be willing. I know I'm just a non-resident and some people might not like my idea. This is my idea, get rid of the Wilderness law, go 90/10 so residents get more tags abandon the guide draw idea (which essentialy would make NR tags 5%) let wyoga know they don't run the state. This would really tick wyoga off.

Let the bickering begin?.
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It will never happen. Residents can hunt the wilderness area without having a licensed guide and the locals love the idea of non residents having to hire a guide-outfitter as it brings more money into the locals. The guides-outfitters will oppose it to the bitter end. I have hunted Wyoming many times and in the wilderness areas on two occasions as a non resident.
Did not use a licensed guide to hunt the wilderness area, knew a local that I hunted with. Wyoming residents could take a non resident into the wilderness areas on a one to one basis when I hunted those areas.
It will never happen. Residents can hunt the wilderness area without having a licensed guide and the locals love the idea of non residents having to hire a guide-outfitter as it brings more money into the locals. The guides-outfitters will oppose it to the bitter end. I have hunted Wyoming many times and in the wilderness areas on two occasions as a non resident.
Did not use a licensed guide to hunt the wilderness area, knew a local that I hunted with. Wyoming residents could take a non resident into the wilderness areas on a one to one basis when I hunted those areas.
Well I'm a resident and have no issue with NR being able to hunt the wilderness. I know plenty of resident hunters who could care less if the wilderness was opened up to NR.
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Personally I like the way it is now.. ? but can see the point and live with the 90-10.

So to me either 90-10 with the same equal access to leftovers

Or keep it the same and residents get 1st shot at leftovers

I have only bought 1 leftover in over 30 years, let's just keep it the same.

As far as outfitters getting hand outs? Screw that, I would rather not have ANY NR tags and put them out of business.

Wyoming has been great to me. So no complaints here..... unit 100 bull with zero points this year. Great way to go out with a bang.
I’m a non res and it sounds fair to me… now if we could only get Co to go 80/20 haha, the wilderness thing cracks me up, heck of a deal for the locals though not that wilderness get utilized that much
You know, the wilderness law is just ripe for the plucking.

Some young fire in the belly law student looking for fame is going make it a project.

Be a surefire to get your self established.
You know, the wilderness law is just ripe for the plucking.

Some young fire in the belly law student looking for fame is going make it a project.

Be a surefire to get your self established.
I just love that as a non res you can hike and backpack all over wyo wilderness… but if you have a bow or rifle and purse game the state thinks you need a chaperone
That’s how it was explained to me, care to explain it better? I’d honestly be game to know what the real deal is
Only applies to big and trophy game. You can trap, bird hunt, predator hunt, wolf outside the trophy zones, even bison without a guide in designated wilderness.
Which makes it all the more absurd I guess, or maybe I’m just jealous that is Greenies to the south didn’t think of an ingenious way to keep nice chunks of land for Res hunters,

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