Don't forget the girls!!


Long Time Member
She is 11, she is a fantastic soccer player, she's a great dancer.

She will never kill an animal.

But don't put money on shooting bows or guns.

Fellas, don't forget your girls


My daughter has had success... The hard part is now she is supper busy with high school and time is not in the works or on my side. We had 1 day last year for her to hunt. This year she has AP English, AP History, AP Ag, Advanced Choir, and works a job.... I am bummed I don't get time with her on our hunts, but the goal as a parent is to make them independent and self sufficient. Enjoy it now, it will lessen in time as she grows... Luckily I had all summer with her nd softball..
I have twin daughters and from the age of 12 to 17 they hunted and killed deer and elk every year. Even with school, sports and a part time job we found the time. Once they went to college and then started their careers it came to a halt.
One of them is getting married in a month and I don’t think she will ever hunt again and I’m fine with that. She enjoyed it at the time.
The other one is getting married next summer and she says she might get back into it at some point and I’m also good with that.

No matter what enjoy the times you have with them in whatever that suits them!
My girls do everything my boy and I do in the outdoor world from riding four wheelers, hiking, fishing, and hunting. My oldest girl is a taxidermist. My 8 year old girl is my big fish good luck charm. My 6 year old girl can keep up with all of us. I love spending time with my girls in the outdoors. I hope it never ends but I’m sure life will get in the way at some point as they grow older but I will enjoy it while it lasts.

Fun post.
My daughter just turned twenty, she was playing in a bison gutpile at the age of three and hasn't stopped since. She is as hardcore as any boy when it comes to hunting or fishing and she fishes much more than I do. I didn't coddle her either growing up, most daughters pull the trigger and dad does everything else. She has cleaned, packed and butchered most of her animals by herself.

We did a Kodiak Island deer hunt together for two weeks from Thanksgiving through the first week of December. After the first week of hunting while at a transporters lodge we spent a week on the road system camping in a Uhaul cargo van exploring the island, hunting fox and trying to call bears in with a foxpro. We come across a big stream full of salmon and she jumps in chasing and catching them with her hands (I know it wasn't legal but she was waist deep before I even realized what she was up to) this was sub-zero with over a foot of snow on the ground. The conditions on this adventure were far worse than most fair-weather hunters would have put up with.
Moral of the story is don't underestimate the girls.
My daughter just turned twenty, she was playing in a bison gutpile at the age of three and hasn't stopped since. She is as hardcore as any boy when it comes to hunting or fishing and she fishes much more than I do. I didn't coddle her either growing up, most daughters pull the trigger and dad does everything else. She has cleaned, packed and butchered most of her animals by herself.

We did a Kodiak Island deer hunt together for two weeks from Thanksgiving through the first week of December. After the first week of hunting while at a transporters lodge we spent a week on the road system camping in a Uhaul cargo van exploring the island, hunting fox and trying to call bears in with a foxpro. We come across a big stream full of salmon and she jumps in chasing and catching them with her hands (I know it wasn't legal but she was waist deep before I even realized what she was up to) this was sub-zero with over a foot of snow on the ground. The conditions on this adventure were far worse than most fair-weather hunters would have put up with.
Moral of the story is don't underestimate the girls.
That’s awesome, I had a daughter and my first kiddo a month ago, was able to snag a leftover tag the day after she was born in the hospital for my cabin’s unit in Co, so she is already my good luck charm I am really excited for all the Adventures we will have in the future, her and momma will have to hang at the cabin this year but I can’t wait to pack her around with in a handful of years
That’s awesome, I had a daughter and my first kiddo a month ago, was able to snag a leftover tag the day after she was born in the hospital for my cabin’s unit in Co, so she is already my good luck charm I am really excited for all the Adventures we will have in the future, her and momma will have to hang at the cabin this year but I can’t wait to pack her around with in a handful of years
You can't start those girls too early, best hunting partner you'll ever have.
Mine had her first bow at two and her first .22lr at three. I almost forgot I have photos of her laying on an hours fresh big black bear hide from the San Juan unit when she was only three weeks old. She was only a few months old when I killed a cow on the Henries, I had the backhide tanned and put it in her crib for a comforter. Twenty years later and it's still on her bed. (y)
The girls seem to do better than men in most cases. My wife and daughter have killed trophies that are bigger than my average. There's a different feeling when you're the guide and they're the hunter. For me there's less pressure for everyone. I don't plan on the girls killing bigger animals. It just turns out that way in most cases.
I've had a great experience with my daughter. She's quite the hunter and quite the basketball hooper. Right now, basketball has taken over her time, and we will not be able to do the hunting we have in the past. Her brother has never had any interest, so you can only do what you can and hope it sticks.


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