2022 Utah Governor tag buck.


Long Time Member
Here is the Utah Governor tag buck killed today.


Looks like those Antelope Island genetics are holding up well in the Oak Creek unit.
That is a huge buck. And that is one ignorant mountain I’ll never apply for! Congrats to the guy that shot it.
Kinda nice to see a big state wide tag buck with out the usual outfitter water marks on the hero pics, but I guess those bait piles don’t bait them selves.
Yeah, once I saw the watermark, I got to thinking…did Mossy green backs switch it up and go with a new gig? After a quick google I soon realized the queen of road blocks and AI campers missed the boat on this tank…Hopefully AI continues to pay the bills for ole’ mossy green backs and his posse of finders keepers. Gotta keep the client buck and bull molesting to a minimum….(ever seen a video of a client beating ole’ Doyle to their kill?!)
Wow, incredible buck! Is there any history on the buck, I wonder how old it was? It doesn’t look very old.
We think he is 8. This is him in 2020. He’s 4 or 5 in this picture. In 2020 and 2021 he was about the same each year. We weren’t expecting him to blow up. He wasn’t even on our “to watch” list. We actually went to find another deer when this buck showed up! We couldn’t believe the growth and change in one year. He put on over 40” in one year.


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Yeah, once I saw the watermark, I got to thinking…did Mossy green backs switch it up and go with a new gig? After a quick google I soon realized the queen of road blocks and AI campers missed the boat on this tank…Hopefully AI continues to pay the bills for ole’ mossy green backs and his posse of finders keepers. Gotta keep the client buck and bull molesting to a minimum….(ever seen a video of a client beating ole’ Doyle to their kill?!)
Never seen a client beating them to a kill, or a road thats been blocked..............YOU? Let's see it, show us..... #sourmuch or did you just wake up on the wrong side of the bed and look in the mirror and think dam. Im home on the couch and the season has started........ again. This a great buck on a rough unit. Big Up's to the Client and Premier Outfitters. Thats really what this thread is about. Keep it that way and give these guys the credit they deserve without hi-jacking the tread on some personal BS no one is interested in hearing, show some proof or at at least get creative with your lies & opinion come up with some new material thats not from the 90's and start your own thread with it.
We think he is 8. This is him in 2020. He’s 4 or 5 in this picture. In 2020 and 2021 he was about the same each year. We weren’t expecting him to blow up. He wasn’t even on our “to watch” list. We actually went to find another deer when this buck showed up! We couldn’t believe the growth and change in one year. He put on over 40” in one year.

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Definitely hit his prime!!!
Never seen a client beating them to a kill, or a road thats been blocked..............YOU? Let's see it, show us..... #sourmuch or did you just wake up on the wrong side of the bed and look in the mirror and think dam. Im home on the couch and the season has started........ again. This a great buck on a rough unit. Big Up's to the Client and Premier Outfitters. Thats really what this thread is about. Keep it that way and give these guys the credit they deserve without hi-jacking the tread on some personal BS no one is interested in hearing, show some proof or at at least get creative with your lies & opinion come up with some new material thats not from the 90's and start your own thread with it.
Dang man….so sorry you took offense to the truth…must be related to the Mossy Posse…my season hasn’t started big little guy….you should start your own “I’m pissed” thread instead of starting a street beef wrastling match on someone elses lol! Who said anything about the 90’s? You holding onto some grudges? Also, I don’t recall asking if you cared about anything I said. I hope you can get some much needed rest tonight. Tomorrow brings more truth you can’t handle.
Dang man….so sorry you took offense to the truth…must be related to the Mossy Posse…my season hasn’t started big little guy….you should start your own “I’m pissed” thread instead of starting a street beef wrastling match on someone elses lol! Who said anything about the 90’s? You holding onto some grudges? Also, I don’t recall asking if you cared about anything I said. I hope you can get some much needed rest tonight. Tomorrow brings more truth you can’t handle.
x2 on you're full of :poop:. Let's see the proof. Doyle is a stand up guy and these B.S. rumors are jealous little men spouting off because he makes a living doing something that others pay thousands of dollars for. If you have a beef with Doyle take it to him but don't come around dragging someone's name through the mud unless you have proof. That's pure?:poop:!
If you have no proof then the fact that you made this statement in writing makes you guilty of libel defamation and you can be sued for damages so keep running your mouth.
I knew the Mossy Posse was big. But it sounds like MM is infected with em too! Good on you for protecting your job? Would hate to see someone go without this hunting season. Just do it legally my friend.
We think he is 8. This is him in 2020. He’s 4 or 5 in this picture. In 2020 and 2021 he was about the same each year. We weren’t expecting him to blow up. He wasn’t even on our “to watch” list. We actually went to find another deer when this buck showed up! We couldn’t believe the growth and change in one year. He put on over 40” in one year.

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This deer is not the same deer as the one killed in the op. Maybe the one hiding in the brush is but not the visible deer.
Dang man….so sorry you took offense to the truth…must be related to the Mossy Posse…my season hasn’t started big little guy….you should start your own “I’m pissed” thread instead of starting a street beef wrastling match on someone elses lol! Who said anything about the 90’s? You holding onto some grudges? Also, I don’t recall asking if you cared about anything I said. I hope you can get some much needed rest tonight. Tomorrow brings more truth you can’t handle.
No offenses taken, just done with people like you talking out your azz. So you don’t like the “mossyposse” great. Good for you, guess what? No one cares about your little personal feelings. And unless you have pics, video or proof. What’s ur point? Just to talk s*** about blocking roads, trespassing, poaching, and a whole list of “hearsay? Do you how many years and threads of people like you have been on mm say this same thing? I’m just over it and people like you that bring nothing to the table but lies about others. Does that make you happy, or maybe a better hunter? Apparently your the one with a grudge. I don’t give a flying f about you, the mossposs, or anyone but I won’t chime in here a lie about people that I don’t like. This industry is full of fakes, poachers and law breakers and u choose to go after….what people YOU don’t like? Whatever man, you do you and keep talking…. Just please, even if your going to lie, please come up with some new lies to at least entertain us. Not looking to fight or argue- not “pissed” - I guess I just see that this world “right now” is F’ed beyond belief and the last thing I want to see on MM these days are more lies and bs opinions attacking each other with “Zero” proof- no matter who it is- Guess it’s your thing though- I would call you a typical Democrat but I’m not that big of jerk. Great job bringing more insight to this thread! Your killing it! Bring us all more of YOUR TRUTH! We can’t wait to hear it.
No offenses taken, just done with people like you talking out your azz. So you don’t like the “mossyposse” great. Good for you, guess what? No one cares about your little personal feelings. And unless you have pics, video or proof. What’s ur point? Just to talk s*** about blocking roads, trespassing, poaching, and a whole list of “hearsay? Do you how many years and threads of people like you have been on mm say this same thing? I’m just over it and people like you that bring nothing to the table but lies about others. Does that make you happy, or maybe a better hunter? Apparently your the one with a grudge. I don’t give a flying f about you, the mossposs, or anyone but I won’t chime in here a lie about people that I don’t like. This industry is full of fakes, poachers and law breakers and u choose to go after….what people YOU don’t like? Whatever man, you do you and keep talking…. Just please, even if your going to lie, please come up with some new lies to at least entertain us. Not looking to fight or argue- not “pissed” - I guess I just see that this world “right now” is F’ed beyond belief and the last thing I want to see on MM these days are more lies and bs opinions attacking each other with “Zero” proof- no matter who it is- Guess it’s your thing though- I would call you a typical Democrat but I’m not that big of jerk. Great job bringing more insight to this thread! Your killing it! Bring us all more of YOUR TRUTH! We can’t wait to hear it.
Yes I hunt.. there is proof, however the proof comes from them dots between your ears on moments you have seen with said human organs.
In the big bull era of Utah outfitters knew they could hunt and kill a specific bull in a canyon by deploying hunt in progress signs. It happened. Personally I poured diesel on said signs and burned them.
Pictures/proof you say.. that’s before 2010.. no one gave flying F about pictures.. in that time we figured it out for ourselves.
It happened, but just cause it’s not on your INSTA reel.. them ass F**** knew what they could get away with back in the day and they exploited it well. Fin C****
No offenses taken, just done with people like you talking out your azz. So you don’t like the “mossyposse” great. Good for you, guess what? No one cares about your little personal feelings. And unless you have pics, video or proof. What’s ur point? Just to talk s*** about blocking roads, trespassing, poaching, and a whole list of “hearsay? Do you how many years and threads of people like you have been on mm say this same thing? I’m just over it and people like you that bring nothing to the table but lies about others. Does that make you happy, or maybe a better hunter? Apparently your the one with a grudge. I don’t give a flying f about you, the mossposs, or anyone but I won’t chime in here a lie about people that I don’t like. This industry is full of fakes, poachers and law breakers and u choose to go after….what people YOU don’t like? Whatever man, you do you and keep talking…. Just please, even if your going to lie, please come up with some new lies to at least entertain us. Not looking to fight or argue- not “pissed” - I guess I just see that this world “right now” is F’ed beyond belief and the last thing I want to see on MM these days are more lies and bs opinions attacking each other with “Zero” proof- no matter who it is- Guess it’s your thing though- I would call you a typical Democrat but I’m not that big of jerk. Great job bringing more insight to this thread! Your killing it! Bring us all more of YOUR TRUTH! We can’t wait to hear it.
Don’t want to argue eh?? I think you just did.
I don’t need to prove anything to you. Sh!t happens whether you’re ready for it or not. What would a pic do for you?? There’s plenty of fake bigfoot pics out there…do those pics satisfy you of their authenticity? Regardless of my experiences with said outfitter, your gonna poke holes in everything posted and said because that’s the kind of human being you are.

If you “don’t give a flying F about me” then why did you respond again? Go kick rocks down the road with your MossyPosse buds and find another giant to surround and kill. Just do me a favor and tell your buds to park parallel to the road instead of across the whole road. Others want to enjoy their right to public property and the game they are hunting.

You can roll up and smoke the rest of your BS post since you’re not worth another sentence.
We think he is 8. This is him in 2020. He’s 4 or 5 in this picture. In 2020 and 2021 he was about the same each year. We weren’t expecting him to blow up. He wasn’t even on our “to watch” list. We actually went to find another deer when this buck showed up! We couldn’t believe the growth and change in one year. He put on over 40” in one year.

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I'm curious why you think this is the same buck. I see nothing that would lead me to believe they are.
I'm curious why you think this is the same buck. I see nothing that would lead me to believe they are.
Maybe the pictures are not the best. Again this was of him two years ago. Same canyon, same exact draw actually. Every year for the last 4-5 years. His running mates changed a little this year due to being killed.

His left side has the same 4 point frame Except his beam dropped and split with more extras. He also has an inline/cheater coming off his left g3 as well as small inlines off his beams in (2020) and in 2021.
His eye guards have stayed the exact same every year. About an inch and really knobby.
When a buck throws on 40”+ in one year things will look a little different but it’s ? the exact same buck we have watched the last 4-5 years.
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That governor tag buck kinda has the same look of a buck Kody Smith killed back in I wanna say 2016-2017 if I'm remembering his buck correctly. Gotta be same genes I would think.
Hell of a buck. Went from a good buck to a great deer in 2 years. Nice seeing photos as they age and antler development. Thanks
I tend to believe the guy who’s watched this deer for 4 or 5 years rather than some guy guessing from a poor picture on MM.
Exactly, these guys make me laugh. I'm still not seeing anything wrong with the tip of his leg ear like tristate keeps saying. Pretty sure Letshunt has made it pretty clear and proved that it's the same buck even though he really didn't have to.
Exactly, these guys make me laugh. I'm still not seeing anything wrong with the tip of his leg ear like tristate keeps saying. Pretty sure Letshunt has made it pretty clear and proved that it's the same buck even though he really didn't have to.
They sell glasses for many reasons.
They sell glasses for many reasons.
Damn!! I've got excellent vision and no matter how hard I look I dont see anything wrong with those ears. It is hard to look at the ears with that giant rack staring at me! Haha. Tri, you're either fishing for a debate (probable) or have hard time accepting you are wrong? (also probable). Please enlighten us and post a picture so we can all see this missing piece of ear. Do that, and I will gladly put my foot in my mouth. I'm sure several others will as well. Its a simple Cut, zoom, copy and paste. Shouldn't be hard for someone with your unmatched wisdom. Accept the challenge ?
They sell glasses for many reasons.
Like OpeningDay says I believe you are just fishing for a debate or can't admit when you're wrong. Every post I see of yours on here you are fighting or debating I don't think I've ever seen a logical post come out of you.
Like OpeningDay says I believe you are just fishing for a debate or can't admit when you're wrong. Every post I see of yours on here you are fighting or debating I don't think I've ever seen a logical post come out of you.
I forgot I was on the internet. Where people are overly emotionally attached to their opinions and really think its about right or wrong.

Set your emotions down. Go look at the front on picture he posted.
I forgot I was on the internet. Where people are overly emotionally attached to their opinions and really think its about right or wrong.

Set your emotions down. Go look at the front on picture he posted.
I've looked at all the pictures he posted and the front on picture I kind of wondered about because the antlers didn't look at all the same but I know the guy that posted the pictures and I know how much time he spends on that unit so I didn't question it because I figured he would know better than myself, but then he posted both pictures with the ear notch and the antler configuration actually looks very similar to me. I still don't see any difference on the ears.
The forward picture the deers left ear has a rounded tip similar to when they frost bite. It doesn't match his right ear.
I can s
Tri-state are you high?

There is absolutely nothing wrong that that ear in that picture. Or any of the others lol.

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I can see it plain as day. Of course I look at deer ears all day every day so I can understand why you may not see it.

You also don't notice the difference in shape of his forehead and how it goes dark to light front to back.
I can s

I can see it plain as day. Of course I look at deer ears all day every day so I can understand why you may not see it.

You also don't notice the difference in shape of his forehead and how it goes dark to light front to back.
There is also a lot of difference between a summer cape, and a fall/winter cape.

I see the ears in both pictures being a little more rounded on the left ear and more pointed on the right.

And the colors of the hair is clearly the difference in a summer cape and a fall cape,

That ear notch that Letshunt posted is such a dead give away its not even funny. Come on man, it's OK to be wrong once in awhile, I promise you won't melt on anything lol hell you might even feel better about yourself.
I love the way these bucks blow up when they come of age or maybe he blew up because he frost bit the tip of his ear. I hear this unit is tough to hunt, congratulations to the guides for having history with this Deer and bringing your client in and taking care of business.
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There is also a lot of difference between a summer cape, and a fall/winter cape.

I see the ears in both pictures being a little more rounded on the left ear and more pointed on the right.

And the colors of the hair is clearly the difference in a summer cape and a fall cape,

That ear notch that Letshunt posted is such a dead give away its not even funny. Come on man, it's OK to be wrong once in awhile, I promise you won't melt on anything lol hell you might even feel better about yourself.
I'm not talking about color of cape. I'm talking about the front to back fade on the forehead. When he has a summer cape it will still have a front to back fade. It may darken but he won't loose that characteristic.

I agree the ear notch is good evidence. I look at them too. However more than half of bucks have notches in their ears. It's not uncommon to have matching notches.

It's not about right or wrong. And for me at least it's not personal. Just studying deer and yapping about them.
This thread may be better suited in the near-sighted, color blind, ears only taxidermy forum. Great up lifting banter as always fellow hunters. And once again congrats to Thad Peddy on a great buck.
I didn’t mean to de rail a thread about a once in a lifetime buck. That thing is a giant! Congrats to all involved. Who really cares if that thing even has ears. Hahaha
I'm not talking about color of cape. I'm talking about the front to back fade on the forehead. When he has a summer cape it will still have a front to back fade. It may darken but he won't loose that characteristic.

I agree the ear notch is good evidence. I look at them too. However more than half of bucks have notches in their ears. It's not uncommon to have matching notches.

It's not about right or wrong. And for me at least it's not personal. Just studying deer and yapping about them.
Maybe more than half of the high fence bucks have notches in there ears but not the free range deer we’re talking about here Tri.
Even the more rounded left ear is very apparent in the pic JakeH reposted from the younger version. This is 100% the same deer.

Anyone that looks at it with all the evidence provided here knows it. If they say otherwise, they aren’t being honest with you. Which would be par for the course for one here. Yap dogs get kicked.

It was a cool deer a couple years ago. It’s an amazing deer this year. Thanks for sharing the older pics. I always like seeing those!
Most any buck that lives to be older than 3 will have notches in their ears.

Here is a thread full of 3 + year old bucks. I don't count many notches. You're reaching dude!

Here is a thread full of 3 + year old bucks. I don't count many notches. You're reaching dude!
Actually you might want to get your prescription checked. I haven't been through the entire thread but more than half of those deer have notches in their ears.?
Even the more rounded left ear is very apparent in the pic JakeH reposted from the younger version. This is 100% the same deer.

Anyone that looks at it with all the evidence provided here knows it. If they say otherwise, they aren’t being honest with you. Which would be par for the course for one here. Yap dogs get kicked.

It was a cool deer a couple years ago. It’s an amazing deer this year. Thanks for sharing the older pics. I always like seeing those!
So you agree that the ear is rounded?????

I agree the left ear looks more rounded than the right ear in both pictures, equally. One piece of evidence pointing to it being the same deer. If that was the only thing, it would be a good indication, but probably not conclusive. Take the notch in the same ear, in the exact same place, that is a really good piece of evidence. The similarly split G1 on the left side is yet another very solid piece of evidence. If you look at the main frame in both pics, very similar. Another good piece of evidence. As mentioned, the eye guards...yet another!

Any of these on their own would be indicators. Add them all up and it's simply conclusive. And you know it. But you made a comment originally without actually putting much thought into it, thinking you'd be cute, and now you have your heels dug in fighting a losing battle that you know is a losing battle. Your inability to be truthful here on its own would tell me all I need to know about your integrity, but I have dozens and dozens of threads with hundreds upon hundreds of posts to add to it.

Yap away, yap dog. Go bite those ankles!
What's funny is the very first buck on that thread has a notched right ear.?
You're definition of a notched ear must be completely different than mine or the many others that think you are full of chit! haha

However, I bow out. No reason debating with someone who would fight to the end that the sky is purple. You win. Again. Awesome Buck!! Buck of a lifetime for sure !
I agree the left ear looks more rounded than the right ear in both pictures, equally. One piece of evidence pointing to it being the same deer. If that was the only thing, it would be a good indication, but probably not conclusive. Take the notch in the same ear, in the exact same place, that is a really good piece of evidence. The similarly split G1 on the left side is yet another very solid piece of evidence. If you look at the main frame in both pics, very similar. Another good piece of evidence. As mentioned, the eye guards...yet another!

Any of these on their own would be indicators. Add them all up and it's simply conclusive. And you know it. But you made a comment originally without actually putting much thought into it, thinking you'd be cute, and now you have your heels dug in fighting a losing battle that you know is a losing battle. Your inability to be truthful here on its own would tell me all I need to know about your integrity, but I have dozens and dozens of threads with hundreds upon hundreds of posts to add to it.

Yap away, yap dog. Go bite those ankles!

Now we have a third opinion. Someone else sees the round ear tip.


This sure helps make deer stories interesting.
You're definition of a notched ear must be completely different than mine or the many others that think you are full of chit! haha

However, I bow out. No reason debating with someone who would fight to the end that the sky is purple. You win. Again. Awesome Buck!! Buck of a lifetime for sure !
Better take it up with Vanilla. He's starting to see it my way now. It makes him mad enough to kick puppies.
The ear tip is perfectly shaped, it only appears rounded because it is cocked way forward and slightly downward, look at the picture again...

I don't have skin in this game, but I'd be willing to bet my left nut that's the same deer.... I'm extremely attached to my nuts too...
You are bored. Keep up the good work, I'm enjoying reading your boredom. I've moved on to the Governor and KSL. :) The Northern Utah people don't understand how people talk south of the Payson-Dixon Line so keep it simple..
Bad habits are too much fun cannonball. I tried to quit a couple times…….. couldn’t do it. No self control what so ever.

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