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Most Hunters That'll Pony-Up & Admit To It Have More Than Likely Pulled A Shot Off Or Two Out The Truck Window!


Who Has Shot A Deer Or Elk From Inside Their House Through A House Window?


The DWR Ain't Gonna Come a Knockin!:D
Don’t do it with a brake :oops:
Truck window, Yup. Deer, elk, antelope, pheasants, turkey, coyotes, raccoon, rabbits. Let’s see what else am I missing.
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Is there something you need to tell us Bobcat? ?

No big game but I ground sluiced a flock of Mallards out the bedroom window. My wife was fast asleep at the time.
One tough woman there. That rifle must of kicked like hell!! From the size of the cartridges in her belt could be a 45-110?? Any guesses on the caliber?

I am not sure. 45-90 or a 45-120. Would like to know more behind that story
Boy I like seeing old photos. They may not have hunted as hard as some of us. But they were tough people living out there without all the technology and advances in clothing we have now.
Boy I like seeing old photos. They may not have hunted as hard as some of us. But they were tough people living out there without all the technology and advances in clothing we have now.

I been finding these on that darn Facebook. Some hunting guy named Tom Miranda. Never heard of him but people keep sending these old vintage photos in. Just picture after picture. I will have to find the utah stud I came across earlier

Most Hunters That'll Pony-Up & Admit To It Have More Than Likely Pulled A Shot Off Or Two Out The Truck Window!


Who Has Shot A Deer Or Elk From Inside Their House Through A House Window?


The DWR Ain't Gonna Come a Knockin!:D
Couple years ago after wrecking my truck, stuck at home during late archery, i took a 4x5 whitetail with my bow from my living room window. Stepped out on my porch and heard a buck grunting in the trees behind my house. Came inside, opened the window, grabbed my bow, and here he came. Was just bummed out about sitting the season out and said screw it. Ive also shot several yotes, a bobcat, some skunks from inside the house. Only time ive shot from inside my truck, i was just getting ready to leave and a young buck came hobbling up my driveway from the dnr land across the road with a front leg flopping around, shot through the knee. Went right in my barn. Had my .308 in the truck. Called the game warden. He said put him down. Rolled the passenger side window down, shot the buck, muzzle blast shattered my side mirror.
Probably close to 20 years ago my dad was in the kitchen getting his coffee going in the morning. Looked out the kitchen window and sees a legal mule deer buck. Deer season was open and his rifle was close by because he had come in from hunting at his sister's place a day or so before. He quietly opened the window and shot the buck. Then he gets on the phone and calls me, says, I just shot a buck, can you come out and help me get it hung up in the shed so I can skin it? I think I got there in less than an hour. That was the only deer he ever took on that place.
The stink from shooting that on your porch would linger. ??
That’s the only reason it’s still alive. I’ve come to the door armed but it always leaves along the walls where I’m not going to shoot. It will make a mistake someday though.
That’s the only reason it’s still alive. I’ve come to the door armed but it always leaves along the walls where I’m not going to shoot. It will make a mistake someday though.
Put the cat food up high on something. Table or whatever. Skunks wont climb / jump. Problem solved.

Most Hunters That'll Pony-Up & Admit To It Have More Than Likely Pulled A Shot Off Or Two Out The Truck Window!


Who Has Shot A Deer Or Elk From Inside Their House Through A House Window?


The DWR Ain't Gonna Come a Knockin!:D
I might have..
Do you think this guy shot from his jeep back in 1947? Seems to have a bud in his hand to.

The second picture proves you don't need that worthless pricey camo

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The photo of the dude looks fake, like some seattle / portland hipster photoshopped into an old pic of a buck on a truck. The lighting for one thing looks totally different, and his jeans, hoodie, glasses, low testosterone soyboy facial hair and body shape all look very modern. Looks like a redditor photoshopped himself into an old school picture.
The muzzy after dad got diagnosed with lung cancer we had him on point, in his jeep. In the backseat was a big oxygen tank, with hose going to his nose.

Apparently it was just too tempting to shoot a deer, because that moron capped up and let one fly from inside the jeep, with oxygen in his nose, hooked to a tank.

No one died, including the deer.

I sure miss that crazy old turd
The muzzy after dad got diagnosed with lung cancer we had him on point, in his jeep. In the backseat was a big oxygen tank, with hose going to his nose.

Apparently it was just too tempting to shoot a deer, because that moron capped up and let one fly from inside the jeep, with oxygen in his nose, hooked to a tank.

No one died, including the deer.

I sure miss that crazy old turd
I would have liked your dad. A fighter to the end.
Once. This mother %$)@"&/ Cardinal would peck at my two windows. He would peck at the window above my bed and fly to the other an peck away. I tried putting stuffed animals up there, opening the window you name it. A couple times a week he'd wake me up pecking away.

So I dumped about 20 bbs down the barrel of my bb gun and gave that ole Crossman about 20 pumps. Woke up at 530am and waited.

Needless to say he never did peck on my window.

That's an eastern flatlanders version of bushwacking an animal from inside the house. White people problems am I right?

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