How much $$$ you take for the Antelope Island deer tag.

Read the text below the poll for the question.

  • $0

  • $10k

  • $50k

  • $100k

  • $200k

  • $300k

  • $400k

  • $500k+

  • Screw it no amount is worth it I'm using it.

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Long Time Member
Here is a little different take on founders poll.

You are the proud owner of the 2023 AI deer tag voucher, given to you free and clear. you can use it, or sell it, what is the lowest amount of money you would take for it. Before you said screw it, I'm going to use it.

This isnt a what do you think you could get for it, but a what's it worth to you?
Let’s Hypothetically Monetize wildlife on a public forum…? my god.. there is absolutely NO fuggin chance for Utah !
i'd probably sell it for 10K if that's all i could get but if the Value of it (based on what it has sold for in the past) is over 150 K i would probably try to get that. but i would not feel bad getting rid of it for lowball offer. i don't know, i've never been to AI. I would go take a look and maybe i would want to hunt it!
I would try to get $150k+ for it but in reality I'd let it go for $50k in a heartbeat as I really have no desire to hunt on the island
Well that is a tricky question. I honestly have zero interest in hunting antelope island. However, I know I can get a good amount for it so it's worthless to me but I would probably try and get $200,000. I know I went against your rules ?
I would let it go for $1000.

But I'm gonna gamble and wait till the last second I can transfer the tag and try to start a bidding war to drive the price up as high as it will go, which (ridiculously IMO) is probably around $300,000.

If I thought it would help the herd somewhere that needs help, which is not there IMO, I would keep it and not hunt it.

I LOVE big deer but would rather look at pictures of those bucks than shoot one.
Film burning it and post on all the hunting sites...
Knowing it would cause tears from the wanna be entitled tame deer mount society.
I want a real poll. What would you do for an antelope island tag?

1) get on your knees and make Don really happy
2) give up your first born?
3) kidney?
4) take it in the butt
5) get a tattoo on your face of the mossback logo?

What would you do for a tag? How serious are you about wanting a tag?

I would get on my knees for 150k but no way for an antelope island tag.
I’d look into an Alberta muley tag round trip, total cost of hunt, double the price and sell at that price. No desire to hunt backyard deer. The hype is over for that island.
I’d look into an Alberta muley tag round trip, total cost of hunt, double the price and sell at that price. No desire to hunt backyard deer. The hype is over for that island.
Didn't you write "beautiful buck" on the antelope island deer thread????
Didn't you write "beautiful buck" on the antelope island deer thread????
So what?

Both can be his true feelings. I look at pics of antelope island bucks, dead or alive and I impressed by the result of good genetics and limited hunting and marvel at what nature has produced. But I have ZERO desire to shoot one there.
I want a real poll. What would you do for an antelope island tag?

1) get on your knees and make Don really happy
2) give up your first born?
3) kidney?
4) take it in the butt
5) get a tattoo on your face of the mossback logo?

What would you do for a tag? How serious are you about wanting a tag?

I would get on my knees for 150k but no way for an antelope island tag.
So what?

Both can be his true feelings. I look at pics of antelope island bucks, dead or alive and I impressed by the result of good genetics and limited hunting and marvel at what nature has produced. But I have ZERO desire to shoot one there.

I remember her also…
So what?

Both can be his true feelings. I look at pics of antelope island bucks, dead or alive and I impressed by the result of good genetics and limited hunting and marvel at what nature has produced. But I have ZERO desire to shoot one there.
That's different than "the hype" being over.

I don't care if your feelings.
What's the lowest $ amount that the auction tag has ever sold for? Has to be north of 200k? That's the least I would take for it, because that is it's proven historic value.
I think it would be a fun hunt. Even cattle need to be thinned out/ slaughtered.

Is it an easy hunt: sure. But I have done a ton of hard ones. An easy one once in a blue moon is ok with me. Would bet it wouldn’t be in the top ten hunts/ memories of my life, but I have no problem going once.

But the first $50,000 offer gets it. Without hesitation
If I got that tag I wouldn’t hunt it. Pretty sure some utards would stroke out because if it. Thus I would save a bunch of 2 points!

you would sell it for max dollar and give all that money to your favorite organization which if i remember correct that is the muley fanatic group. The head guy needs another pool and raise in his salary

Have you learned NOTHING from Mossback and Tony Abbot?

You take the tag, then set up a raffle at $10 a shot. While the raffle is ongoing you post about how much the money raised in the raffle will help wildlife conservation in Utah.

After the raffle, you scratch a $100 poster sized check to the DWR, on video of course, then pocket the $500k you got for the tag via the raffle

This is how the big money is made.

You simps think too small time
I picked $0.

I'm either hunting it, or offering it to someone else as a gift.

I haven't killed a large mule deer. Being on the island "hunting" what is there I am sure would be a good time. Or being with someone who might not otherwise have the opportunity.

I really struggle with the idea of monetary gain of private individuals using public wildlife on public land.
What's the lowest $ amount that the auction tag has ever sold for? Has to be north of 200k? That's the least I would take for it, because that is it's proven historic value.


In reality, I’d rather have 20 grand than hunting AI. But knowing the value, I’m walking away with nothing less than $250k.

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