Illinois is treading


Active Member
Seems that Illinois is pissing a ton of people off with their new semi-auto "weapons" ban.

I am extremely happy to see that a good majority of the sheriff's in Illinois are refusing to abide by this new law because of the oaths they took to uphold the American constitution and the right to bear arms. I know that law enforcement is going through a rough time right now, but it's good to see some of them still standing up for our rights.
I live here I just saw that the other day. I’m differently buying 2 of them now and as much ammo as I can. HELL IF THE FEDS ARE ARMING THE NEW 87K IRS AGENTS TO LEARN TO USE THEM AND TO CARRY THEM F$CK THEM! You know as I tabs those agents are to take away our means to stand up for ourselves! The Covid lockdown was the Government see how easy it would be to control us the middle class the ones that do all the living, working, paying taxes and dying in this country! The rich don’t pay taxes the have the means to hire lawyers and they support Politicians to protect themselves and poor domt pay they live off the system so that leaves us. I did everything I did before Covid as I did before. I guess I’m lucky that these crazy people Woke A$$Holes don’t mess with me so far in my life now that can change at amy minute lol
It's the true start to a very big problem. People were mad about the bump stocks and mag it's an entire style of rifle that's banned.
I believe the House GOP stated they will take away the money for the IRS to hire those thousands of IRS agents. 73 of the elected sheriffs in the state have joined together to not enforce the new gun laws that the liberal governor signed. Good chance it will be struck down when it gets to the courts as a violation of the 2nd.
The house Republicans say they are going to pull funding for the 87k new IRS agents but I believe they will have trouble getting that past the Dems in the Senate and the president! Dang sure worth them trying though.
If I was a LEO and was told to take guns or parts of guns I would quit. The liberal govt has already turned on the police then they want them to turn on the only people left that support them.

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