bino preference?


Very Active Member
I currently have a pair of Swarovski 10x42 ELs and a pair of 15x56 SLCs. I rarely carry my 10s as I prefer my 15s on a tripod. But I'm considering selling them both and replacing them with 12x42 NL Pures. The Pures are smaller and lighter but just wondering if I'll regret giving up my 15s.
If I was glassing from one ridge to another and the distance was 800 yards or more, I'd want 15s. I have Vortex Diamondbacks in 10x50 that are great for most of the hunting I do. My dad has a pair of Nikons in 12x50 that I also really like. But, for animals 800 yards or more, I've often wondered if I would do well to get some 15s. Glassing under 800 yards with 15s is a little more difficult as the Field Of View is reduced... But once you find the animal... you get a better look.

I'm guessing I've said all the things you already had in your head...
I have spent a lot of time looking at (and through) the 12x42 NL Pures and watching/listening to reviews. I personally think the 12x42 NL Pure is the "do all" bino for western big game hunting and is the only product worthy of trading in your 10's and 15's for.

It is much lighter than the 15's, has a FOV that is close to a 10 and can be hand held.

If you do a lot of Coues deer hunting or long distance glassing, it might make sense to hold on to the 15s, but the 12's on a tripod will be tough to beat in most scenarios.

Maybe best case is to sell your 10's, keep the 15's and buy the 12x42 NL Pures ?
I’d get the NL 12’s, there the real deal with and with out a tri pod, but I’d keep the 10’s and 15’s and just say there for when the wife tags along.
I'd never under any circumstances sell my Swaro 15's. The Pures would be the ultimate for most scenarios. But early morning with the sun at your back, the 15's on a tripod rule the desert.
I should probably also mention that I have the BTXs that go everywhere I do as well. I usually pick everything apart with the 15s first and then go back with the BTX and look again. The 10s never leave my safe. Just considering the 12s because they would save me some weight and size.
I guess what I’m looking for is someone to say “once I got my 12s I never used my 15s again.” ?
My wife has the NL 12s and I have the SLC 15s. We use each of them almost solely on tripods.

Glassing next to each other, looking at the same animals, there were cases I could see bedded deer that she couldn't locate due to my increased magnification (like the one in the pic below). There were also cases where she could see bears that I couldn't see because of her increased color contrast making the black coat stand out more for her than for me.

When I was hunting solo deer this year, I'd take her 12s to save the weight, but if I had a sheep tag then I would take my 15s.

Bottom line is my opinion is there's not a perfect answer... until they come out with NL 15s.

I had the 12 Pure’s and missed the 15x56. It was not the same. Off a tripod it is a huge difference. I now use the SLC 15x56 and the SF 10x42. If Zeiss made the 15 in the SF line I would dump the SLC. The brightness and color in the Zeiss is much better for my eyes than the Pure’s.
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My sheep guide had them and absolutely loved them. Yes, they replaced his 15’s and he gave no indication that he would go back to them (15’s). As much as I like my Leica 10’s and 15’s, I’d consider switching…..
Once I got my 12’s, I tried using my 15’s one time….I compared the two side by side on a Wyo wolf hunt in December glassing a couple miles out. My 15’s aren’t hd glass to be fair. It was definitely night and day. I’ll hold on to my 15’s for family and friends, but the 12’s are a do-all. Personally, I find myself using 10’s occasionally still for close range shed-hunting or timber. Hope this helps
Then once you change the new Victory 15’s will be out, which will in turn create a 15 Pure with hopefully 56 mm objectives.

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