Durham Report Released


Long Time Member
Who would have thought? Sorry, I can't stop laughing.

Oh yeah and I can't wait to see those apologies throughout the political spectrum.

Lastly, congress should start the reparations negotiations to everyone besmirched by this ugly attack. Let's see: Flynn, Page, ol' Trumpy, etc.... ;)

Who would have thought? Sorry, I can't stop laughing.

Oh yeah and I can't wait to see those apologies throughout the political spectrum.

Lastly, congress should start the reparations negotiations to everyone besmirched by this ugly attack. Let's see: Flynn, Page, ol' Trumpy, etc.... ;)

The Demonrat party will be the downfall of this country.

Any guesses on if the Demonrats on this site will call out their own over this?

And No, I don’t expect any apologies from 99% of the media for their implicit actions over this.

It just proves once again a very fundamental truth….anytime the msm is saying the exact same thing, word for word, you can 100% guarantee it’s a lie and coverup. From Russian collusion, to the Bidens, to Covid, etc…just like death and taxes.
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Crossfire Hurricane was opened on July 31, 2016. Days after it was opened as a "full investigation" FBI Peter Strozk told a London FBI colleague that there was nothing to it. The Obama administration, DOJ, FBI all went along with it anyways. Anyone paying attention at all... knew very early on that it was all bullchit. All these people should be gone permanently from political life.
The Demonrat party will be the downfall of this country.

Any guesses on if the Demonrats on this site will call out their own over this?

And No, I don’t expect any apologies from 99% of the media for their implicit actions over this.

It just proves once again a very fundamental truth….anytime the msm is saying the exact same thing, word for word, you can 100% guarantee it’s a lie and coverup. From Russian collusion, to the Bidens, to Covid, etc…just like death and taxes.
Don't hold your breath for long.
And his report will yield what? My guess is not a dam thing but more political finger pointing instead of criminal charges and convictions.
The only thing that gives me even the slightest hope is what Jim Jordan said tonight, "the only leverage they have to change things are the purse strings". I hope they withhold funding to and severely cut the budgets of our intel agencies. It's a wish, not that I think it will happen.

It's pretty interesting to see all the so called conspiracies coming true over the last 8 years. What does that tell us about the msm and all the demonrats over that time frame? Easily gullible? Ego's too big to admit they were duped? Just plain dumb? All of the above?
Cutting the budgets is probably the best to hope for. Realistically these agencies need to be burned to the ground and the ashes scattered to the winds. The DOJ & FBI in its present form will destroy the country
Agreed, gutting the intel agencies is a start. The problem, which Trump found out, is that even if an R wins the presidency the intel and justice depts will do all they can to undermine them.

All the media playbacks they are doing during the time of the Russian Collusion hoax is hilarious. Everyone of those phony pos liars should be fired and jailed, including the cnn and msnbc fools.

Then-President Barack Obama and then-Vice President Joe Biden were personally briefed by then-CIA Director John Brennan in 2016 that the CIA had evidence of Hillary Clinton planning to falsely link then-presidential candidate Donald Trump to Russia, according to a report by Special Counsel John Durham released Monday.

The report said the intelligence came from a “highly significant intelligence” from a “trusted foreign source pointing to a Clinton campaign plan to vilify Trump by tying him to Vladimir Putin so as to divert attention from her own concerns relating to her use of a private email server.”

Brennan briefed them on August 3, 2016 in the White House Situation Room, the report said. That meeting was to brief relevant intelligence known to date on Russian election interference, the report said.

The report said the CIA even sent a formal written referral to Comey and then-Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division, Peter Strzok, for their consideration and action, but that the FBI took no steps to investigate the intelligence on Clinton’s plan.
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“Unlike the FBI’s opening of a full investigation of unknown members of the Trump campaign based on raw, uncorroborated information, in this separate matter involving a purported Clinton campaign plan, the FBI never opened any type of inquiry, issued any taskings, employed any analytical personnel, or produced any analytical products in connection with the information,” the report said.

The revelation suggests that although Obama and Biden knew that the origins of the Trump campaign Russian collusion allegations was part of a plan by Clinton, they said nothing or did nothing and even perpetuated the idea that Russians were interfering in U.S. elections.

On July 25, 2019, after Biden had begun his presidential campaign, he tweeted, “Russia undermined our democracy by interfering in the 2016 election. That’s a fact. We need a President who will stand up to the Kremlin, push back against Putin, and take immediate steps to ensure the security of our elections.”
What are the good people of America to think now.
Do Hillary and the DNC get to laugh this all off? Getting away with the biggest electioneering cheat = steal in history.

All the 3 letter agencies coluded and interfered. From the FBI to the KGB. They are all one in the same. Insurance policies from the Strokz & Paige lover's text messages. Stokz probobly a Russian surname. Comey, Brenana Clapper all ne the whole time. Took down General Flynn and Carter Paige on BS accusations.

Bigger, faster and more furious.
Obama spying on an oppositon party's campaign.
Leading to the 3 Letter Agencies spying on a sitting president

They were all in on it. All the 3 letter mainstream media playing along. CNN, ABC, NBC. FJB

This LIE / Hoax was STEALING and Rigging an election!

The Deepstates censorship of Social Media sites. Shadowbanning, etc.

51 former intellageince oficers signing the Laptop from Hell lettter. Claiming telltale signs of Russion missinformation.

Zuckergrg spenging 400 Million on the 202 election in deep blue states.

At least Trump spared us from the hag Hillary. Too much deepstate interference to spare America from the dissaster that is FJB.

? ? ? Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself.???
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What are the good people of America to think now.
Do Hillary and the DNC get to laugh this all off? Getting away with the biggest electioneering cheat = steal in history.

All the 3 letter agencies coluded and interfered. From the FBI to the KGB. They are all one in the same. Insurance policies from the Strokz & Paige lover's text messages. Stokz probobly a Russian surname. Comey, Brenana Clapper all ne the whole time. Took down General Flynn and Carter Paige on BS accusations.

Bigger, faster and more furious.
Obama spying on an oppositon party's campaign.
Leading to the 3 Letter Agencies spying on a sitting president

They were all in on it. All the 3 letter mainstream media playing along. CNN, ABC, NBC. FJB

This LIE / Hoax was STEALING and Rigging an election!

The Deepstates censorship of Social Media sites. Shadowbanning, etc.

51 former intellageince oficers signing the Laptop from Hell lettter. Claiming telltale signs of Russion missinformation.

Zuckergrg spenging 400 Million on the 202 election in deep blue states.

At least Trump spared us from the hag Hillary. Too much deepstate interference to spare America from the dissaster that is FJB.

? ? ? Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself.???
But, the 2020 was totally legit. How could anyone believe any of our intel agencies could have been involved….they are just so trustworthy and completely impartial.

Man, Kayleigh McEnany always handed it to the corporate media. She was really good at her job, not that the other side would acknowledge it.

She was great!

They can never acknowledge the truth when it’s spoken from someone outside their party.
Nobody cares.

No one cares that the alphabet agencies tried to eliminate a candidate!
No one cares that a political opposition payed an outside source to make up false information on presidential candidate!
No one cares that the main stream media pushed the false information, even though they new it was false!
No one cares that US citizens that tried to stand up against the false information was silenced and some punished!
No one cares that all the alphabet organizations still will not allow the truth to come out!
No one cares the political opposition continues to claim the same false information.
No one cares the mainstream media is claiming the Durham proves they are right even thoe anyone with any sense knows better.
Wow blue I had a higher opinion of you than that.
That pretty much sums up why this country is being destroyed by the left.

They don’t care about corruption, laws, or anything else but keeping power.

Absolutely pathetic that any American would say that.
Our country is being destroyed by trump.

My position on the matter hasn’t changed in years. If your vote changed because biden said on social media that putin and trump were swapping piss with russian whores, you are a moron and shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

Maybe thats when he picked up the urine looping crowd? :ROFLMAO:

I am very disappointed in the FBI however. With the criminal enterprise that is the trumps, making stupid chit up is just laziness.

And a whole bunch of America is rolling their eyes at the trumpsters whining about judicial fairness. Everyone can see the irony when it comes from a pathological crook who has made a career of judicial abuse, and promises to weaponize the machine of government against his enemies.:rolleyes:

So next time you’re wondering why people don’t give poor donald any sympathy, just ask yourself how many times he’s been charged and/or convicted SINCE putin peed in his mouth.

Nobody cares about donald because he’s still a liar, fraud, and now convicted rapist. Yup, just what America needs.(n)

Oh, and trumps a democrat.
No one cares that the alphabet agencies tried to eliminate a candidate!
No one cares that a political opposition payed an outside source to make up false information on presidential candidate!
No one cares that the main stream media pushed the false information, even though they new it was false!
No one cares that US citizens that tried to stand up against the false information was silenced and some punished!
No one cares that all the alphabet organizations still will not allow the truth to come out!
No one cares the political opposition continues to claim the same false information.
No one cares the mainstream media is claiming the Durham proves they are right even thoe anyone with any sense knows better.
Wow blue I had a higher opinion of you than that.
I didn’t do any of that stuff. Your beef is with Lord God King trumpster.

Enjoy that “vindication “ :ROFLMAO:
Blue, I know you realize this, but I'll put it here just cuz: Trumpy was sued in civil court, he is not a convicted rapist.

And people do give a sh!t about the hypocrisy regarding the Russia/Trump fraud, which is the biggest political scandal ever (unless we find out a JFK was smoked by the CIA).

If big media doesn't cover it, of course it didn't happen and is, "No big deal."
I didn’t do any of that stuff. Your beef is with Lord God King trumpster.

Enjoy that “vindication “ :ROFLMAO:
Not a Trump supporter. But he did some good things for the country.
Trump derangement is no excuse.
They will do this against any Republican candidate. They tried it on Bush 43, remember Florida hanging chad and the fake draft documents Dan Rather.
Way bigger than one man, be he orange or jello oatmeal brain. Blue, I think voted for orange man 2x? Whether he knows it or not he’s on an enemy of the state list, unless he’s changed his affiliation to D. As we found out recently (if you’re paying attention) if you bank with BofA and bought a gun or ammo with your BofA debit or credit card in the last 20+ years you’re on the bad guy list. Surely the other banks aren’t creating these lists as well…. nah!
Blue, I know you realize this, but I'll put it here just cuz: Trumpy was sued in civil court, he is not a convicted rapist.

And people do give a sh!t about the hypocrisy regarding the Russia/Trump fraud, which is the biggest political scandal ever (unless we find out a JFK was smoked by the CIA).

If big media doesn't cover it, of course it didn't happen and is, "No big deal."
Yes, I realize all that. My point was that no matter what the Durham report said, it would never be able to wipe the stink off the turd that is trump.

trump is a terrible candidate, and probably the only republican who could lose to biden. And a far greater - and growing - number of Americans (and whoever else votes in our elections) are sick of his self-absorbed whiney billionaire retribution tour and moving away from him. Think women, just like last time. I’m sure you remember me complaining about that 4 years ago.

But take heart. The democrats are colossally stupid and always seem to miss the layup so America just might be great again.

Oh, and FJB.
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Way bigger than one man, be he orange or jello oatmeal brain. Blue, I think voted for orange man 2x? Whether he knows it or not he’s on an enemy of the state list, unless he’s changed his affiliation to D. As we found out recently (if you’re paying attention) if you bank with BofA and bought a gun or ammo with your BofA debit or credit card in the last 20+ years you’re on the bad guy list. Surely the other banks aren’t creating these lists as well…. nah!
Yes, I’m a former trump voter. Don’t forget the things that have happened since HE LOST TO FJB.

I’m pretty sure I’m on both sides list. Between FJB and FDJT, I would be much more concerned about the Orange Gulags.

Why would anyone buy a gun with a credit card? Big data is not your friend.
Not a Trump supporter. But he did some good things for the country.
Trump derangement is no excuse.
They will do this against any Republican candidate. They tried it on Bush 43, remember Florida hanging chad and the fake draft documents Dan Rather.
Both sides have done it with everyone since before any of us were around. I like to think that it wouldn’t be that way if decent people ran, but the reality is that the only way to win seems to be running morally dead psychopaths.

Trump is the first president I can think of whose policy positions were trumped by his “mean tweets”. Just wait till the d’rats put all of his 4 years of new material out in those campaign adds.

And please tell me who will join his administration? That’s an issue for some of us who tend to be less emotional about the juvenile drama. Show me an adult in the room.
Yes, I’m a former trump voter. Don’t forget the things that have happened since HE LOST TO FJB.

I’m pretty sure I’m on both sides list. Between FJB and FDJT, I would be much more concerned about the Orange Gulags.

Why would anyone buy a gun with a credit card? Big data is not your friend.
2X former as well. Orange dude lost me in early 2020 when he willingly handed over the keys to his presidency to Fauci & locked down the country/economy. Probably the biggest/dumbest mistake I've ever seen. If you objectively look at orange (took me a while) the guy is a total mess. The D's know/believe Trump can't win which is why they desperately want him to be the nominee. Not sure how much of a country we'll have left in '24 but if it comes down to FJB or FDT... I'm voting orange again no question. Far left activists running the country into the ground vs. a weirdo that had pretty good policy for two years - the whole are you better off now concept that Regan promoted. Two 80 year old lame duck candidates, that the majority of both parties don't want, would be a sad place to be.
With the entire federal law enforcement community essentially an arm of the Democrat party……I can’t believe anyone would be dumb enough to join any republican administration….
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Don't bother asking Boo Hare
? ? ? ???Ask Corn Pop.??????
He was a bad dude!
???FJB Let's go Brandon???
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