when is it time for cadfg to realize their bullshit


Active Member
Too bad Comifornia is the way it is. Won't ever get better either. I'd say it's more a problem with the population of voters in Comi. The big city idiot ( Citidiots), rule the state as far as one party voters. CDF& W is just doing the people's will. Thus protected lions, equals too many lions, and a cat gonna eat.
We are going to be in the same situation here in Colorado soon. Our governor and his husband are working hard on getting lion hunting banned, already released wolves. Couple cities - Denver / Boulder controls the vote for the entire state , It is total bullshit !
The proposed big game material for the April season setting meeting is not on line yet. No more tags should mean keeping quotas the same as last year. But in addition to feeding the lions, we also need deer to sustain the recently established Sierra wolf packs.
Mountain Lions are worse on wild sheep than deer. Extreme winters like 23-24 have a higher winter kill of bighorns because sheep avoid better winter ground with lions present. Lion populations increasing after Prop 116 1990 had a significant negative effect on the Eastern Sierra bighorn recovery. Wolves do cut lion numbers through competition and lions are better sheep hunters than wolves. So, maybe there is some good with the wolves coming in. Who knows how this will all work, but yes, DFG's hands are tied on sheep management since prop 117 passed.

Mountain Lions are worse on wild sheep than deer. Extreme winters like 23-24 have a higher winter kill of bighorns because sheep avoid better winter ground with lions present. Lion populations increasing after Prop 116 1990 had a significant negative effect on the Eastern Sierra bighorn recovery. Wolves do cut lion numbers through competition and lions are better sheep hunters than wolves. So, maybe there is some good with the wolves coming in. Who knows how this will all work, but yes, DFG's hands are tied on sheep management since prop 117 passed.

Author wants to add wolves on top of mountain lions because the wolves will steal what the mountain lions kill and force mountain lions to die.

In the real world, the mountain lions will just go kill more sheep, or deer.
Need several more deaths by lions unfortunately before anyone may even consider making a change. Unfortunately I just don’t see anything happening unless maybe some small kids are killed.
We’ll never see a change in the hunting moratorium on Mountain Lions, as others have stated, it was voted in by the citizens in 1990 and the state “voting demographic” hasn’t changed to where we’d see support for this.

Go look at the comments on the DFW X page when they put out a press release that the cat was euthanized. There was more outrage over that than the death of a human being. That right there tells me we’re doomed, as a hunting community and, hell, society as a whole.
Need to pass a law where all wildlife is controlled by F&G only and they will supersede all others and existing laws. They would have sole control of seasons, what can and can not be hunted.

This country has to many laws voted on by feelings and not practicality.

Same goes for feral horses.
Here is what we are up against
For those of you who don't know, Gov. Newsom's daddy was the big cheese for this foundation and helped found it. They were pretty shrewd on how they developed the language and it'll take an act of God to get this thing overturned in California--in other words; we're effed.

There was an attempt 2 years (?) after it passed and it went down in flames.
The snakes wrote up and advertised Proposition 6, additional gas tax on our already too high gas tax, so that most voters had no idea that they were voting to add additional gas tax. Fixing roads sounds great....

Repeal Proposition 117? Not a chance. That was passed back in the time that a semi-Republican could win at state level for Governor or Senator. It wasn't a blowout, something like 52.5 to 47.5, but would be a blowout today.
Sad deal....A state that protects apex predators and makes it as difficult as possible for humans to protect themselves. I heard a rumor from a good source that the officer is being seriously questioned for his decision to kill the cat that was still on the scene where it had critically injured one person and killed another.

The majority of voters in CA couldn't care less if Lions ate 1000 people a week. Pretty much everything imaginable is more important than Law-abiding, home-dwelling, American people. Only chance you have of changing that law is if Lions develop an appetite for homeless people or illegal immigrants.

So sorry for the loss of the young man and best wishes to the other as he recovers physically and mentally.------SS
I believe that someone shot several wolves recently up North. Some of them were tagged haven't heard much since the initial report
with this attack and rumors of no more deer tags in the eastern Sierra X zones where the cali biologist have 52 collard lions they are protecting to kill the best heard in the sierras lets here your thought oh wait it is California
Sad deal....A state that protects apex predators and makes it as difficult as possible for humans to protect themselves. I heard a rumor from a good source that the officer is being seriously questioned for his decision to kill the cat that was still on the scene where it had critically injured one person and killed another.

The majority of voters in CA couldn't care less if Lions ate 1000 people a week. Pretty much everything imaginable is more important than Law-abiding, home-dwelling, American people. Only chance you have of changing that law is if Lions develop an appetite for homeless people or illegal immigrants.

So sorry for the loss of the young man and best wishes to the other as he recovers physically and mentally.------SS
I seriously doubt a California Employee shot the lion.....first call they make on anything like this is to USDA Wildlife Services....those guys do the dirty work and enjoy every minute of it.....and are immune to California wildlife stupidity.....
Need to pass a law where all wildlife is controlled by F&G only and they will supersede all others and existing laws. They would have sole control of seasons, what can and can not be hunted.

This country has to many laws voted on by feelings and not practicality.

Same goes for feral horses.
That sounds good but when F&W eventually becomes anti hunting that will be the end of it.
You do realize that F&G have their hands tied on this one. A law was passed by the voters to eliminate lion hunting in the mid 90’s. And yes it looks like Oregon and Colorado are heading down this hell hole too.

Oregon hasn't really hunted Cats or Bears since 1994 when Portland voted in the use of dogs and bait. Oregon has no deer left and Calorado is next, but it will take a few years. The big cities control the entire state in most cases.
My understanding is that Eldorado county has their own wildlife trapper, and he shot it.
That sounds good but when F&W eventually becomes anti hunting that will be the end of it.
US Fish and Wildlife already are. They plan on stocking Grizzlies in Idaho, and other places. Rewilding Activists are planning to move "endangered species" into areas to gain control over them and move people, such as ranchers, farmers, logger, hunters, out.

Check this website to understand their motives more:


Most important is last paragraph on this page, which really describes their ultimate goals:

"The presence of top carnivores in an ecosystem not only holds ecological value but serves an economic and social purpose to humans. Rewilding, or more specifically trophic rewilding, is shedding light on the importance of predators and providing evidence of their benefits. The results will also help to advocate for the protection of existing trophic chains that are regulated by their top predator."

In other words: advocating for the protection of predator's food source, i.e., deer, elk, etc. A ban on hunting.
US Fish and Wildlife already are. They plan on stocking Grizzlies in Idaho, and other places. Rewilding Activists are planning to move "endangered species" into areas to gain control over them and move people, such as ranchers, farmers, logger, hunters, out.

Check this website to understand their motives more:


Most important is last paragraph on this page, which really describes their ultimate goals:

"The presence of top carnivores in an ecosystem not only holds ecological value but serves an economic and social purpose to humans. Rewilding, or more specifically trophic rewilding, is shedding light on the importance of predators and providing evidence of their benefits. The results will also help to advocate for the protection of existing trophic chains that are regulated by their top predator."

In other words: advocating for the protection of predator's food source, i.e., deer, elk, etc. A ban on hunting.
I can foresee a time when shooting a deer will be a felony.

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