So whats the difference?


Long Time Member


If you take snow mobile and beer out of the equation, what's the difference between these two images.

Does one become more offensive if the bad happy man is touching the animal?

Does one become more offensive because of the species?

Is red tape more offensive than a steel clamp?
Oh I Think There's Some RED TAPE Involved In The Top Pic!

I've Said For Many Years We Are Getting Out-Numbered By That OTHER Type Of People!

I Don't Know How Many Years It Took To Eradicate Wolves From The Western States,But It Took A While!

It wasn't Many Years Ago KALI-RADO Was A State No Different Than DRATville!

It Ain't The Same Anymore!

This BS Wolf Reintroduction Is The Biggest Waste Of Money We've Seen In A while!

We've Had A Small Numbers Of Wolves On The Uintah Mountains Forever!

Anybody Wanna Take A Guess Why They've Never Expanded Much?

We've Once Again Wasted Millions & Millions Of Dollars On A Lost Cause That'll Only Take Away More From Big Game Hunting!

I'm Not Totally Against Wolves But There Are Places For Them!

When We Fought Against Them Several Years Ago I Asked The One Guy Leading The Re-Introduction Where Could We Put Them In Utah Where There Wouldn't Be A Conflict With Farmers & Ranchers & Their Livestock?

He Was Quick To Tell Me They'd Be Compensated For Damages & A Government Trapper Would Try & Kill The Problem Wolf!

Like There's Only One Problem Wolf?

The Top Pic Shows A Real Wyoming Hillbilly BRAGGING About A Stunt He Pulled Off That He Should Not Of Ever Posted In Today's World!

The 2nd Pic Shows A TEXAN With A Badger Which I Believe Was A LEGAL Take!

And Since Most Of The GREENIE/Liberal Crowd Don't Even Know What A Badger Is There Ain't A Problem With It 'Yet' & Most Of Them Don't Know Or Can't See What The Badger Got Tangled Up In!


The Species Didn't Help Matters!
One thing I left out of the original post.

Imagine all you know is what you see in the picture.

Thanks for the response Elk. I can always count on you for a real conversation.
I thought the first two threads on this subject pretty well summed up the feelings of sportsman.
By all means though, start a new thread, maybe someone will come along and validate your position.
I didn't this time. But there is an entire industry based on selling live varmints. Yes they get forced into a box and driven.
Imagine how this conversation would be if the guy took this exact picture (red tape, beer and all) but in the location it was run down then dispatched there on site.

I wonder if we would still be eating our own. Food for thought.
Imagine how this conversation would be if the guy took this exact picture (red tape, beer and all) but in the location it was run down then dispatched there on site.

I wonder if we would still be eating our own. Food for thought.
Questions like that is how you start to learn most of the hate from this picture doesn't have anything to do with the wolf or the location at all.
The difference to me is that the guy with the wolf really seems to be enjoying the torture of the wolf.
Um, based on that picture, which is all you can do with a posted Internet picture is guess, I'd say no.
The real question here is why would you do this and take pictures to post on the WWW.... hunters are the minority and he just gave us all a bad rap in the eye of the non-hunting public while we are fighting anti's to protect our right's to hunt and trap. Had he done it and not made a spectacle, nobody would have known or gave a :poop:. His frikin ego is the problem here, and if you support what he's done, you're in the same boat...
Tristate quit crying! Most of the people if not everyone doesn’t agree with you on this subject and that’s fine you’re entitled to your own opinion! But quit making post about it to just argue with everyone.
Tristate quit crying! Most of the people if not everyone doesn’t agree with you on this subject and that’s fine you’re entitled to your own opinion! But quit making post about it to just argue with everyone.
You don't understand that the behavior amongst hunters on a hunting forum in response to this is actually the biggest threat to hunting here. Not a moron in a picture with a wolf.
Obviously you're not so good at math either, hunters make up about 10% of the population. Even if we all stick together, the other 90% can out vote us. We have to swing another 41% of the population to our side and this kind of **** doesn't help the cause.

He might as well have dressed as a priest with a little boy bound and gagged at his feet.... would've got the same disapproval from society...
The wolf in captivity reminds many of us of our beloved dogs.

The wolf is clearly exhausted and appears to be in pain. For all practical purposes it is being tortured like a Russian held prisoner. Most people do not support torture.

The wolf was run down by a snowmobile. Most of us believe in fair chase.

The injured animal is being paraded by a drunken moron. Many of us are not drunk morons and wish there were fewer.

The person appears to take great joy in torturing this animal.

I think some of us would likely have become attached to the animal having had it with us in captivity for a period of time. I would not be able to kill anything I held in captivity with me for any period of time.

Rendering the animal defenseless does not sit well with me. If you want to be a bar fly tough guy let the animal rest and recover, then take the tape off and make it a fair fight.

I have trapped on and off for 50 years (only nuisance animals in the past 30) and there have been many times I looked into the eyes of the helpless animal in the trap and struggled to dispatch them.

For me it is the posture and body language of the wolf. He knows he is doomed. He is exhausted, injured and terrified. On the other side you have the bar fly, smiling, and clearly overjoyed by the position he has placed the wolf in.

I believe wolves belong on the landscape with proper management. Vilifying them so bar fly dipshits can feel good about this is just not my cup of tea.

I have never taken a picture of a live animal in one of my traps - don't think that is the best thing to do but not on the same level as the bar fly dipshit.

Would you feel good about shooting a trophy elk that had been injured by a car, was exhausted, tangled in a fence, and had no chance to escape? If so, I guess grab a Coors and get out the camera.
The wolf in captivity reminds many of us of our beloved dogs.

The wolf is clearly exhausted and appears to be in pain. For all practical purposes it is being tortured like a Russian held prisoner. Most people do not support torture.

The wolf was run down by a snowmobile. Most of us believe in fair chase.

The injured animal is being paraded by a drunken moron. Many of us are not drunk morons and wish there were fewer.

The person appears to take great joy in torturing this animal.

I think some of us would likely have become attached to the animal having had it with us in captivity for a period of time. I would not be able to kill anything I held in captivity with me for any period of time.

Rendering the animal defenseless does not sit well with me. If you want to be a bar fly tough guy let the animal rest and recover, then take the tape off and make it a fair fight.

I have trapped on and off for 50 years (only nuisance animals in the past 30) and there have been many times I looked into the eyes of the helpless animal in the trap and struggled to dispatch them.

For me it is the posture and body language of the wolf. He knows he is doomed. He is exhausted, injured and terrified. On the other side you have the bar fly, smiling, and clearly overjoyed by the position he has placed the wolf in.

I believe wolves belong on the landscape with proper management. Vilifying them so bar fly dipshits can feel good about this is just not my cup of tea.

I have never taken a picture of a live animal in one of my traps - don't think that is the best thing to do but not on the same level as the bar fly dipshit.

Would you feel good about shooting a trophy elk that had been injured by a car, was exhausted, tangled in a fence, and had no chance to escape? If so, I guess grab a Coors and get out the camera.

This is also a great post.

It's not our beloved dogs. It isn't.

I would not grow attached to it if I were taking care of it.

I don't consider tape on an animals mouth torture. Whether the animal was exhausted or in pain none of us actually know. Is that possible? Yes. Is it for sure? No. Painting broud strokes and making assumptions is what the antis are hoping all people do.

Researchers tape animals mouths often when doing animal experiments. They don't drink beer and make internet posts about it but by your definition they are torturing animals in an effort to prolong the lives of people you love.

So then the question becomes are we only angry because we see it? And if that is the case are we looking to get angry?

As far as how I feel about killing hurt elk, I would feel neither good nor bad.
Obviously you're not so good at math either, hunters make up about 10% of the population. Even if we all stick together, the other 90% can out vote us. We have to swing another 41% of the population to our side and this kind of **** doesn't help the cause.

He might as well have dressed as a priest with a little boy bound and gagged at his feet.... would've got the same disapproval from society...
It's not hunting.

Your ability to equate little boys to dogs is probably the reason you are having problems understanding this discussion.
It's not hunting.

Your ability to equate little boys to dogs is probably the reason you are having problems understanding this discussion.
Yes not the same, but by your argument, if the rest of his preacher buddies are okay with it and support him, it would be fine and everyone else is the problem....

Your argument is weak and irrelevant... I, as well as everyone else have more important things to do than arguing with you, like letting :poop: run down my leg...
Yes not the same, but by your argument, if the rest of his preacher buddies are okay with it and support him, it would be fine and everyone else is the problem....

Your argument is weak and irrelevant... I, as well as everyone else have more important things to do than arguing with you, like letting :poop: run down my leg...
That has never been my argument.

Why don't you tell me what you think my argument is because it seams as if you aren't paying attention.
I'm not paying attention... the only thing that would make this thread productive or entertaining would be locking it down or turning it into a Tristate meme thread.... I'll go first....

I'm not sure yet....maybe start 2 or 3 more threads tri...

Jury is still out on what the folks here on MM think about this subject....and you for that matter...what do we really think of you?
I have a few suggestions for thread titles...

What if the wolf is really into BDSM?

This one writes itself....the wolf is actually just spent from all the sexual exertion...

Or maybe...

How do we know this wolf wasn't a corner jumper?
View attachment 142306

View attachment 142307

If you take snow mobile and beer out of the equation, what's the difference between these two images.

Does one become more offensive if the bad happy man is touching the animal?

Does one become more offensive because of the species?

Is red tape more offensive than a steel clamp?
OK. I am going to ask you the question, just so you can get this off your chest. Why are people angry about these pictures (assuming they are)?
Never been run over by a snow machine or had my mouth taped shut. Never had serious internal injuries either but I have caught my hand in a coil spring trap.
Big difference.
How do you know the badger was not released to live another day?
Never been run over by a snow machine or had my mouth taped shut. Never had serious internal injuries either but I have caught my hand in a coil spring trap.
Big difference.
How do you know the badger was not released to live another day?
Run over by a snowmobile machine can be nothing or it can be bad.

Not sure why serious internal injuries got thrown in.

There is also a big difference between you hand and a badger paw.

Not sure why we are trying to go down the rabbit hole of pain which can't be compared accurately.

The badger was shot dead.
There's no difference. If your gonna kill an animal do it quickly and cleanly. I'm not a fan of trapping either. It's a pretty small man that has to show how big his dick is by making an animal suffer.
There's no difference. If your gonna kill an animal do it quickly and cleanly. I'm not a fan of trapping either. It's a pretty small man that has to show how big his dick is by making an animal suffer.
It's a pretty small man that compares all other men with dick measuring.

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