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  1. C

    Did BGF Get Wolf/Grouse $$$

    Wow, I didn't know I was a hater... I asked for specifics of what BGF has accomplished with the $'s the State has shoveled to them already. Let's hear what they are.
  2. C

    Did BGF Get Wolf/Grouse $$$

    No, I don't think so... Why don't you give us some specifics that BGF has done that has stopped wolfs from coming to Ut. It appears all they do is line their pockets with our tax dollars. Cherry
  3. C

    Did BGF Get Wolf/Grouse $$$

    I was told by my state rep. that they received $400K to fight the Wolf issue. He was not happy about it and was going to recommend audits be done on this issue. Cherry
  4. C

    I'm a SFW supporter KUTV!

    Wow, Please explain to me why SFW and the DWR are in bed together ? working on how to make the EXPO a Win /Win? . This concept is completely wrong. The DWR should make sure they are making it a win / win for the wildlife and citizen of Utah, not some special interest group. No...
  5. C

    Expo Tags Article

    Why do you care what con org built or which one converted? The concern should be which one is putting forth the most $?s to wildlife conservation. The 30% to 100% cannot be dismissed. If you think it would be great for RMEF to host an expo in Utah than are you willing to recommend to the DWR...
  6. C

    Expo Tags Article

    Birdman hit the nail on the head? ?Record year more people putting in for tags?. The tags are the reason the attendance is up. The tags are the draw that brings people to the expo and is the reason revenues are up. The tags are the reason people show up and walk the exhibit floors. I wonder...
  7. C

    Expo Tags Article

    This is only my second post, but as I've read through these conversations my thoughts are that 2lumpy & Muley_73 attitudes, demeanor and words are outright astonishing? The apple sure didn't fall fare from the tree in this case. I would suggest 2lumpy & Muley_73 and other adherent supporters...
  8. C

    Utah Expo Contract Decision

    This is my first post, soooo be gentle... I've been lurking on this site for many years, I've always been a visitor, enjoying the posts, laughing at many and yelling at others. Years ago I would head down to the basement in the Lion and Hound hunting suction and get some great comic relief...
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