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  1. Oaktree25

    Fishlake elk

    Nice bull! I really hope it’s up and the size is getting better when I finally draw the tag, been scouting this unit for way too long.
  2. Oaktree25

    Fishlake elk

    Yeah sounds about what I’ve been seeing the last little bit. Damn, I was really hoping for something better this year with all the water we got this last year and was hoping to hear about and see some bigger bulls.
  3. Oaktree25

    Fishlake elk

    Sounds about right, I’m getting real sick of Pumpkin spice Twátés and their Subarus being all over the place.
  4. Oaktree25

    Fishlake elk

    Oh I don’t have the tag this year, I just usually try to make a trip down in September every year to see how there doing and I was only able to make it down in June and July so I couldn’t see how the growth did. But thanks for the kind words!
  5. Oaktree25

    Fishlake elk

    I haven’t been able to make it to Fishlake to scout this year, how’re the elk looking after that winter? How’re they sitting on population, size, and age?
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