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  1. M

    Unit 34

    Anybody else got the first archery hunt in 34? Getting close and I'm getting pumped up! Also, any pictures of some bears that have been killed?
  2. M

    D13 or D14 what do ya think?

    My boys first year of deer hunting and I was thinking of cutting his teeth locally. I havent hunted these zones for years. I am a single dad and our time is very limited, so its been challenging trying to find scouting time. With all the fires the last few years. Where do you think the best...
  3. M

    How accurate

    How accurate do you think the numbers by our Fish and Game governing bodies are?.... I am a numbers cruncher by profession and I have studied the numbers and done plenty of homework over the years in AZ, Ca, Utah, and Colorado. I know there is nothing like putting in scouting time, but time and...
  4. M

    Colorado stick and string

    This is a buddies awesome buck he stuck this year in Colorado, I will follow up with the story later! Anybody wanna guess the score? I am guessing close to 190?
  5. M

    The good ole days look like they're still here!

    My buddy just emailed the pics today, I will follow up with the story / stories in a few. Not lookin too shabby from here!
  6. M

    Hey fellow MonsterMuleyHeads!

    Been an avid reader for the last few years and decided to join in on the chats. MJP
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