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  1. M

    Thoughts on changing Utah's 50/50 bonus tag split

    Just wondering how you all feel about only 50 percent of bonus tags going to max points, and any thoughts of changing it to an 80/20 split? I'm sure opions vary a lot on this but I think 80 percent going to max points is a great idea. Take the Book Cliffs rifle as an example - if one strictly...
  2. M

    looking for the other side

    Hadn't noticed your pics. It is a Utah buck. Very similar but definietly a different buck. Thanks
  3. M

    looking for the other side

    no i just cant get the picture to show up
  4. M

    looking for the other side

    LAST EDITED ON May-15-11 AT 08:44PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-15-11 AT 08:43?PM (MST) LAST EDITED ON May-15-11 AT 08:41?PM (MST) LAST EDITED ON May-15-11 AT 08:39?PM (MST) I found this horn in the spring of 2010. Not the biggest horn, but we spent a lot watching him. The other side it...
  5. M

    Nice Shed...Other Side?

    What are the measurements? I found a year old shed this year that could be the match.
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