02:03:04 05/06/07



At 3 minutes and 4 seconds after 2 am & 2 pm on
May 6th this year, the time & date will be

02:03:04 05/06/07
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you.
>my daughters birthday. I think
>I will call her at
>2 in the morning and
>tell her.

Well...did ya call her? I sure would've! lol
That was a mistake. She said it was ok and since it was her birthday. She wondered if I would bake her cake. Oh sure not a problem. It is 2 in the morn so I throw a cake in the pan and fell back to sleep. I didn't think anyone could sleep through a smoke detector alarm. 3hrs later the fire dept leaves. I didn't know a cake could smoke that much. Not to mention the teeth marks in my arm from Calamity trying to wake me. (The dog)Oh and Calamity is not to happy they want to test her for Rabies!! I haven't told her how they do it. You would think that a fire extinguisher would work for a cake, Nope 3 inch fire hose. That and they had to use the ax on my door to get in.
I really didn't know it was the fire dept trying to get in. So I grabbed the shot gun. Then the SWAT Team arrived and tried to smoke me out with tear gas. Birthday Smirthday. I wish her mom would have eaten her at birth.


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