08 red and blue results by county

I can't disagree with you on that, the rural areas are usually red, but the dems have made inroads recently, actually I like most western democrats and most of the rotten republicans are gone,Its a different world than even 8 years ago. They say hindsight is 20/20, the city people can look back to when they had a more quality lifestyle and for some reason rural people have a hard time looking ahead
There are blue states and blue counties that were red in the last election, and I'm going to have to point this out one more time for you, the red LOST.

So what is your point? I live in a red county and I voted for Nader, so what? does who won matter less than who voted for them? the republicans took a butt kicking and if they don't find a new direction they will again because it's votes that count not where they came from.

I live in a valley with a town of now about 6,000 people, always have, my county only has 1 high school in fact we're not heavily populated. does that mean I can't disagree with the republicans? this is a dumb thread you're just graping for any excuse you can for losing.
the red lost big and it is the fault of the head red........what a dunce. Sure as hell doesn't make me blue though.


Kinda looks like blue is grown like cancer. Lets hope its not as bad.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." -- Abraham Lincoln
LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-08 AT 06:26AM (MST)[p] huntin dude that "you lost" phrase is getting irratateing.
WE AS A NATION LOST. you lost too.
what i really lost was any respect for 2/3 the people in this country.
is that much of this nation anti amarican. or just vote because they didn't like bush. i think the latter was the cause.
anyone who voted for him IS now a anti gunner, anti military, anti coal miner, anti God, anti constatution, anti bill of rights,anti bissness, anti anything else this fool plans on pushing threw.
The reason I keep saying you lost is until you realize you lost because people didn't like what you're selling you won't stop feeling sorry for yourself and devise a new platform. well, that and I like saying it.

Your attitude that all is lost and the nation is sunk is childish, he hasn't even taken office and you're all dooms day. he's already said he mightback off the tax increase on the wealthy if it's decided it will help the economy so that shows he's flexible. if Obama screws up and the republicans can get their act together with a platform people will support the midterms are only 2 years away so take his majority in congress away from him.

Our system works, we got rid of the far right wing strangle hold because they were losers. if Obama is the loser you say he is you should be able to beat him in 2012, if you can't you're the biggest loser.
>There are blue states and blue
>counties that were red in
>the last election, and I'm
>going to have to point
>this out one more time
>for you, the red LOST.
> So what is your point?
>I live in a red
>county and I voted for
>Nader, so what? does who
>won matter less than who
>voted for them? the republicans
>took a butt kicking and
>if they don't find a
>new direction they will again
>because it's votes that count
>not where they came from.
> I live in a valley
>with a town of now
>about 6,000 people, always have,
>my county only has 1
>high school in fact we're
>not heavily populated. does that
>mean I can't disagree with
>the republicans? this is a
>dumb thread you're just graping
>for any excuse you can
>for losing.

Point is most of small town country, hunting type folk are republican.. Most of the if not all of the Peta, anti hunting, anit logging, anti ranching,pro-abortion, pro-gay, anit-gunners platformist support the Democratic party. The people that attack what you love.. Makes no sense at all to support this party whether you agree with Bush or not.
Sure, you can disagree all you like. But you support the part for the most part that support most of the groups that are opposed to what we love.. thats all.
As far as radical right wing.. Bush and McCain were huge moderates. They were far from radical right wingers.. Fact is, thats why so many 30% of conservative GoP voted for Obama, simple because they were pissed at GOP. I was not that great of a fan of them either. Put Obama wanting gov/t contol on everything as do most democrats.. is a huge failure, always has been. Gov't is the problem, not the solution. Leave us alone and Capitalism has done just fine here...why we have one of the highest standards of living in the world.. It was not from Socialist type programs... Please remember the Democrats have had the senate and the house majority last 2 years, and McCain pointed out the banking failure that was about to happen back in 04 as well as other republicans... all on tape guys...... AMF dems......
How do you come up with what rural people think? I'm a 3rd generation rancher raised on the property I now own in a small town, and I may be the exception I'll admit it but I'm not alone.

We'll take your points, I am a republican, I'm pro hunting, pro logging as long as it's done responsible, pro gun, pro ranching of course and I'm pro abortion and I really don't care what gays do. there are millions of voters who don't identify 100% with either party, always will be, and it's those voters who decide most elections. my county went red, my states elctoral votes went to Obama, more counties and states went blue this election, the republicans have some work to do.
COHunter said;
"All the new blue area's in the West must be where all the Californians are moving to"

Well, in the mid to late 80's when the gas and oil prices tanked and all the wells were capped, seemed like half of Colorado and Wyoming moved to Calif for work. Might happen again and that may fix things...

Joke or not, can't help but get way tired of comments like these against "Californians"! I live in a solid red area, i vote red, for the most part, yet have friends on both sides of issues.

Don't blame any one area for this elections results. It started with GW getting elected and soon got worse. No wonder some went blue. I'm 54 years old and must say, i hated GW, that guy was the worst ever!
Easy there sage!!!

It was posted with a bit of humor. I know California was invaded by the rest of the country in the 80's & 90's, especially by folks from back East. Now those same folks that moved to California are looking for greener pastures again. That is why the West is changing politically IMO.

Finding a native born Californian over the age of 25-30 is a pretty hard find!
when you get more mature you realize that a lot of things are finite and when you live in crowded places the same thing, some Californians rebel against the so called liberals and go in the opposite extreme. I grew up in an extremely red community and somewhat rebel against the far right because of that. I still don't get all this hatred of GWB by the right, he tried to be like Ronald Reagon who was a true republican hero, he copyed Ronald Reagon, has the right given up on their princibles?
Quote "California are looking for greener pastures again. That is why the West is changing politically IMO."

Always entitled to your opinion and may have some merit but i'm thinking it has more to do with the actions of my party while the country was in their hands. Yes, the country was not completely "in their" hands" but we have had a Republican President who for the most part got his way these past 8 years. The example of leadership GW sent to the people of this country has put many off the conservative side. In times where elections are won or lost by the votes from those "in the middle", well, you can see how the election turned out.

I come from a large family. All four of my grandparents were born in the same small rural East Bay area of Livermore. When younger, i seemed to know most everybody and was quick to notice a stranger. Now i go back to visit from a mountain community that i moved to 25 years ago in which i'm still jokingly considered a flat lander, plenty of Calif natives, get back to the old home town for a week or so and hardly see a soul that i know! Yes, times have changed.


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