1 or 27 Bow Elk


Active Member
This may be a little early but I can't help but ask. I'm a non res with 17 points. I'm not sure if this will get me unit 1 in 2021 but could get me 27 which I know is a more physical unit. If unit 1 is worth it I can try to get my hunters ed point to have 18 point but if 27 is as good or better and can be done with hard hunting "but not horses" then I think I'll just go that route. Anyone with good knowledge of those area's have any opinions?
Unit 9 is Unbelievable right now. Huge bulls screaming their guts out the past two days. Lots of the giants survived early archery. Tons of feed up there if only they get some rain. Right now it seems 100% of the water is being hauled in to tanks by the semi truck load.

Just saying because I heard the age class in unit 1 is way down. Lots of young bulls in unit 8. You should really do your homework.
Thanks to everyone that has commented. Unit 9 takes more points than what I'm willing to wait for. If I burn my point in 2021 I have enough hunting years left to go on a decent AZ hunt again before I get to old and hang it up so I want to hunt 2021 & start building points. I've hunted most of the west so am not afraid to hunt hard but I don't have Horses. Can 27 be hunted affectively with them?
I spent 3 weeks in 1 this year as my friend had a tag. Had another friend in 27 during the same time frame. Both units are good but 27 is much more demanding so get in shape if you go there. Everyone said this year was horrible for bugling, if this was a bad year I cant imagine what it would be like during a normal or good year......
I spent 3 weeks in 1 this year as my friend had a tag. Had another friend in 27 during the same time frame. Both units are good but 27 is much more demanding so get in shape if you go there. Everyone said this year was horrible for bugling, if this was a bad year I cant imagine what it would be like during a normal or good year......
Thanks, appreciate the insight on your time in 1 wow!!
If you have never been to either unit then go with 1.
Thanks for your thoughts ED. Do you say that due to how tough the terrain is or just because the hunting in 1 is just better? I've hunted tough country in almost every western state so not afraid of it unless it takes horses to really hunt it affectively.
I’ve never hunted 27 but I have hunted unit 1. 27 is pretty rough country.
For the most part the road system is good, pretty easy terrain and anyone can show up a few days early and find some pretty darn good spots to hunt. Fuel, groceries, etc are within an hours drive from most parts of the unit.
As a nonresident with no experience in either unit I would say to put in for unit 1. I grew up hunting both and I think unit 1 is the way to go in your case. 27 is rugged. Bulls in 27 are easy to find preseason with salt and a camera, but they move a lot prior to the rut and become hard to find. Both hold great bulls, but with no experience unit 1 is going to be more friendly in my opinion.
I’ve never hunted 27 but I have hunted unit 1. 27 is pretty rough country.
For the most part the road system is good, pretty easy terrain and anyone can show up a few days early and find some pretty darn good spots to hunt. Fuel, groceries, etc are within an hours drive from most parts of the unit.
Thanks Ed, Appreciate your thoughts on the two units.
As a nonresident with no experience in either unit I would say to put in for unit 1. I grew up hunting both and I think unit 1 is the way to go in your case. 27 is rugged. Bulls in 27 are easy to find preseason with salt and a camera, but they move a lot prior to the rut and become hard to find. Both hold great bulls, but with no experience unit 1 is going to be more friendly in my opinion.
Thanks Money, I'll take your advise into serious consideration as we get closer to having to apply.
If you do get a tag for 1 just be prepared to see people. We ran into people almost every day no matter if we where 5 miles in, or 50 yards off a two track. The hunt was still good but the amount of people out and about was more than we anticipated. Also a good set of ear plugs would have been good as the bulls would keep us up bugling all night :)
That is what I heard about 1, great unit but still a fair amount of folks. Appreciate your thoughts.
If you do get a tag for 1 just be prepared to see people. We ran into people almost every day no matter if we where 5 miles in, or 50 yards off a two track. The hunt was still good but the amount of people out and about was more than we anticipated. Also a good set of ear plugs would have been good as the bulls would keep us up bugling all night :)
Guided or DIY?
It would be DIY, I realize I will be at a disadvantage for not knowing the country but I grew up in elk country and have taken at least a dozen or more bulls DIY with archery gear and will most likely have one or two great hunters/callers with me to help call and locate and can probably go for two weeks. So feel we'll be up for the challenge with either unit.
I spent the whole archery season in 1. My son had the tag. I've also been in 27. For me I'd take 27 if I had the choice, simply because I HATE hunting around people. 27 has way more country to get away if that is your thing. I hunt elk all over. Usually 2 states a year. Have had multiple bulls published. Unit 1 is a fun hunt with elk everywhere you turn, but the hunt did not quite live up to the hype in terms of quality to me. Although everyone down there said it was a late/slow rut year so maybe it was just this year. You could shoot a 300-315" easily if you know what you're doing, but that is not what we were looking for on that hunt. 340+ bulls were very hard to find and we hunted as hard and as deep into everything we could trying to find them. We actually did not see many bulls in the 315-330 range at all. Just the 300ish types and then very few bigger at the very end. He was set on not shooting anything under 340 and we ran out of time with not enough opportunities at those bulls before it was over.

I think unit 1 is probably a better, more fun hunt, for the 90%, but for the 10% I think 27 would pay off better. Or unless you're Jimmy John and can pay 12 guys and then it does not matter.
I have archery hunted bulls in both units during the early hunt. I used to work in both units with the Forest Service and have been all over both units. Unit 1 small, with elk in every corner. It has mostly gentle terrain. Unit 27 has some gentle terrain, but a lot of thick, and steep country. Because of this, I believe Unit 27 has the potential for bigger bulls that locals and others aren't tracking all year until the hunt. I would love to have a unit 27 tag again.

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