2, 40+ inchers is hard to swallow!!!


Chris J. (Guest)

I heard a story from an umber of people that somebody hunting in arizona found a 43 incher and a 42 incher that were fighting and got stuck together and died I think that it is hard swallow but i have heard it from a number of people can any one tell me if its true or have pics of it Thanks
Amigo, that's just one of MANY THINGS I read on this site that are hard to swallow.

My motto is that 98% of everything you read or hear in regards to hunting is total BS!!!

If you can wade through it to find the 2% of truth it'll save you alot of time and effort!

I'm thinking I won't hold my breath waiting for someone to post a picture of that 42" and 43" inch set of locked horns.

Most likely two 21" bucks locked horns... 42" TOTAL!!! ;-)

"Contributing to the 98%"
unless huntsmexico says it happened then EVERYONE "knows" its got to be a true story, he wouldnt bull jive us NO way never.
eveyone of huntsmexicos stories and pics are 100% true and accurate as the IRS. I need hip waders when reading his posts as deep as the bull sheet gets. He wants you to think he is the leader of the branch drummidians and he is the david koresh of the monster muley clan
LMAO! You guys are great. I am so glad that you said hip waders and not just rubber boots. Being from Texas a rubber boot comment would have been an insult. Anyway, I am glad that you thought of me today, that was nice. Have a great Thanksgiving.

I would lik your rubber boots if you would take me hunting on your 100 sections . LMAO NO LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would take you but I dont think you could afford it(Dont be angry). Oh, and if you paid, you would not have to lick my rubber boots. LMAO, oops, excuse me, LMFAO!

Yes your Harry potter type fiction would be on the pricey side.
But at least some of us know the truth . Take ere easy
hunterharry potter.
No this is not Maniac ..l...,.,.......................................
LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-03 AT 07:05PM (MST)[p]How ironic, a ficticous character on a public forum complaining about supposed "ficticious" story that I have told. The irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife. What you should be worried about is dropping some balls like a little puppy and post under a non-ficticious name.

Sorry to offend you man . Dont take it so personally.
I said nothing about "a ficticious" story but all your ficticious stories. Your a phony ego "Maniac" like your hero but he at least is not phony. You have to have your follwers. Thats why you ask about a dog you have no plans to buy or a turkey hunt in Nebraska and bear hunt in Idaho you cant afford to take and only dream about .
Like hound dawg said above 98% bs here just that most here beleive your crap now you have been called out on it. You dont bother to share the truth like why you were fired by Les .
If I must register here then I will to make King Drummond happy.
Guess the score on this one yada yada yada ... yawn.
If you care to provide sources for anybody here to check out your story then please feel free to do so. I will not be baited into an arguement by someone that has no idea what they are talking about but I challenge you to provide names and phone numbers of people that can corroborate your story so the people that frequent this website can follow up if they care to do so and make their own opinions. I guarantee to anybody that reads this post that this ficticious person cant do it. I have a real good idea who this is(not 100%) but if it is who I think it is then pour yourself a stiff drink, light up a bowl and relax.

Yep you got me pegged not. I dont drink lol...
Folks you decide Im done here you decide this guy needs your admiration badly so dont hurt his feelings. If you any confirmation email sierragrandeoutfitters.com .
I said I was not 100% but the fact of the matter is, you can be anybody you want to be when you hide behind the computer. You really are a coward, if you know so much about me then give me a call and talk to me about it. I wont hold my breath waiting for that call and if you need my # just let me know, I'll be happy to provide it.

Meet me at the Burger King down the street from the hospitals at 1;00 tomorrow or friday I will be there both days for lunch . Im working 10 blocks away for the next week .
I will be dressed business casual my tie will have turkey feather motif. Now you know who?
I have no idea, why make a guy guess? If you have nothing to hide then just tell me who you are. There is no Burger King 10 blocks from any hospital in Lubbock that I know of. Give me an address.

which one of you is the little 42 incher? You guys are definately locked and stirring up dust.


Your exactly right and I have allowed this nobody to get under my skin. I guess I am the smaller of the 2 bucks by allowing an obvious nobody to bait me into a pissing contest. For the record, there is no BK 10 blocks from the hospital in Lubbock and I think its sad that I even looked. I will leave it at this, anybody thats in the know will know exactly what has happened and if they dont and try to act like they know it will be transparent just as it is with this guy hiding behind a computer. I have already lowered myself be even responding to such childish posts and I will attempt to do the right thing and just leave it alone. Therefore, here is your open shot to get the last word and make me look like an idiot, loser, a-hole or whatever else you are trying to accomplish. I apologize for my part in this trash, it serves no purpose here.

Handled well. Some people are just chicken shits and hide behind a fake identity on the computer. Don't let it bother ya Drummond, This guys a pipsqueek.

I see more damage control here than the Micheal Jackson
thing. Also I have heard or read no denials so Drummer boy
what is it ? Pick your puppy out yet? I just think this guy hit a nerve are you full of it or not ?
Yea drummond, did you decide on a turkey hunt yet? Or are you just trying to make us think we have a big shot among us??? How many clients have you "guided" in the last 2 years????? With all your suppossed leased land you will need to pay for it by guiding hunters, so where are they all at??? Just need some answers!!!!

A MM member with "manny" doubts!
couple of facts: Drummond has written multiple articles that have appeared in Trophy hunter, Muleycrazy etc. One of his most recent clients Chris Perks was on the cover of MuleyCrazy with a big buck over 200", somewhere around 235. This is the second buck in two years over 200" chris has shot with Drummond as the guide. I had Chris and Drummond over at my house and we took these mounted heads to the Arizona Deer Association meeting where Drummond gave a presentation. I guess I am wasting my time writing this knowing there will be some dumbass who will respond without an identity, it just irks me that nobody can use common sense to validate whether someone is for real or not. Drummond is for real but most importantly he is my friend and if you are too lazy or cowardly to check him out from Rusty Hall, Ryan Hatch, Guy Eastman, then its your own personal laziness......... Allen Taylor......
Bill Clinton was the President, does that make him an honest man, that has told the truth?................dont have to think to hard on that huh! Diane Sawyer is on tv every night, does that mean we have to beleive everything that she says? I know several guys that have written articles in publications in my line of work, and I dont see them trying to be ego-maniacs. Also, how many times do you see a post on here "help me find a reputable outfitter/guide", it makes me think outfitters/guides are like lawyers, they cant be trusted???
I personally have seen multiple articles in the Magazines listed above where Drummond was noted as being the guide/outfitter for the hunts. Each article showed some awesome bucks that the hunters had taken and each one was extremely complimentary of Drummond of his skills and his hard work. I dont know Drummond personally, but he has been one of those guys that has always been willing to give advice when Ive asked and has always been helpful to me when needed.

Whoever you are mystery man, either show yourself like a man or have yourself a nice big cup of shut the f*** up! If youve got a beef with Drummond, then take it up with him. YOu trying to "call him out" and make him look bad, only makes you look like an ass, since you continue to hide behind your guise. Reveal youself and your sources and maybe we might listen, but until then quit wasting your time and our time with your useless and timewasting BS.

I dont know if Drummond had been 100% truthful in everything he has ever said or every story he has ever told, but what hunter has....I cant name one among us who tells the truth 100% of the time.

By the way, WTF is up with the "meet me at Burger King" comment. Is this elementary and the Burger King is symbolic of the flagpole....grow up man! Next your going to claim that your dad can beat up his dad!!

Peace....Im outta here!!
Well well well gents.
That was some real name dropping there big bad bura do you feel better now? huh ? Look I dont care if you all want to worship a falase idol really I just called BS where it is thats all.
Im back in east TX for the holiday I will be back in west Texas next week and Drum and I will talk . By the way I have only posted 5 times on here somebody else is too. Yes I have a beef its called BULL sh!t ok .
As for sources www.sierragrandeoutfitters.com ok done.
If that is the only source you have then I am inclined to think that Drummond is a pretty damn smart guy for either quiting or getting fired, whatever the case might be. I had a friend go on a hunt with them and he said it was a joke. The owner, Les Ezell, was drunk when they got there and stayed drunk the whole time according to the guides he had working for him. My friend only saw him one time during the week and Les talked about all of the big deer they were supposedly killing on other ranches then left not to be seen again. He had read good things but it was apparent that there had been way to many hunters and the deer had just ben shot to pieces. Every deer they saw were running as fast as they could in the other direction. There was only one deer killed, about a 25" pencil horned buck. Not exactly what I would expect for one of the most expensivve outfitters out there!
oh tuffbucker is getting salty with the language. Its ok denial is not a bad, just soemthing that is hard to take sometimes. Not everybody is perfekt, but we get close sometimes. We just think that the BS needs to be called on the table, but anywho what ever dude.
I hunted with Les a number of years ago. Drummond was my guide. I took a nice four-point, 182 B&C, and was with another hunter who took a 195 B&C non-typical. Drummond was also the guide on the second buck. I had a great experience with Drummond and would recommend him highly as a competent mule deer hunter. I also enjoyed getting to know Les and respect him as an outfitter. There was no alcohol in our camp. These are both good men. Why don't we get back to talking about hunting and leave the character assassination behind. ramshorn
What the h_ll is going on?

We all know who is right here so do not get mad at some mystery guy that has no balls to post his real name.
Probably just another jealous guy that uses anger instead of congratulations or maybe learn something from a bonafide MM chaser.
I think it is great that we have members on here that share pictures and stories that many of us can only dream about.
I learn something each time I log on here and appreciate the guy's who have been there and done that advice.
Many of us have been guilty of arguing with one another before but we have the nuts to at least post our real name.
Live and learn or go scream in a corner mystery poster.
My opinion.

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